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China & Egypt Using AntiBody Plasma Treatment to Cure Bird Flu Cases

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  • Sally Furniss
    Re: China & Egypt Using Anti-Body Plasma Treatment to Cure Bird Flu Cases

    H5N1 Family Clusters and Limited Human-to-Human Transmission Found in China and Pakistan

    By Michelle Cantu, April 11, 2008

    On April 8, 2008, the Lancet published results from investigations by Chinese health officials into the 2007 H5N1 influenza family cluster in Jiangsu Province, China. In this cluster, possible human-to-human transmission of the H5N1 virus occurred between two members of a family, who both tested positive for H5N1 virus. The index case, a 24 year old male, is thought to have contracted the virus at a live poultry market; however, the second case (the man’s 52 year old father) had no contact with infected poultry. His only exposure to the virus appears to be through contact with his ill son. According to the article, it cannot be ruled out that the father's exposure to the virus occurred through other means. However, genomic sequencing has shown that both cases were "identical except for one…nucleotide substitution," and that “all [virus] genes were entirely of avian origin.”1

    During the investigation, 91 close contacts of one or both cases consented to serological testing and all were negative for H5N1 antibodies. The son died five days following hospitalization and on the same day that H5N1 was confirmed by RT-PCR. According to the Lancet article, the father had provided unprotected bedside care for prolonged periods of time and did not wear personal protective equipment until after the confirmation of H5N1. The father received oseltamivir and later two plasma transfusions from a clinical trial patient that had been vaccinated for H5N1 virus.1

    1. Wang H, Feng Z, Shu Y, et al. Probable limited person-to-person transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) virus in China. The Lancet. Published online April 8, 2008. . Accessed April 10, 2008.
    2. Father “caught bird flu from son’. BBC News. April 8, 2008. Accessed April 10, 2008.
    3. World Health Organization. Avian influenza—situation in Pakistan—update 2. April 3, 2008. Accessed April 10, 2008.

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  • sharon sanders
    Re: China & Egypt Using Anti-Body Plasma Treatment to Cure Bird Flu Cases

    hat tip Senior Moderator Fla Medic -

    Meta-Analysis: Convalescent Blood Products for Spanish Influenza Pneumonia: A Future H5N1 Treatment?

    <nobr>Thomas C. Luke, MD, MTMH</nobr>; <nobr>Edward M. Kilbane, MD, MPH</nobr>; <nobr>Jeffrey L. Jackson, MD, MPH</nobr>; and <nobr>Stephen L. Hoffman, MD, DTMH</nobr>

    17 October 2006 | Volume 145 Issue 8 | Pages 599-609

    Background: Studies from the Spanish influenza era reported that transfusion of influenza-convalescent human blood products reduced mortality in patients with influenza complicated by pneumonia. Treatments for H5N1 influenza are unsatisfactory, and convalescent human plasma containing H5N1 antibodies could be an effective therapy during outbreaks and pandemics.
    Purpose: To determine whether transfusion with influenza-convalescent human blood products reduced the risk for death in patients with Spanish influenza pneumonia.
    Data Sources: Manual search of English-language journals from 1918 to 1925. Citations from retrieved studies were also searched.
    Study Selection: Published English-language studies that had at least 10 patients in the treatment group, used convalescent blood products to treat Spanish influenza pneumonia in a hospital setting, and reported on a control or comparison group.
    Data Extraction: Two investigators independently extracted data on study characteristics, outcomes, adverse events, and quality.
    Data Synthesis: Eight relevant studies involving 1703 patients were found. Treated patients, who were often selected because of more severe illness, were compared with untreated controls with influenza pneumonia in the same hospital or ward. The overall crude case-fatality rate was 16&#37; (54 of 336) among treated patients and 37% (452 of 1219) among controls. The range of absolute risk differences in mortality between the treatment and control groups was 8% to 26% (pooled risk difference, 21% [95% CI, 15% to 27%]). The overall crude case-fatality rate was 19% (28 of 148) among patients who received early treatment (after <4 days of pneumonia complications) and 59% (49 of 83) among patients who received late treatment (after 4 days of pneumonia complications). The range of absolute risk differences in mortality between the early treatment group and the late treatment group was 26% to 50% (pooled risk difference, 41% [CI, 29% to 54%]). Adverse effects included chill reactions and possible exacerbations of symptoms in a few patients.
    Limitations: Studies were few and had many methodologic limitations. No study was a blinded, randomized, or placebo-controlled trial. Some pertinent studies may have been missed.

    Conclusions: Patients with Spanish influenza pneumonia who received influenza-convalescent human blood products may have experienced a clinically important reduction in the risk for death. Convalescent human H5N1 timely, and widely available treatment that should be studied in clinical trials. plasma could be an effective,

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  • sharon sanders
    Re: China &amp; Egypt Using Anti-Body Plasma Treatment to Cure Bird Flu Cases

    Please add information on this thread about this process. Apparently there is some success.


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  • Giuseppe
    Re: Latest Egypt Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

    [WARNING. Google Raw Machine Translation. Please do refer to original article at LINK. ]

    ... reach for a strong combination for the treatment of bird flu

    Successful production of a medicine for bird flu

    The adviser to the Ministry of Health Alagianflonza bird success in treating a large number of infected cases in a hospital with the Tamiflu drug called Egyptian Aalasr quickly informing parents about the situation and stated the truth about the birds in the house and their vulnerability to death.

    Said Dr. Nasserqlqilp diseases consultant, children in the program Good Morning Egypt Egyptian television Sunday that he used over the treatment of additional [Tamiflu] If adopted by the World Health Organization to add the antibody called IGG plasma drawn from more than twenty thousand blood donor

    He appealed to Nasser Qalqulya continue to volunteer to donate blood to extract antibodies from the plasma in question succeeded in the treatment of a total of 27 children infected children, 29

    He Qlqilp that the bird flu virus usually causes the destruction of nuclei in cells of the vesicles in the air, causing the destruction of the lung respiratory unfortunate theory to resist this anti Altdmiobalajdzam IGG, which proved irresistible to a number of viruses previously designated doctors prevent storm unleashed by the immune cells of the body's defense against the virus It has been proven that it could be the cause of the destruction of cell nuclei.

    He said that this additional treatment, which has proven effective for children under the age of 12 is more effective in the early stages of the injury and gave the example of the situation of children of Suez, where Mahmud told his mother before the emergence of symptoms of the disease after the observed decrease in activity and appetite, and confirmed the death of chickens that were raised, where he received treatment at the beginning of the high temperature and by the involvement of the lungs.


    مستشاربالصحة يتوصل لتوليفة قوية لعلاج انفلونزا الطيور

    انتاج دواء ناجح لانفلونزا الطيور

    اعلن مستشار وزارة الصحة لعلاجانفلونزا الطيور نجاحه فى علاج عدد كبير من الحالات المصابة فى مستشفى منشية البكرى فيما دعا االاسر المصرية بسرعة ابلاغ الاباء عن الحالة وذكر الحقيقة عن تربية الطيور فى المنزل وتعرضها للنفوق .

    وقال الدكتور ناصرقلقيلة استشارى امراض الاطفال فى برنامج صباح الخير يا مصر بالتليفزيون المصرى الاحد انه استخدم علاج اضافى فوق التيمى فلو الذى اجازته منظمة الصحة العالمية باضافة الاجسام المضادة المسماة " IGG المستخلصة من بلازما اكثر من عشرين الف متبرع بالدم

    وناشد ناصر قلقلية الاستمرار فى التبرع بالدم من المتطوعين لاستخلاص الاجسام المضادة المذكورة من البلازما حيث نجح فى علاج 27 طفل من مجموع المصابين من الاطفال وعددهم 29

    واضاف قلقيلة ان فيروس مرض انفلونزا الطيور يتسبب عادة فى تدمير انوية خلايا الحويصلات الهوائية فى الرئة مما يسبب تدمير الجهاز التنفسى فقامت نظريته على مقاومة هذا التدميربالاجسام المضادة IGG والتى ثبت مقاومتها لعدد من الفيروسات سابقا ومنع ما يسميه الاطباء العاصفة المناعية التى تطلقها خلايا الجسم للدفاع ضد الفيروس حيث ثبت انها يمكن ان تكون هى المسببة لتدمير انوية الخلايا .

    وقال ان هذا العلاج الاضافى الذى اثبت فاعليته على الاطفال اقل من 12 عاما يكون اكثر فاعلية فى المراحل الاولى من الاصابة وضرب مثلا بحالة الطفل محمود من السويس حيث ابلغت والدته قبل ظهور اعراض المرض عليه بعد ملاحظتها انخفاض فى نشاطه وشهيته واكدت نفوق الدجاج التى كانت تربيه فتلقى العلاج فى بداية ارتفاع درجة الحرارة وقبل اصابة الرئتين .


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  • China & Egypt Using AntiBody Plasma Treatment to Cure Bird Flu Cases

    Further evidence that Peng's mother likely to have died from bird flu. Also, treatment plan that saved Peng mentioned.


    <founder-content> </founder-content>Highly pathogenic avian influenza this person's word is a mouthful, for just in the area of separation birthday Spend three small PENG (a pseudonym) is obviously too high, so even though she almost died.

    For the domestic youngest person of highly pathogenic bird flu, Health Minister Chen Zhu told Shanxi specialized aspects "at all costs for medical treatment."

    From admission to the critically ill and then recovered, and hundreds of man-made travel PENG busy. 21 days, across both the old and the new Lunar New Year, but also across the life and death and beyond something.

    Observation period is still

    Since cold temperature, in Shanxi Province by the end of February is still cold.

    Shanxi Xiaoyi City Indus Village before the town is home PENG's Grandpa.

    Su Fang, director of the village health clinic every day to do door-to-door check for PENG, Xiaoyi City People's Hospital's experts also regularly follow-up to the village.

    Discharged February 3, the PENG good body no longer has a fever cold. A few days ago, Grandpa and Grandma go to the city with PENG two chest X-ray film, the situation is normal.

    PENG has at least six months observation period, every month, wanted to go to Taiyuan Fourth People's Hospital, a review by local doctors and nurses Xiaoyi special vehicles, the journey around 2 hours.

    Observation period was not strict requirements, and hospitalization ago, PENG life has been little change. PENG worried because playing much running will cough, originally strapped teeth Grandpa and grandma one, spent more than 800 yuan bought a electric toy car. PENG but only occasionally to play a while, more often and Sisters is still rough, happy when sisters hold each giggle. Only in the face of a stranger when, PENG will shrink to Grandpa behind, carefully looking at each other.

    Master of avian flu infection, PENG also under the age of three, is the person currently known avian flu patients, the youngest one. At the same time, she is also infected early eight patients, one of the earliest rehabilitation. The remaining seven patients, only 2 people eventually recovered.

    PENG does not know these, it would not care about. She was concerned that when the mother returned with her, when Hunan PLAYING again.

    Years ago, the pro tour in Hunan Province, to her and her family brought about by the disaster, are the three-year-old girl in any case can not be clearly known and understood.

    Suspected bird flu

    End of last year, PENG Yan-Mei He Weifang mother with two daughters went to Changsha, to visit his father at home job. except to accompany his mother went to market, and to do business aunt live rice, PENG how little out of the house, which was not quite satisfied with her.

    New Year's Day after his grandma and Grandpa suddenly came to Changsha, PENG put back to Shanxi.

    This is because HE Wei Mei (mother of Peng -Fla1) suddenly fell ill was admitted to hospital where he died a week after the announcement, the hospital's diagnosis was "severe pneumonia with acute respiratory distress syndrome."

    To make matters worse, PENG also begin fever. Back in Shanxi, the disease more and more serious, Grandpa He Hangen cloud that a child is just beginning on the road with tired, and can be PENG situation does not improve. Several urban areas in the village and hospital treatment is not effective after January 14, HE Han-yun and his wife to hurry with the granddaughter of the provincial capital Taiyuan.

    6:00 that evening, PENG was admitted to Children's Hospital of Shanxi Province. The chief physician on duty KANG Yu Zhang recalled that at the time the immediate girls pale gray hair, lips purple, and dull eyes, breathing shallow and promote, and even have no response to an acupuncture treatment.

    KANG Yu Zhang hastily asked 25-year executive director of the Medical Hao-ping. From the chest, the lung inflammation PENG extremely serious: white shadows of the lungs accounted for two-thirds of the total area, nearly half of the loss of respiratory function.

    Grandpa talk He Hangen cloud at the side of the family misfortune. When it comes to the child's mother a week ago of pneumonia at the time of the death of Hunan, vocational-sensitive so that the two doctors called to the elderly.

    "The child and her mother come into contact with live birds吗?"

    "Come into contact with, PENG's aunt on the sale of chickens and ducks in the live poultry market."

    People highly pathogenic avian influenza? KANG Yu Zhang said that when she and to look for a long time, chilling.

    Check-SARS wards

    Easy to discuss a bit, two doctors immediately reported to the Medical Service hospital immediately PENG quarantine measures taken, to the pediatric emergency center 100,000 to clean up the air pressure isolation wards, on the full range of emergency care equipment.

    Ex post facto analysis of the Ministry of Health experts believe that the reason why PENG can receive timely treatment and rehabilitation, first of all, thanks to early detection, from admission to isolation was found to less than two hours.

    Children's Hospital, director of leadership and the department have been recruited through the night to discuss the emergency hospital, diagnosed as pneumonia of unknown causes, that is people-specific SARS and bird flu, people are one of a high degree of suspicion of avian influenza. This conclusion promptly report to the Shanxi Provincial Health Department Emergency Response Office.

    Early the next morning, all the best medical experts in Taiyuan has been organized for a second consultation PENG. After a comprehensive analysis, the Group believes that children with symptoms of pneumonia of unknown causes in line with the standards, the network agreed to direct the Ministry of Health reported.

    January 15 afternoon, Shanxi Province Health Department of Health announced the launch emergency plan to respond to two. That night, PENG blood, it kind of secretion samples and related directly to Beijing.

    Ministry of Health dispatched two experts - Beijing Children's Hospital Professor Qian Suyun, First Hospital, Peking University Professor Wang Guangfa emergency "airborne" Taiyuan, meanwhile brought 100 milliliters Kexing Chinese companies and disease control of R & D-specific antibodies in plasma, In addition, the antiviral drug Tamiflu have effects. Later, the results proved that the plasma in the treatment process has played a good role.

    January 17, the Ministry of Health Office emergency response communications: Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences of Shanxi censorship "unexplained pneumonia cases" Detect review samples, the results for the H5N1 avian influenza virus type, the cases of human infection confirmed cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza.

    According to the deployment of Health Department of Shanxi Province, Taiyuan PENG was emergency transferred to the Fourth People's Hospital emergency ward. This has more than 70 beds are in the building board room during the SARS emergency built, known as the "Shanxi Xiaotangshan." When the last SARS patient discharged from hospital cured, it no longer stationed in sick, in addition to regular disinfection, perennial locking gate.

    6 years after the SARS isolation wards have been re-enabled.

    Injection of "Wahaha"

    Children's Hospital of Shanxi Province, Liu Ke, deputy director of respiratory led war, and the Ministry of Health, Taiyuan four hospital peer together to form, including first aid, respiratory, radiology, paediatrics, nursing, etc. 15 person team of experts.

    However, including the Ministry of Health experts, no one met the exceptional cases of avian flu. Liu Ke-war was described as "feeling the stones across the river", "treading on thin ice", each time to fine-tune treatment program, must go through the Group of Experts argued repeatedly to take effect, then a lot of decisions are made at great risk of .
    Think because of being easy to use at the problem, broad-spectrum antibiotic was the first suspension. Soon, in the use of hormones on the Group of Experts had heated discussions. Diagnosis and treatment of atypical pneumonia in the previous on domestic hormone had been caused by improper use of sick "femoral head necrosis" and other sequelae. PENG, taking into account only 3 years old, hormone dosage was gradually have consciously stopped.

    Liu Ke-war said that the treatment of another key point, the patients are the implementation of the "moderate" respiratory support, that is, from top to bottom in the control of oxygen for the effort, it is necessary to meet the physical needs, but also to eliminate the use of breathing machine to the patients hazards.

    Treatment of early, PENG has refused to eat, the Group will move to the book read literacy PENG him, "What to eat? Ice cream? Milk? Wahaha?" When the reference to "Wahaha" when there is feebly PENG locations of the nod. The next two days, using injection needles collected PENG Wahaha calcium milk became the main diet, appetite stimulation, through a child's desire to survive.

    The Group believes that nutrition support can be provided for the treatment of much help to restore digestive function the first time, be able to quickly put nutrition to keep up with the years, in fact, any transfusion are the recovery of gastrointestinal function can not be replaced on the body to help.

    To pay
    At the same time, Taiyuan, Luliang city activated the human avian influenza contingency monitoring, reporting and implementation of epidemicd ay. 67 close contacts have also been isolated, beginning a sustained 15-day medical observation. HE Han-yun on one side of the isolation wards, totally do not know the world outside. In order to meet granddaughter, burning several attempts from jumping through the window of the elderly, health care workers were finally persuaded under.

    January 20, held at the Ministry of Health Human bird flu prevention and control work on television and telephone conference, Health Minister Chen Zhu, in particular regard to the Shanxi told: at all costs for medical treatment in children, children with treatment successful, will the National Human bird flu prevention and control work has great significance.

    Price quickly emerged - PENG admitted at the news, Children's Hospital of Shanxi Province and Taiyuan Fourth People's Hospital Outpatient Visits rapid decline, and even less than one-third of the same period last year.
    hanxi Province Health Department director of high Guoshun commented that this is the price, are to pay.

    Eventually recovered and were discharged

    3 days later, after a group of experts carefully rescue, PENG start of the vital signs gradually stabilized.
    Experts in private joke, saying that it remanded back to betting yes.
    PENG state of getting better. A few days, she has been accustomed to watch the wearing think can only see the eyes of the people begin to see father mother exclaimed.

    Liu Ke Zhan and his colleagues take turns waiting, and the development of early psychological intervention plan, to accompany PENG play chat, and enhance her sense of identity. Later, PENG direct isolation wards where male doctors called the "father", female doctors and nurses called "Mother."

    However, the risk may occur at any time. LUO Hong-rounds in a Doctor inquiry, PENG suddenly cough up, droplets of the LUO Hong-splashed face. First time wards silence, all terrified, hastened to allow Tamiflu dose LUO Hong prevention.

    Then a few days, even if the cessation of oxygen PENG can and "mother" are playing, no longer coughing, lungs mutant images show obvious absorption, increasing the normal indicators of the signs.

    Ministry of Health experts early withdrawal.

    Chinese New Year's Eve evening, the night shifts round the head nurse does not remain in the hospital accompanied Lei PENG Chinese New Year.

    PENG three are the first two days the first month birthday, where all those involved in health care workers have to get together for PENG bought a variety of toys and gifts at ward installed colorful lanterns, the hospital also bought specially give PENG birthday cake.

    Zhang Lei, a smile recalled that PENG only eyes before looking at the "father", "mother" who playfully asked: "Why do not you mouth? how you?" Comparison of PENG Gang admitted to hospital at the time of appearance, Zhang Lei said that she felt very happy.

    February 3, at 21 days after admission, in accordance with the criteria established by the Ministry of Health, PENG was declared recovered and been discharged. Guoshun high up in the farewell ceremony, said the rehabilitation of PENG that people bird flu is preventable and governance.

    Has been hiding in the corridor of Zhang Lei is very sad, because after take off small PENG actually did not recognize her, not her mind. Until she gently shouted the name PENG, PENG only excitedly shouted "Zhang mother," quickly came running Zhang Lei's bosom.

    Zhang Lei no longer could, tears eyes. Call him a lover of the phone, loudly exclaimed: "I want children." Reporter Dong Tang
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