27 people Died from H1N1, H3N2
Health Minister Mehmet Muezzinoglu, the H1N1 virus of 27 people, 2-3 people died due to the virus but H2N3 swine influenza a outbreak of said question. İslam in Saudi Arabia cooperation organization (OIC) Turkey participating in the technical cooperation in the field of health evaluation meeting Magdy, Secretary General of the OIC after İyad met with marital status. Marital status with health, hygiene, and social issues of the Islamic countries in joint projects to lower income might be expressing what they talked to Gary, ' under the umbrella of the PRT to be of a strong health management leadership. In this sense, the Turkey is ready to do your part of. We decided to work on sharpening with this, 'he said.
Health Minister Mehmet Muezzinoglu, the H1N1 virus of 27 people, 2-3 people died due to the virus but H2N3 swine influenza a outbreak of said question. İslam in Saudi Arabia cooperation organization (OIC) Turkey participating in the technical cooperation in the field of health evaluation meeting Magdy, Secretary General of the OIC after İyad met with marital status. Marital status with health, hygiene, and social issues of the Islamic countries in joint projects to lower income might be expressing what they talked to Gary, ' under the umbrella of the PRT to be of a strong health management leadership. In this sense, the Turkey is ready to do your part of. We decided to work on sharpening with this, 'he said.