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AH1N1 virus confirmed in Poland
28.01.2016 18:12
A hospital in northern Poland has confirmed that a woman has the AH1N1 swine flu, although authorities say there is no cause for anxiety.
Laboratory tests collected from a hospital in Olsztyn showed that a woman in the city is ill with the AH1N1 swine flu, a sanitary inspector from the Warmia and Mazury region, Bożena Najda, told the PAP news agency on Thursday.
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Twitter: @RonanKelly13
The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.
At least two outbreaks of swine flu in Poland. He died in Krak?w infected patient
A strain of influenza AH1N1 again reached the Polish. The swine flu virus was diagnosed with an inhabitant of Olsztyn, who came to the hospital with a fever and headache. In Krak?w, died a man who was infected, though in his case the direct cause of death was advanced hematologiczna diseaseAt least two outbreaks of swine flu in Poland. He died in Krak?w infected patient
Szczep grypy AH1N1 ponownie dotarł do Polski. Wirusa świńskiej grypy wykryto u mieszkanki Olsztyna, która zgłosiła się do szpitala z gorączką i bólem głowy. W Krakowie zmarł...
Already on 6 patients of the Krakow University Hospital has been diagnosed swine flu, meaning the virus AH1N1. Patients may, however, be much more. The following individuals are diagnosed. Hospital reassures that there is no cause for concern.
The first information about the swine flu we received at Kontakt24. Then it was still about three people sick. One of them died. It is not known whether it was the flu was the cause of death. -This person went to us with serious condition hematologiczną, of respiratory failure. On Wednesday the autopsy has been carried out. The results are not yet known, said Maria Włodkowska, a spokeswoman for the hospital. On Saturday morning is given information about three people sick. Infected AH1N1 may, however, be more because the other patients are in the process of diagnosis.
Już u 6 pacjentów krakowskiego Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego została zdiagnozowana świńska grypa, czyli wirus AH1N1. Chorych może być jednak znacznie więcej. Kolejne osoby są bowiem diagnozowane. Szpital uspokaja, że nie ma powodów do obaw.
Two people afflicted with swine flu died in Gliwice Oncology Centre. To patients with bone marrow transplant, a burdens. There has been introduced a ban on visits. In the province. already, Silesian 16 people became sick on swine flu. 2 cancer patients-a man and a woman--died. Their body has not fought the virus. Immunosuppressive drugs, which led to transplant immunity fall they got. Other patients infected with swine flu in Gliwice and jaworznickim hospital. Bone marrow transplantation clinic in Gliwice paused adoption and visit.
20 cases of swine flu in Poland, two deaths
by Lauren Owens | 8 Feb 2016 | Polish news
20 patients have been diagnosed with swine flu this year in Silesia, south Poland. Two of those people are dead. A hospital in Gliwice has prohibited patient visits. The source of the flu is unknown.
The number of swine flu patients is increasing day by day. On Friday, there were 16 known cases. On Saturday ? 19. Today, the voivodship crisis management centre informs that in Silesia there are already 20 sick people.
The virus has killed two people. A 71-year-old man and a 56-year-old woman. Both had strongly reduced immunity. They were patients of the Oncology Centre in Gliwice, after surgery and transplants. Therefore doctors were not able to save them.
20 patients have been diagnosed with swine flu this year in Silesia, south Poland. Two of those people are dead. A hospital in Gliwice has prohibited patient visits. The source of the flu is unknown.
When in doubt, see a doctor
The number of swine flu patients is increasing day
Twitter: @RonanKelly13
The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.
Swine flu in Wrocław. Two people are dead, there are other sick
Already two people dead in the last week in Wroclaw, due to the swine flu virus. The third person due to complications after illness died in Kłodzko. To hospitals in Wrocław and seek other sufferers. The whole lower Silesia in hospitals is already 16 people, which have been found to have the presence of the A/H1N1 virus. On Wednesday the military hospital. Weigla to appeal stopped for this reason to visit patients. Visits are also held in intensive care at the hospital. Grabiszyńska Street.