Xdcfv -virus was not direct cause of death, patients were able to heavy before parasite. The remaining patients is in isolation facilities where there are human patients, the situation is mastered, said spokesman Tomasz Koziel hospital and added that we still don't know how virus entered the hospital premises.
At the beginning zdiagnozowaliśmy one case pig influenza. Staff noted an elevated fever and decided to investigate patient under an account of virus A/H1N1 - spokesman stressed Provincial Specialist Hospital in Legnica.
Confirmation of the presence of virus was 20 February. Since that time it has been diagnosed in 7 persons. 2 Of them do not live. Concerns doctors have confirmed February 20, when they received the results of the tests. Since that time every few days he also sought to analyze another staff person has contracted.
- We have applied standard operating procedures. Odizolowaliśmy patients from the rest of residents and we have questioned all patients branch - explains Koziel. As he says, the treatment does not differ greatly from pig influenza seasonal influenza treatment. - Here we are, however, in dealing with people with impaired immunity. In such cases, a virus is a serious threat to health, he says.
At the beginning zdiagnozowaliśmy one case pig influenza. Staff noted an elevated fever and decided to investigate patient under an account of virus A/H1N1 - spokesman stressed Provincial Specialist Hospital in Legnica.
Confirmation of the presence of virus was 20 February. Since that time it has been diagnosed in 7 persons. 2 Of them do not live. Concerns doctors have confirmed February 20, when they received the results of the tests. Since that time every few days he also sought to analyze another staff person has contracted.
- We have applied standard operating procedures. Odizolowaliśmy patients from the rest of residents and we have questioned all patients branch - explains Koziel. As he says, the treatment does not differ greatly from pig influenza seasonal influenza treatment. - Here we are, however, in dealing with people with impaired immunity. In such cases, a virus is a serious threat to health, he says.