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H1N1 flu in a Polish hospital - 7 infected, 3 dead

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  • H1N1 flu in a Polish hospital - 7 infected, 3 dead

    Xdcfv -virus was not direct cause of death, patients were able to heavy before parasite. The remaining patients is in isolation facilities where there are human patients, the situation is mastered, said spokesman Tomasz Koziel hospital and added that we still don't know how virus entered the hospital premises.

    At the beginning zdiagnozowaliśmy one case pig influenza. Staff noted an elevated fever and decided to investigate patient under an account of virus A/H1N1 - spokesman stressed Provincial Specialist Hospital in Legnica.
    Confirmation of the presence of virus was 20 February. Since that time it has been diagnosed in 7 persons. 2 Of them do not live. Concerns doctors have confirmed February 20, when they received the results of the tests. Since that time every few days he also sought to analyze another staff person has contracted.
    - We have applied standard operating procedures. Odizolowaliśmy patients from the rest of residents and we have questioned all patients branch - explains Koziel. As he says, the treatment does not differ greatly from pig influenza seasonal influenza treatment. - Here we are, however, in dealing with people with impaired immunity. In such cases, a virus is a serious threat to health, he says.

  • #2
    Re: H1N1 flu in a Polish hospital - 7 infected, 2 dead

    Virus A/H1N1 woman is in the sum of seven patients branch haematological Provincial Specialist Hospital in Legnica. Adoption of new patients on hold.

    Pig flu was diagnosed in Legnica hospital for the first 20 February. - that is what we have only with vigilance, the doctor That just in case recommended patient throughput gorączkującego for presence of the virus A/H1N1. Immediately przedsięwzięliśmy, all possible safety measures: we have shut off branch hematologiczny wypisaliśmy for visitors to your home, these patients, whose health status is favorable, A new we are not," says spokesman Tomasz goat" hospital. Yet despite this pig flu has been diagnosed in six other patients in this unit, haematological, for the last time on Friday. Two of those infected people died. - Doctors are not, however, directly from their death of a/H1N1 virus. Both were taken to the hospital in very ill, suffered from a malicious form of cancer. Swine influenza may accelerate their death - explains the goat. The remaining patients who were infected with A/H1N1 were kept in accordance with the applicable procedures, and one of them hit in the ICU. Legniccy doctors do not know how a virus pig influenza found in hospital. - Approximately 30 percent of all disease is due to infection with influenza A/H1N1. In the majority of patients this does, however, threatening complications. This is not the case for patients who have a reduced branch, haematological, and often even a zero resistance - summarizes Tomasz goat.


    • #3
      Re: H1N1 flu in a Polish hospital - 7 infected, 2 dead

      In Legnica hospital three deaths

      A/H1N1 virus has been diagnosed in the seven hospital patients in Legnica. Over a period of several days in three infected died. Hospital interpreters, that bristles influenza was not direct cause of their death. In spite of everything, for the duration of the treatment, other patients were closed branch, on which spread a virus. - At the beginning zdiagnozowaliśmy one case pig influenza. Staff noted an elevated fever and decided to investigate patient under an account of virus A/H1N1 - informs on Friday Tomasz Koziel, spokesman of Provincial Specialized Hospital in Legnica. Concerns doctors have confirmed February 20, when they received the results of the tests. Since that time every few days he also sought to analyze another staff person has contracted.

      Wirusa A/H1N1 zdiagnozowano u siedmiu pacjentów szpitala w Legnicy. W ciągu kilkunastu dni zmarło trzech zarażonych. Szpital tłumaczy, że świńska grypa nie była bezpośrednią przyczyną ich śmierci. Mimo wszystko, na czas leczenia pozostałych chorych, zamknięto oddział, na którym rozprzestrzeniał się wirus.


      • #4
        Re: H1N1 flu in a Polish hospital - 7 infected, 3 dead

        Influenza in Lower Silesia. Three people are dead, more hospitals restrict visits

        Due to six very heavy flu cases Sunday suspended visits are in hospitals. An urban and Chałubińskiego. The visit also has limited military hospital. Weigl. Still it is not known whether influenza AH1N1 virus cases Wrocław, that is, the so-called swine flu. In Legnica on Friday died already three people infected with the virus AH1N1.

        Hospital Street. Kamieński, struggling with flu. In serious condition there are six people from three branches: cardiac, Pediatric, for which shall be adopted and children up to the age of 12. In this regard, paused any visit. Food and for patients submitted in bags by the nurses on the branches. Hospital Emergency Unit is working normally.

        Chałubińskiego. Directorate stopped there today visit. -Preventive action. At the moment we don't have rates of flu complications, and even more so on the influenza AH1N1. There is no visitation at all branches of the hospital, says Sebastian Lorenc, a spokesman for the hospital. Chałubińskiego. restrictions introduced Roadshow military hospital. Weigl. Due to the flu season, visits are only possible from h. 16-17.-the situation is dynamic, but for now there is no disturbing signals, says Ursula Małecka from hospital. Koszarowej. Do not fell ill with the flu no additional sick. For now, so in the hospital. Koszarowej no additional restrictions. during the visit, he added.


        • #5
          Re: H1N1 flu in a Polish hospital - 7 infected, 3 dead

          Poznan hospital staff suffering from pig flu

          Are any further individuals on pig flu. AH1N1 virus has been detected in the seven persons from urban hospital staff Jozef Ostrich in Poznan. - Wstrzymujemy visit - inform the ombudsman institution, in which there is no longer including fourteen infected. But also provides: - Life patients do not put at risk, there is no epidemic.

          Five nurses, rejestratorka and salowa. Seven people from our staff have been infected with swine influenza," says Stanislaw a Russki from urban hospital Jozef Ostrich in Poznan. This is not the first time in a few days, when the last facility appeared patients with AH1N1 virus. On Thursday doctors have adopted si?demkę such patients. Because of the good health two of them have been posted to the house and there is medication. READ WIĘCEJStan sick workers is also not bad. - No-one does not require treatment at the facility, to health are in their own homes - adds a Russki.

          Są kolejne osoby chorujące na świńską grypę. Wirusa AH1N1 wykryto u siedmiu osób z personelu szpitala miejskiego im. Józefa Strusia w Poznaniu. - Wstrzymujemy wizyty - informuje rzecznik placówki, w której pojawiło się już łącznie czternastu zarażonych. Ale też zapewnia: - Życiu pacjentów nie zagraża niebezpieczeństwo, nie ma też epidemii.


          • #6
            Re: H1N1 flu in a Polish hospital - 7 infected, 3 dead

            two people suffering from swine flu in hospitals

            Patients with A/H1N1 virus found in the Clinical Hospital for Dojlidach and Burke. People infected have been isolated in accordance with the applicable procedures. -Thanks to the vigilance of doctors, who in any case recommended to examine the patient's gorączkującego for the presence of the A/H1N1 virus, managed to take the appropriate action-we heard from doctors with the provincial hospital. Infected male lives permanently in to Białystok, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, arrived a few days ago. The second case found in a patient who is staying at the hospital on the clinical Dojlidach. In both cases, the presence of the A/H1N1 virus confirmed the Provincial Sanitary Epidemiological Station-in Los Angeles. About 30 percent of all cases of flu A/H1N1 virus infection arises from. The symptoms are the same as the regular flu. chills, headache and muscle pain, runny nose or fever. Most patients do not give, however, serious complications. This is different in the case of individuals who have reduced immunity.


            • #7
              Re: H1N1 flu in a Polish hospital - 7 infected, 3 dead

              Swine flu in Poznan: Sanepid confirms reservations 'Głosu '
              Sanepid audited hospital. There are patients with swine flu and the A/H1N1 virus caught part of the medical personnel. The outcome of the checks is for the Hospital Authority. The fact that a hospital in Poznan, ul. The Swiss, where there are patients with swine flu, happens to be poorly reported on Wednesday.


              • #8
                Re: H1N1 flu in a Polish hospital - 7 infected, 3 dead

                Swine influenza not forgiveth! IN Lubin in Lower Silesia was adopted at a branch three persons, the avian influenza virus AH1N1, known as 'swine Gryp'. As you can see bristles influenza still does not give up. At the beginning of March in one of the hospitals living branch haematology, doctors have discovered a virus AH1N1 in eight patients, of which three people died. Doctors zdementowali reports, stating that the bristles flu was the cause of death, claiming that they were other circumstances.

                IN Lubin in Lower Silesia Regional Center have been adopted across the department internal next three infected persons the deadly virus. Admitted Patients were separated from other patients. In addition, information on all reached already the District Crisis Management Center in Lubin. As the event, the data on the status, infected patients do not come to the public. Not even known in so far as they are aged.

