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Growing number of swine influenza in Poland

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  • Growing number of swine influenza in Poland

    34 Cases of disease in the pig influenza in Silesian Voivodeship confirmed sanepid. Not excluded that this number increase even more, because he got to examine further several dozen samples.
    Confirmed by sanepid 34 cases of disease in the pig influenza from early December last.
    Year concern people from Bielsko-Bia ła, Poland, were and Katowice.

    in Silesian Voivodeship died so far two persons, the virus which has been detected AH1N1-one in Cieszyn and one in Bielsko-Bia ła. In both cases pig influenza was not however-as by doctors-direct cause of the death.
    Even today in the afternoon are to be known results further samples. As informed spokesperson Voivodeship Sanitarno-Epidemiologicznej Station in Katowice, to the station received about 30 samples to investigate

    34 przypadki zachorowań na świńską grypę w województwie śląskim potwierdził sanepid. Niewykluczone, że ta liczba jeszcze wzrośnie, bo do zbadania trafiło kolejnych kilkadziesiąt próbek, w których może zostać wykryty wirus AH1N1. Aby zapobiec ewentualnym zachorowaniom, uczniom z liceum w Bielsko-Białej zalecono noszenie na lekcjach maseczek ochronnych.