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Influenza Surveilance in Ireland ? Wekly Report
Influenza Wek 45 2014 (3rd ? 9th November 2014)
Al indicators of influenza activity in Ireland were at low levels during week 45 2014. Influenza-like ilnes (ILI): The sentinel GP influenza-like illness (ILI) consultation rate was 5.2 per 10,00
population in week 45 2014, remaining low, and stable compared to the updated rate of 4.6 per 10,00
reported during week 4 2014.
o ILI rates remain below the Irish baseline threshold (21.0 per 10,00 population)
o ILI rates remain at low levels in all age groups GP Out of Hours: The proportion of influenza?related calls to GP Out-of-Hours services remained at low
levels during week 45 2014. National Virus Reference Laboratory (NVRL):
o One confirmed influenza A(H3) positive specimen was reported from the NVRL from sentinel GP
sources during week 45 2014. This is the first influenza positive specimen reported from sentinel GP
sources for the 2014/2015 influenza season.
o No confirmed influenza positive specimens were reported from non-sentinel sources during week 45
o Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) positivity increased in recent weeks, as expected at his time of year.
o Sporadic detections of adenovirus, parainfluenza virus type 3 (PIV-3) and human metapneumovirus
(hMPV) have been reported for the season to date. Hospitalisations: No confirmed influenza hospitalised cases were notifed to HPSC during wek 45 2014. ICU admissions: No confirmed influenza cases admitted to ICU were reported to HPSC this season. Mortality: There were no reports of any influenza-associated deaths during week 45 2014. Outbreaks: One acute respiratory outbreak in HSE-E was reported to HPSC during week 45 2014. International: Influenza activity in the European Region remained low.
Link to Health Protection Surveillance Centre;
Influenza Surveilance in Ireland ? Wekly Report
Influenza Wek 45 2014 (3rd ? 9th November 2014)
Al indicators of influenza activity in Ireland were at low levels during week 45 2014. Influenza-like ilnes (ILI): The sentinel GP influenza-like illness (ILI) consultation rate was 5.2 per 10,00
population in week 45 2014, remaining low, and stable compared to the updated rate of 4.6 per 10,00
reported during week 4 2014.
o ILI rates remain below the Irish baseline threshold (21.0 per 10,00 population)
o ILI rates remain at low levels in all age groups GP Out of Hours: The proportion of influenza?related calls to GP Out-of-Hours services remained at low
levels during week 45 2014. National Virus Reference Laboratory (NVRL):
o One confirmed influenza A(H3) positive specimen was reported from the NVRL from sentinel GP
sources during week 45 2014. This is the first influenza positive specimen reported from sentinel GP
sources for the 2014/2015 influenza season.
o No confirmed influenza positive specimens were reported from non-sentinel sources during week 45
o Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) positivity increased in recent weeks, as expected at his time of year.
o Sporadic detections of adenovirus, parainfluenza virus type 3 (PIV-3) and human metapneumovirus
(hMPV) have been reported for the season to date. Hospitalisations: No confirmed influenza hospitalised cases were notifed to HPSC during wek 45 2014. ICU admissions: No confirmed influenza cases admitted to ICU were reported to HPSC this season. Mortality: There were no reports of any influenza-associated deaths during week 45 2014. Outbreaks: One acute respiratory outbreak in HSE-E was reported to HPSC during week 45 2014. International: Influenza activity in the European Region remained low.