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Robert Koch Institute: Berlin physician warn of new flu wave

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  • Robert Koch Institute: Berlin physician warn of new flu wave

    Despite clearly fewer flu illnesses than in the previous years gives the citizen of Berlin the Robert Koch Institute still no 'all-clear' signal. 2012 began the flu wave only in the middle of February, said Silke Buda, influenza Expertin at the citizen of Berlin Robert Koch-Institut (RKI). Forecasts do not leave yourself the development. At present the working group influenza registers a rising number of acute respiratory diseases in Germany. The cause of coughs, cold and sore throats are for the moment however often also different cold viruses, said Buda. Still is time for a flu vaccination. The inoculation ratios would lie in Germany with approximately 28 percent further too low. The target of the World Health Organization with 75 percent with older humans does not reach Germany. Compared with 2013 the country wide flu numbers, which are conveyed after the infection law for the protection to the RKI, see in this year nearly harmlessly out. there were 373 registered cases of influenza in January. 2013 was it 6428 proofs in the first four weeks. In the small one the trend in large cities reflects itself such as Berlin: 26 last news compared with 258 at the beginning of the year 2013.

    Husten, Schnupfen, Halsweh: Die Erkältungszeit ist noch nicht vorbei. Eine große Grippewelle ist bisher ausgeblieben. Doch Experten des Berliner Robert-Koch-Institut empfehlen, sich impfen zu lassen.