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A (H1N1) resulted in a lung transplant in Finland

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  • A (H1N1) resulted in a lung transplant in Finland

    HUS was made last week in lung transplant A (H1N1) influenza in patients with a middle-aged patient. The patient had not received the A (H1N1)-rokotusta.Aiemmin basic healthy patient's lungs had stopped working, and he had been nearly four weeks breathing machine, and more than three weeks extracorporeal happeuttamishoidossa (ECMO) prior to transplant .- Finland has not previously had a lung transplant precisely A ( H1N1) 's result. And not very many of the world, "says surgery has a heart-transplant surgeon, and Mr. H?mm?inen HUS sta.Ratkaisu transplantation had to be done quickly. Lung transplantation is rarely done so in bad shape to a patient, but because it was obvious that his own lungs start operation and the organ was available, surgery was decided. Lung transplantation was successful and the patient has begun to heal. Some of the A (H1N1)-treated patients develop severe and rapidly progressive oxygenation. H?mm?inen estimates that difficult at all A (H1N1) cases in the case will often situations where keuhkojensiirto should be at the same time, both necessary and possible. However, he points out that the most difficult cases would be good to have rushed the ECMO treatment. It can be used to minimize ventilator therapy caused additional damage to the virus-ridden lungs and improve conditions for recovery.
    Care is provided heart-lung machine, which is university hospitals in Finland, only cardiac surgery clinics. The closest the ECMO center in Stockholm.

    HUS:ssa tehtiin viime viikolla keuhkonsiirto A(H1N1)-influenssaa sairastavalle keski-ikäiselle potilaalle.