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DENMARK: suspected case, NY flight isolated

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  • DENMARK: suspected case, NY flight isolated (in danish)

    Susupected H1N1 flue case in 62 year old male passager with H1N1 flu symptoms.
    He landed 7.10 AM in Kastrup Airport (Copenhagen area) from New York this morning.
    Flight SK910, Newark-Kastrup Airport

    The passenger got sick with flu sysmptoms 3 days ago in New York, and through the flight he also vomited.
    One newsreport is saying he has no fever.
    It was another passager, who is a doctor, who alarmed the flight crew.

    The airplane with all 250 passagers are now isolated and a doctor have entered the flight..

    The suspected patiend and his wife + all passengers sitting in the closes lines of seats in front and behind him, will all be examined for the flu.

    To be continued when news comes in (Denmark have a 3 hour H1N1 test)...

  • #2
    Re: DENMARK: suspected case, NY flight isolated

    Test says: not A-influenza

    Still, the sick man and his wife was brought to epidemic ward at Hvidover Hospital

