Re: Denmark - 6 suspected new coronavirus patients - test negative for coronavirus - 5 have tested positive for Influenza B
Wednesday 26th September 2012
The six Danes who were suspected of having a dangerous coronavirus, all had a common flu.
All six people who were suspected of having coronavirus, is not infected with the SARS-like virus. It informs Odense University Hospital and Statens Serum Institut.
Samples from the Statens Serum Institute shows that patients instead are infected with influenza B, which is a common so-called seasonal flu.
Now that the six persons have been acquitted of Corona virus, there is no more Danes, where there is suspicion of a coronavirus infection.
- There are no more in this one place, but there may indeed be more tests, said Dr. at Statens Serum Institut, Donald Fomsgaard.
Five of the six are admitted to Odense University Hospital, while the sixth is hospitalized at Hvidovre Hospital.
More: TV2
No announcement yet.
Denmark - 6 suspected new coronavirus patients - all test negative for coronavirus - tested positive for Influenza B
Re: Denmark - 6 suspected new coronavirus patients - test negative
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Isolated patients do not have SARS-like virus
Hospitalized take disease home from the trip, but it is not coronavirus.
"They admitted something wrong, they have been home from the warm countries, as we do not have here in Denmark. But it is not coronavirus, "said Dr. from Statens Serum Institut, Donald Fomsgaard to
"We are over in any flu, we found out, after today we have investigated patient samples for 25 different viruses'.
Therefore, the five patients since yesterday have been admitted to Odense University, now quietly go home and recuperate.
The same applies to the patient who is admitted to Hvidovre Hospital with the same symptoms as the five from Odense. The person are still waiting for that one at Statens Serum Institut find out what he or she fails.
However, it is ruled out in the case of coronavirus, says Anders Fomsgaard solid. He expects to have an answer ready for the patient within half an hour.
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Re: Denmark - 6 suspected new coronavirus patients - test negative
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Gert van der Hoek
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Denmark: Patients not infected with coronavirus
Patients not infected with coronavirus
Patients at Odense University Hospital are not affected by coronavirus.
The five persons admitted for observation at Odense University Hospital has not been affected by coronavirus.
It was sayd by Dr. Donald Fomsgaard from Statens Serum Institut to
- There is no coronavirus in samples from the five persons who are admitted to the University Hospital.
Consultant Svend Stensvang-Pedersen is not surprised.
- It was unlikely that patients in Denmark would be affected by the coronavirus, when there are only two centers in the world who are affected.
Today, 10:02 AM
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Re: Denmark: Patients not infected with coronavirus
Five patients not infected with corona virus
The five persons admitted for observation for corona virus at Odense University Hospital can breathe a sigh of relief.
They are not infected with the virus. This was stated by Chief Physician at University Hospital Svend Stensvang-Pedersen to BBC News.
Today, 10:21 AM
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Re: Denmark: Patients not infected with coronavirus
Five patients not infected with corona virus
The five persons admitted for observation for corona virus at Odense University Hospital (University Hospital), can breathe a sigh of relief.
They are not infected with corona virus, but ordinary flu. This was stated by Chief Physician at University Hospital, Svend Stensvang-Pedersen, to ABC News.
The five patients - a family of four and one more person - was yesterday admitted for observation yesterday because they had synptomer the corona virus. They have now all been informed that they are not infected.
It remains to be seen whether the person is hospitalized for observation for corona virus at Hvidovre Hospital, is infected or not.
Today, 10:29 AM
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Re: Denmark: Patients not infected with coronavirus
the five have so-called influenza B
Today, 10:49 AM
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Re: Denmark: Patients not infected with coronavirus
Patients have not feared virus
Wednesday on 26th September 2012 kl. 16:04 by Marie Joo Kim Jensen, for TV 2 News( opd. on 26/9 2012, 16:35)
The five patients who yesterday was admitted to Odense University Hospital with symptoms of a new virus that has not been affected by the coronavirus, the state consultant at Department of Infectious Diseases at the University Hospital Svend Stensvang to
"They have all five influenza B and it fits completely fine with the clinical picture they had. One expects namely the corona virus is much more visible," he says.
Neither patient at Hvidovre Hospital is infected with coronavirus. Also in this case it was about an ordinary flu, says consultant at Statens Serum Institut, Thyra Krause to
Svend Stensvang says that the virus may be impoteret, one of the five hospitalized have been in Qatar and has been in Saudi Arabia. The remaining three people have been infected by the first two after returning home.
"Influenza B is like an ordinary flu, you become infected by breathing., There is no activity with influenza B in Denmark or in Europe at the moment. Influenza B typically occurs in February or March," says Svend Stensvang.
He also says that the five patients now have it so well that they can be printed.
"You have to stay home if you are ill, but the five patients are in remission and does not constitute any risk of infection," says Svend Stensvang.
Health Protection Agency warned the start of the week that the Danes should contact their physician if they have recently been in Qatar or Saudi Arabia and subsequently have flu-like symptoms, coughing, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.
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Re: Denmark - Hospital confirms 5 suspected new coronavirus patients - Odense
According to Svend Stensvang Pedersen, a senior consultant at the Department of Infectious Diseases, the family is isolated on a two-bed room - the kids do not take up so much, explains consultant - and the fifth patient is in a different room.
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Re: Denmark - Hospital confirms 5 suspected new coronavirus patients - Odense
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Today, 07:20 AM
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new patient hospitalized in high-risk isolation of SARS-like virus
new patient hospitalized in high-risk isolation of SARS-like virus
By Catherine Bloch, Berlingske News
Wednesday 26 September 2012, 12:29 Updated: 12:31
Hvidovre Hospital has admitted a patient at high risk isolation. He feared to be the sixth in Denmark, which may be infected with the SARS-like Corona virus.
Danes sudden high fever, coughing and difficulty breathing after traveling to the Middle East, to be extra attentive, because it may indicate that they are infected with the dangerous SARS-like Corona virus. Hvidovre Hospital has now admitted a man in high-risk isolation for fear that he may be infected with the virus.
- We got a patient in yesterday, and right now, we are waiting for answers from the samples in order to find out whether he is infected with the virus or not, says communications director at Hvidovre Hospital, Hanne Alsbirk.
The man is thus the sixth Dane suspected infected. A family of four and a woman are already admitted to Odense University Hospital (University Hospital).
The patient at Hvidovre Hospital, like the other patients admitted to University Hospital, was on a trip to the Middle East, where there are more cases of the dangerous virus. The virus was recently found in a patient from Saudi Arabia, who died after a serious lung disease.
According to Statens Serum Institut, the new Corona vius cause serious respiratory diseases, and it belongs to the same virus group as the dangerous SARS virus back in 2002 and 2003 affected 8,000 people worldwide and required about 800 deaths.
Hanne Alsbirk from Hvidovre said they expect to get answers from tests that will show whether the hospitalized patient is infected with the virus, Wednesday afternoon. The same message comes from senior consultant at the Department of Infectious Diseases at University Hospital, Svend Stensvang Pedersen.
- Samples were sent a taxi to the Statens Serum Institut Tuesday evening, and they are just in the process of investigating them. We expect to get an answer about at 15 pm Wednesday, he said.
People who have been in Qatar or Saudi Arabia, and within 10 days of home diet have a fever or respiratory symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath or trouble breathing, called the Statens Serum Institut website to cash doctor immediately telephone.
Today, 07:23 AM
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Re: new patient hospitalized in high-risk isolation of SARS-like virus
New coronavirus-update) Two isolated in Denmark below five
(12 mins ago)
Two of the five persons showing symptoms of infection from a new coronavirus, are under five years old, a Denmark hospital said today. All of them are Danish residents and have been isolated.
Chief physician Svend Stenvang Petersen of Odense University Hospital told AFP that test results are expected in the afternoon, local time.
?The five have a fever, coughing and influenza-like symptoms,'' he said.
Petersen said those admitted were a family of four. The father had been to Saudi Arabia, while and an unrelated person had been to Qatar. Two of those with symptoms were under the age of five.
?We have put them in isolation because we don't know how the virus spreads. So just as with bird and swine flu we have admitted them and isolated them so that we prevent the spread to others,'' Petersen said. ?We do not have any medicine that works against this virus.??
Corona viruses are a large family of viruses including those which cause the common cold, as well as severe acute respiratory syndrome, an outbreak of which killed some 800 people in 2003.
The new corona virus is thought to have an incubation period lasting seven to 10 days, and has previously been found among patients who had traveled from Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Earlier, Xinhua reported that the hospital director Jens Peter Steensen told Danish media that the five patients, who are all Danish residents, will be tested for the new corona virus and for a range of more common triggers of respiratory infection.
On Monday, the Danish Health and Medicines Authority advised persons who had traveled to Qatar or Saudi Arabia to seek medical advice if they experienced fever, cough or difficulty breathing within ten days of their return from these countries.
It followed a warning from British health officials who alerted the World Health Organization on Saturday of the new virus found in a man transferred from Qatar to the UK on September 11.
The 49-year-old man, who is being treated in an intensive care unit at a London hospital for problems including kidney failure, had recently traveled to Saudi Arabia, where another man with an almost identical virus, had already died.
Today, 07:27 AM
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Re: new patient hospitalized in high-risk isolation of SARS-like virus
New coronavirus not SARS: Thomas Tsang
September 26, 2012
The genetic structure of the new strain of coronavirus and the SARS coronavirus is different, and should not be mistaken to be the same virus.
This was the message from Centre for Health Protection Controller Dr Thomas Tsang today, telling the media that, genetically, the new coronavirus found abroad recently is different to the SARS coronavirus that struck Hong Kong in 2003.
SARS belongs to family 2B of the coronavirus family, while this new infection belongs to group 2C.
However, he said the Government still needs to implement considerable health measures to safeguard the public, as little is known about the new virus. It has stepped up surveillance measures to detect any cases that come up in Hong Kong.
?We have sent guidelines on infection control and hygiene to numerous institutions, including the tourism industry, airlines, schools, hospitals, and also our frontline staff, so they know exactly how to handle potential cases.
?We also have a plan to make this new coronavirus a notifiable disease under Hong Kong law so we will be able to use legal instruments in implementing appropriate control measures against this new virus.?
He said the Government is aware of the upcoming Hajj pilgrimage, which will see many people travelling to the Middle East next month. It has been contacting consulates and religious groups to ensure health advice gets to these travellers so they can take precautions against infection.
Mr Tsang said the Government Laboratory is able to test for the new virus, as the virus sequence has been outlined by UK health authorities.
?If we have a sample, it will take us about two days to come up with a positive result.?
The Government is aware of media reports of five patients in a Denmark hospital being tested for the new coronavirus, he said, adding it will study the results when they are issued.
Today, 07:29 AM
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Re: new patient hospitalized in high-risk isolation of SARS-like virus
Airports on alert for new SARS-like virus
MANILA, Philippines ? Airports are now on alert for the possible entry of a severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-like virus that may have come from the Middle East.
Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 1 Quarantine Head Dr. Ali Agama said they were alerted after the World Health Organization released information that a 49-year-old male Qatari who had just travelled to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) showed symptoms last September 3.
Explore ABS-CBN's official website for the latest news, entertainment and shows. Stay updated with the Philippines' top media and broadcasting network.
Thailand is on alert
Today, 07:41 AM
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Re: new patient hospitalized in high-risk isolation of SARS-like virus
New patients hospitalized with SARS-like virus
How It probably out at Hvidovre Hospital in Infectious Diseases department right now, where you have received a patient with SARS-like virus. Note that the image here is from an exercise at Hvidovre Hospital.
Hvidovre Hospital has admitted a patient at high risk isolation. He feared to be the sixth in Denmark, which may be infected with the SARS-like Corona virus.
Today, 07:48 AM
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Re: new patient hospitalized in high-risk isolation of SARS-like virus
Five people have been hospitalized for observation for Corona virus at Odense University Hospital.
Samples from the five hospitalized is being under increased at Statens Serum Institut. So far it is known that is not on the five are infected with the dangerous virus.
- From a probability given, then it is very unlikely that they have it, assess Svend Stensvang Pedersen.
If the tests prove to be negative, then they will, according to senior consultant Svend Stensvang Pedersen, be discharged later today.
Read also: Five hospitalized: Can be infected with corona virus
- I hope we get answers to tests in the afternoon, but I do not know for sure whether the samples have arrived, because we sent them in a taxi last night. I'll check up on them a little, but I think immediately that we first get answers to tests after three o'clock, says Svend Stensvang Pedersen, senior consultant at Department of Infectious Diseases at University Hospital.
Corona virus has broken out in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. So far, three were infected, one of which is dead. The virus is a SARS-like virus, the extent is not yet known completely.
Read also: Hospitals are ready to 'SARS' patients
Four of the hospitalized is a family where one parent came home from Saudi Arabia with flu symptoms. The past has no relation to the family.
- They all slept well all night, and they're fine now.
So far, they remain in isolation on infectious diseases ward at University Hospital.
Today, 08:03 AM
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Re: new patient hospitalized in high-risk isolation of SARS-like virus
Hvidovre Hospital patients in high-risk isolation
A patient arrived at Hvidovre Hospital yesterday, Tuesday, and are suspected of being infected with coronaviruses.
By Hanne Ida Alsbirk, Communications
Photo: Joachim Rode
patient be isolated at Department of Infectious Diseases, until tests show whether the patient is positive or not. Later today, Wednesday, sample answer from Statens Serum Institut ready.
Corona Virus can cause serious infections of the respiratory tract and can potentially be fatal. The incubation period for the new Corona virus is not clear, but is supposed to be 7-10 days.
The man stayed in areas focused on in relation to Corona Virus and since he exhibits symptoms, he lies in high-risk isolation.
It should be emphasized that it is not yet confirmed that in the case of Corona Virus patient at Hvidovre Hospital. Facts: Read the Department of Infectious Diseases Odense University Hospital (University Hospital) received yesterday five people who are suspected of the same type of virus. Read more on / news Statens Serum Institut Monday to talk about a case of Corona virus found in a patient in a hospital in England. This patient comes from an African country, and had been on a trip to Saudi Arabia.
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Re: Denmark - Hospital confirms 5 suspected new coronavirus patients - Odense
A total of six people is now in isolation in Denmark. Study must now disclose whether they actually are infected with Corona virus. Once a patient is sent in "high-risk isolation 'in Denmark. A family of four and a woman held currently in complete isolation in Odense University Hospital.
And now confirms Hvidovre Hospital, that there also has been a patient in the so-called "high-risk isolation '.
It happens in all cases for fear that patients have the dangerous Corona virus, which is related to the so-called SARS virus.
Corona may, according to Statens Serum Institut, cause serious respiratory illness and can at worst be fatal.
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Re: Denmark - Hospital confirms 5 suspected new coronavirus patients - Odense
Originally posted by alert View PostSo combining all the above posts, it seems that we have a man who traveled to the Middle East, his wife (who did not travel), 2 of their children (who did not travel), and an unrelated female who also traveled to the Middle East.
Seeing that 3 of the 5 cases did not travel to an affected area (and all have gotten ill almost simultaneously) that argues for a diagnosis other than the novel coronavirus. The simultaneous timing may even be suggestive of influenza.
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Re: Denmark - Hospital confirms 5 suspected new coronavirus patients - Odense
Five persons showing symptoms of infection from a SARS-like virus have been admitted to Odense University Hospital (OUH), central Denmark, the hospital said in a press statement Tuesday.
The five patients are currently being examined for symptoms of infection from a new corona virus, which can lead to severe respiratory disease.
Corona viruses are a large family of viruses including those which cause the common cold, as well as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), an outbreak of which killed some 800 people in 2003.
The new corona virus is thought to have an incubation period lasting seven to 10 days, and has previously been found among patients who had traveled from Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
OUH Director Jens Peter Steensen said to Danish media late Tuesday that the five patients, who are all Danish residents, will be tested for the new corona virus and for a range of more common triggers of respiratory infection.
The results of these tests will be released Wednesday afternoon, Steensen said, adding the patients will be kept in isolation until then.
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Re: Denmark - Hospital confirms 5 suspected new coronavirus patients - Odense
Five patients are admitted to Odense University Hospital. They have symptoms of the SARS-like coronavirus.
A new SARS-like virus may come to Denmark. These are the so-called corona virus. Tuesday, five patients visited a doctor with symptoms of corona virus. They have been admitted to Odense University Hospital (University Hospital), where they are under closer observation for symptoms of infection with the disease. - The five have been in either Qatar or Saudi Arabia - and then they have fever, cough, flu-like pains in the body, shortness of breath and increased secretions when you cough, says senior consultant at the Department of Infectious Diseases Svend Stensvang Pedersen.
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Re: Denmark - Hospital confirms 5 suspected new coronavirus patients - Odense
So combining all the above posts, it seems that we have a man who travelled to the Middle East, his wife (who did not travel), 2 of their children (who did not travel), and an unrelated female who also travelled to the Middle East.
Seeing that 3 of the 5 cases did not travel to an affected area (and all have gotten ill almost simultaneously) that argues for a diagnosis other than the novel coronavirus. The simultaneous timing may even be suggestive of influenza.
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Re: Denmark - Hospital confirms 5 suspected new coronavirus patients - Odense
Please also see:
Saudi Arabia: 3 cases, 2 deaths due to novel animal coronavirus September 20+
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Two of the hospitalized at University Hospital's children
Two of the patients may be infected with the virus are children of persons returned from the Middle East.
It was a man and a woman who had just returned to Denmark after a trip to Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which earlier in the day was admitted to Odense University Hospital with symptoms of infection from SARS-like virus.
This was stated by Director of University Hospital, Jens Peter Shen, Jyllands-Posten.The family was hospitalized
Jens Peter Shen says that the two people independently had been visiting the Middle Eastern countries.
One of the hospitalized are in their late 20s and the other in the late 30s.
The hospitalized man's family has also also been hospitalized. It is about a woman and two children. A total of five people that is in the hospital.
Doctors fear that the five persons can be infected with the virus called coronavirus, which is related to the SARS virus.
"With the symptoms they have, so they meet the criteria that we saves them," says Jens Peter Steensen that await answers on samples from Statens Serum Institut (SSI) tomorrow, Wednesday.
Until then, patients in isolation, says Jens Peter Shen, who say that they all "feel good."he incubation period for the new coronavirus believed to be seven to 10 days.
Warned yesterday
Yesterday Monday advised SSI and the Board of Health who had traveled to Qatar or Saudi Arabia, to seek medical attention if they come for the first 10 days after returning got fever and cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
According to Jens Peter Shen was one patient was referred to University Hospital by his own physician.
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Originally posted by Treyfish View PostCorona virus may have come to Denmark
25TH SEPTEMBER 2012 AT. 19:38UPDATED 25TH SEPTEMBER 2012 AT. 20:05
Director of University Hospital Jens Peter Shen says tonight that five patients are admitted to the Funen hospital for observation for Corona virus. (? DR)
Ritzau and Laura Marie Sorensen
A new coronavirus may come to Denmark. Earlier in the day, a family of four and one more person admitted to Odense University Hospital (University Hospital), where they are under closer observation for symptoms of infection with the new virus.
- We admit them as a precaution. They look fortunately not very sick out. It should be examined to be sure that there is nothing - but they are by no means critically ill, not at all, says senior consultant at Department of Infectious Diseases at University Hospital, Svend Stensvang Pedersen:
There are different types of coronavirus, which usually give the common cold, but in rare cases can cause more serious infections of the respiratory tract, similar to symptoms of SARS virus.
- So we are currently patients for the new type of coronavirus - and in addition, a variety of more common causes of respiratory infection. We expect answers to tests for coronavirus tomorrow afternoon on 26 september, says Director of the Hospital, Jens Peter Steensen
Coming from the Middle East
Statens Serum Institut (SSI) and the Health Protection Agency (SST) sent earlier this week a recommendation out to travelers in Qatar and Saudi Arabia, as after returning experienced fever and cough, anden?d and difficulty breathing.
The recommendation came after they had discovered two confirmed - and a third possible - the case of a coronavirus in the two countries.
The five patients in Denmark have just been to Qatar or Saudi Arabia, says Svend Stensvang Pedersen.
- And then they have fever, cough, flu-like body pain, shortness of breath and increased secretions when they cough, he said.
Embedded in isolation
The five patients were all from South Denmark and sought medical advice earlier Tuesday. Doctors contacted the Medical Officer of Health and Hospital, where the five patients now hospitalized in isolation.
- We will cut them because we do not know anything about how well the virus spreads. Therefore, if you choose - like the bird flu and swine flu - to take them in and isolate them. So we prevent it from spreading to others, says Svend Stensvang Pedersen, adding:
- There are already reports that the new coronavirus is not contagious so much from person to person, as SARS did. But until we know more, we would like to be on the safe side and take people in, isolate and examine thoroughly.
machine translation -
Patients suspected of being infected with coronavirus admitted to the University Hospital
Today, 25 September, five patients have been admitted to the University Hospital for further observation for symptoms of infection by a new coronavirus, which can cause severe respiratory disease.
There are various types of corona virus, which usually results in the common cold, but in rare cases can also cause more serious infections of the respiratory tract.
The new coronavirus has been found in patients abroad who have traveled to Saudi Arabia or Qatar, and the new virus belonging to the same group as the SARS coronavirus.
- Therefore, we are currently researching patients for the new type of coronavirus - and also for a wide range of more common causes of respiratory infection. We expect answers to tests for coronavirus tomorrow afternoon on 26 september, says directorJens Peter Steensen. - Until then, we maintain isolation measures about patients who otherwise are generally well-being and not acutely ill.
The incubation period for the new coronavirus believed to be seven to 10 days.
More information
Director Jens Peter Steensen 21 44 63 59 21 44 63 59
Consultant Physician at the Department of Infectious Diseases Svend Stensvang Pedersen, 40 97 36 52 . 40 97 36 52
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Tuesday, five patients visited a doctor with symptoms of corona virus. They have been admitted to Odense University Hospital (University Hospital), where they are under closer observation for symptoms of infection with the new virus.
- The five have been in either Qatar or Saudi Arabia - and then they have fever, cough, flu-like body pain, shortness of breath and increased secretions when you cough, says senior consultant at the Department of Infectious Diseases Svend Stensvang Pedersen.
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Corona virus may have come to Denmark
25TH SEPTEMBER 2012 AT. 19:38UPDATED 25TH SEPTEMBER 2012 AT. 20:05
Director of University Hospital Jens Peter Shen says tonight that five patients are admitted to the Funen hospital for observation for Corona virus. (? DR)
Ritzau and Laura Marie Sorensen
A new coronavirus may come to Denmark. Earlier in the day, a family of four and one more person admitted to Odense University Hospital (University Hospital), where they are under closer observation for symptoms of infection with the new virus.
- We admit them as a precaution. They look fortunately not very sick out. It should be examined to be sure that there is nothing - but they are by no means critically ill, not at all, says senior consultant at Department of Infectious Diseases at University Hospital, Svend Stensvang Pedersen:
There are different types of coronavirus, which usually give the common cold, but in rare cases can cause more serious infections of the respiratory tract, similar to symptoms of SARS virus.
- So we are currently patients for the new type of coronavirus - and in addition, a variety of more common causes of respiratory infection. We expect answers to tests for coronavirus tomorrow afternoon on 26 september, says Director of the Hospital, Jens Peter Steensen
Coming from the Middle East
Statens Serum Institut (SSI) and the Health Protection Agency (SST) sent earlier this week a recommendation out to travelers in Qatar and Saudi Arabia, as after returning experienced fever and cough, anden?d and difficulty breathing.
The recommendation came after they had discovered two confirmed - and a third possible - the case of a coronavirus in the two countries.
The five patients in Denmark have just been to Qatar or Saudi Arabia, says Svend Stensvang Pedersen.
- And then they have fever, cough, flu-like body pain, shortness of breath and increased secretions when they cough, he said.
Embedded in isolation
The five patients were all from South Denmark and sought medical advice earlier Tuesday. Doctors contacted the Medical Officer of Health and Hospital, where the five patients now hospitalized in isolation.
- We will cut them because we do not know anything about how well the virus spreads. Therefore, if you choose - like the bird flu and swine flu - to take them in and isolate them. So we prevent it from spreading to others, says Svend Stensvang Pedersen, adding:
- There are already reports that the new coronavirus is not contagious so much from person to person, as SARS did. But until we know more, we would like to be on the safe side and take people in, isolate and examine thoroughly.
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