Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control:

  • Up to 14 February (week 6/2011), a cumulative total of 122 influenza patients have been reported by ICUs in Denmark with a median age of 54 years (and a range from 1 week to 83 years).
  • Nine patients were admitted to an ICU in week 6/2011 compared with 19 new admissions in week 5.
  • There is still pressure on the wards, reflected by the proportion of ICU beds used for influenza patients.
  • On Monday 14 February 2011 at 8:00 am, 33 influenza patients were in ICUs, corresponding to 9.6% of the total number of occupied ICU beds in the country.
  • This is compared with 10.0% the week before.
  • Of the ICU patients, 102 were diagnosed with influenza A, 38 of whom were reported to be further subtyped as subtype H1N1.
  • Twenty patients had an influenza B infection.
  • Eight patients with influenza A and two patients with influenza B received extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).
  • Fifteen patients with confirmed influenza A and five with influenza B died.
  • Nineteen patients were reported to be previously healthy and for another 33 patients no underlying condition was reported.
  • For 70 patients one or more underlying conditions were described.
  • One influenza patient was reported to be pregnant.
