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Prague - Swine flu had already requested 100th victim. In the last week added two cases of death after H1N1 virus infection. Updated information on the number of patients today announced the Ministry of Health.
Stou ninety victim was a man who died of swine flu in hospital in Jablonec nad Nisou.
In the Czech Republic was the virus H1N1 or Pandemic 2009 had infected 2434 people, of whom one hundred died of disease. In the last week added 12 new cases of infection.
Updated information on cases confirmed to date 17.2 2010 Pandemic virus (H1N1) 2009
The National Reference Laboratory for Influenza in the State Health Institute in Prague was in the time since the last report administered 10.2.2010 confirmed 12 new cases of infections Pandemic (H1N1) 2009. Total time from start of the investigation in NRL to date, ie, 17.2.2010, confirmed 1419 cases of this infection.
According to reports from the various regions of the other laboratories, which also carry virological tests for Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 for the period 25.9.2009 - 17.2.2010 reported 1015 cases of this infection.
Total of 2434 we have registered in the CR laboratory-confirmed cases of infection with Pandemic (H1N1) 2009.
In the past week was reported 2 deaths of persons with established infection Pandemic (H1N1) 2009. Total in CR as of 17.2.2010 recorded 100 cases of death. More information about the deaths mentioned below in the attached table.
K 11.2 2010 was applied in the CR 64 066 doses of vaccine against the virus Pandemic (H1N1) 2009.
Vaccination remains continuously ongoing.
A detailed overview of the number of vaccinated persons by region is shown in the table below.
Overview of deaths in people with established disease virus Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 in the CR
status on 17.2.2010.
You can read the table in English translation through this link.
Swine flu claims 101 lives in ČR, low demand for vaccination
ČTK | 25 February 2010
Prague, Feb 24 (CTK) - Swine flu has claimed 101 lives in the Czech Republic so far, including one in the past week, the Czech Health Ministry announced Wednesday.
Only 27 percent of the imported swine flu vaccines have been used to date, including 450 doses in the past week.
Last week the situation was similar. Czechs do not incline to undergo the vaccination, many refuse it.
Experts say the vaccination still has a sense, even for people who are not chronically ill and therefore not that endangered by swine flu.
The state originally ordered one million vaccines worth 220 million crowns. Last week it agreed with the producer that it will not take 30 percent of the planned supply.
At present there are 238,000 vaccines in the Czech Republic, and 462,000 are waiting for transfer in Belgium.
In the past week the National Flu Laboratory registered 12 new cases of swine flu, the same number as in the previous week.
A total of 2,445 swine flu cases have been confirmed in the ten-million Czech Republic.
Chief sanitary officer Michael Vit, nevertheless, says these figures are only the tip of the iceberg. Only complicated cases of flu are tested in laboratories, while a much higher number of people have caught the pandemic flu virus.
Roman Prymula, head of the Czech vaccinology society, told CTK he expects further waves of flu to come. The course of the disease is unlikely to be serious as the virus does not have a big potential to mutate at the moment, Prymula said.
He said he expects the swine flu virus to circulate in the next season as well, therefore the pandemic stem will be part of the seasonal flu vaccine next year.