The third victim of swine flu: 62-year-old died in hospital in Zagreb

Swine flu has taken another life. The Sisters of Charity Hospital in Vinogradskoj street in Zagreb, died 62-year-old man who suffered from diabetes and was infected and the virus H1N1. It is in Dnevnik HRT-a confirmed Health Minister Darko Milinovic, who also received information only a few moments.

This is the third overall death by swine influenza caused since appeared in Croatia. The first victim of swine flu in Croatia was 61-year-old Luke Matovac which is in the Split Clinical Hospital of the consequences of multiple organ failure died 31st October this year. Last week in Split, died of swine flu, and three-year girl who also suffered from leukemia.

Infected more than 2500 people

According to the latest data, the swine flu in Croatia has been infected more than 2500 people. Number of infected jumped literally overnight, since the number of infected yesterday was a thousand less. Day by day increasing the number of hospitalized patients, and the number of people who need help respirators, or who, because of infection with swine influenza viral pneumonia. Among the severe cases, there are some children and one pregnant woman. However, Health Minister Darko Milinovic, and despite claims that there is no reason for panic. This was his last days became the mantra.

Milinovic said that the Croatian health system is ready for the fight against swine flu. "Tamiflua sufficient, and 33 respirator is pending and if necessary can be connected in any hospital where they needed," said Milinovic to answer media allegations that doctors have at their disposal all the necessary apparatus.


U BOLNICI Sestara milosrdnica u Zagrebu preminuo je 62-godišnji muškarac koji je bolovao od dijabetesa, a bio je zaražen i virusom H1N1.