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The Croatian National Institute of Public Health (HZJZ) epidemiology department reported the second A/H1N1 related death in Croatia.
The Croatian National Institute of Public Health (HZJZ) epidemiology department reported the second A/H1N1 related death in Croatia.
However, the institute did not give data about the age of the victim or whether he/she has suffered from some chronic disease and where he/she died.
The first patient infected with this flu, known as swine or novel flu, who died in Croatia was a 61-old resident of Split. He died on 31 October in the city hospital's intensive car unit due to the failure of his several organs.
The hospital's head said that the exact cause of the patient's death could be established after an autopsy, but later the media reported that his family did not allow post-mortem.
To date, 1,112 persons in Croatia have been registered as being infected with the H1N1 flu, and 453 cases have been confirmed by laboratory tests.
There is no room for panic -- the Croatian health system is ready to come to grips with novel flu, Health and Social Welfare Minister Darko Milinovic told reporters in Zagreb earlier Monday after a meeting of the committee charged with monitoring the incidence of the H1N1 flu.
Milinovic said sufficient quantities of vaccine were expected, adding that the first 500,000 doses were arriving at the end of November and the beginning of December