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Croatia - Split: hundred students infected with swine influenza

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  • Croatia - Split: hundred students infected with swine influenza

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    Split: hundred students infected with swine influenza

    STOTINJAK Split School students a few infected H1N1 virus. According to information transmitted Morning list, students were elementary school students Bijaci and Meja, and the First, Third and Fifth Gymnasium in Split, and female users đačkog home.

    Specialist in epidemiology, Dr. James Kuljis said that there is no room for panic, but no time for false optimism. Kuljis warned that in this time of year is usually no infection, "regular" flu. However, the doctor added that so far there is no more difficult to diseased or dead, but "does not mean that it will remain so."

    Swine influenza in the Split-Dalmatia County moved to a higher stage, the number of patients was significantly higher than twenty days ago, but the data of the Institute of Public Health does not specify the precise information on the number of patients.

    Infection H1N1 virus struck the school and students of the Zagreb Police Academy. According to initial information, swine flu has infected four students, and another 50 are awaiting testing. Another unofficial sources speak of 21 student with swine flu.

    Stotinjak splitskih učenika zara?eno svinjskom gripom

    STOTINJAK učenika nekoliko splitskih ?kola zara?eno je virusom H1N1. Prema informacijama koje prenosi Jutarnji list, učenici su polaznici Osnovnih ?kola Bijači i Meje, te Prve, Treće i Pete splitske gimnazije, ali i korisnici ?enskoga đačkog doma.

    Specijalist epidemiologije, dr. Jakov Kulji? je naglasio da nema mjesta panici, ali nije vrijeme ni za la?ni optimizam. Kulji? je upozorio da u ovo doba godine obično nema zaraze "običnom" gripom. Ipak, liječnik je dodao da zasad nema te?e oboljelih, niti mrtvih, no "ne mora značiti da će tako i ostati".

    Svinjska je gripa u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj ?upaniji pre?la u vi?u fazu, broj oboljelih je znatno veći nego li prije dvadesetak dana, ali se u podacima Zavoda za javno zdravstvo ne navodi točna informacija o broju oboljelih.

    Zaraza virusom H1N1 pogodila je i polaznike ?kole zagrebačke Policijske akademije. Prema prvim informacijama, svinjskom gripom zara?eno je četvero polaznika, a jo? 50-ak čeka nalaze testiranja. Drugi neslu?beni izvori govore o 21 polazniku sa svinjskom gripom.

    PREMA informacijama iz Ravnateljstva policije, za 28 polaznika Policijske akademije postoji sumnja da su zaraženi virusom H1N1.
    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

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