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Belarus - "Number of swine flu deaths is growing"

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  • Belarus - "Number of swine flu deaths is growing"

    scroll for English translation

    Belarus seems to have similar "coming out" problems like in the Ukraïne: diagnosing and reporting H1N1v cases.

    Белорусские блоггеры: Минздрав скрывает летальные исходы от свиного гриппа

    11:29, — Общество

    В байнете появляются все новые сообщения о смертельных исходах в минских больницах от вируса A/H1N1.

    Блоггер czy утверждает, что летальные исходы от свиного гриппа уже зафиксированы во многих больницах белорусской столицы. Автор сообщения приводит список умерших.

    «1 человек - во 2-й больнице г. Минска - диагноз подтвержден. В детской инфекционной - парень 17 лет - диагноз подтвержден.

    Там же умер еще один человек - ждут посева.

    В 10-й умерла беременная женщина, в 5-й - мужчины 30 и 37 лет - также пока что ждут посева для подтверждения/опровержения диагноза.

    Существенный общий симптом - вирусная пневмония как осложнение гриппа.

    В 5-й больнице 7 человек лежат на аппаратах. В 6-й - 4», -- отмечает блоггер.

    По словам интернет-пользователя, на данный момент «Минздрав Беларуси занят... поиском реаниматолога из 5-й больницы Минска, допустившего «утечку» информации о двух умерших пациентах».

    Как уже сообщал сайт, 28 октября в сети появилась информация о смерти нескольких человек в 5-й больнице. Блоггер sammy_belarus сообщал, что в реанимации от вируса A/H1N1умерли два человека: 30 и 37 лет.

    В 5-й клинической больнице нашему сайту отказались прокомментировать эту информацию. А в Комитете по здравоохранению Мингорисполкома заявили, что еще не получили подтверждения, что люди умерли именно от свиного гриппа.

    Начальник отдела специализированной медицинской помощи Комитета здравоохранения Елена Рудкова в ответ на просьбу сайта прокомментировать информацию о смертях в 5-й больнице, сорвалась на крик: «Вы нам звоните уже десятые! Не будоражьте народ! У нас пока нет подтверждения, что это свиной грипп!», - заявила специалист. На вопрос: «Отчего умерли люди?», врач ответила: «От пневмонии» и бросила трубку.

    Напомним, что до сих пор в Беларуси не было официально зафиксировано смертей от свиного гриппа. Если такая информация появлялась, власти ее опровергали.

    Belarusian bloggers: Ministry of Health hides deaths from swine flu

    11:29, -

    In Bynet there are all new reports of deaths in hospitals in Minsk against the virus A/H1N1.

    Blogger czy argues that death from swine flu has recorded in many hospitals in the Belarusian capital. The author gives a list of the dead.

    "1 person - in the 2 nd hospital in Minsk - the diagnosis is confirmed. In the children's infectious - a guy 17 years - a diagnosis confirmed.

    There is one more person has died - waiting for planting.

    In the 10 th dead pregnant woman, in the 5 th - men 30 and 37 years - as long as they're waiting for confirmation of sowing / refute the diagnosis.

    Substantial common symptom - viral pneumonia as a complication of influenza. In 5-th hospital 7 people lie on the unit. In 6 th - 4 ", - noted blogger.

    According to Internet users, at the moment "Health Care Ministry is busy ... search resuscitator of the 5-th hospital in Minsk, prevent "leakage" of information about the two deceased patients.

    As previously reported site, October 28, the network has information on the death of several people in the 5 th hospital. Blogger sammy_belarus reported that in the resuscitation of the virus A/H1N1umerli two men: 30 and 37 years.

    In 5-th hospital our site refused to comment on this information. And the Committee on Health Mingorispolkom said that had not yet received confirmation that the people died just from the swine flu.

    Head of the specialized medical care to the Committee of Health Elena Rudkova in response to the request of comment on the information about the deaths in the 5 th hospital, started shouting: "You call us the tenth! Not budorazhte people! We have no confirmation that the swine flu! ", - Said the expert. The question: "Why do people die?" The doctor replied: "Pneumonia" and **** up.

    Recall that, so far Belarus has not been officially recorded deaths from swine influenza. If this information has appeared, the authorities have refuted it.

    В байнете появляются все новые сообщения о смертельных исходах в минских больницах от вируса A/H1N1.

  • #2
    Re: Belarus- swine flu deaths suspected

    Minsk is capital of Belarus (aka "White Russia")

    В Минске умирают от свиного гриппа?


    В сети появилась информация о смерти нескольких человек в 5-й больнице, в Комздраве уверяют, что уверенности, что это свиной грипп пока нет.

    28 октября минская блогер sammy_belarus написала, что все врачи, медсестры в пятой клинической больнице ходят в масках. ?Только что сообщили, что здесь, в реанимации умерли от A/H1N1 или ?свиного? гриппа два человека: 30 и 37 лет. Еще двое борются за жизнь. Симптомы: высокая температура и отек легкого...?, - написала девушка в своем блоге.

    Сайт дозвонился в 5-ю клиническую больницу Минска, однако там отказывались давать информацию, постоянно перенаправляя журналиста от одного врача к другому. В конце концов, заместитель главного врача по лечебной части сообщила, что не может ничего говорить и всю информацию можно узнать в Комитете по здравоохранению Мингорисполкома.

    Начальник отдела специализированной медицинской помощи Комитета здравоохранения Елена Рудкова в ответ на просьбу сайта прокомментировать информацию о смертях в 5-й больнице, сорвалась на крик: ?Вы нам звоните уже десятые! Не будоражьте народ! У нас пока нет подтверждения, что это свиной грипп!?, - заявила специалист. На вопрос: ?Отчего умерли люди??, врач ответила: ?От пневмонии? и бросила трубку.

    Напомним, что до сих пор в Беларуси не было официально зафиксировано смертей от свиного гриппа. Если такая информация появлялась, власти ее опровергали.

    Swine flu deaths in Minsk ?

    The network has information about the death of several people in the 5 th hospital in Komzdrave maintain that confidence, that the swine flu yet.

    October 28 Minsk blogger sammy_belarus wrote that all the doctors, nurses in the fifth hospital wear masks. "Just letting us know that here in the intensive care died from A/H1N1 or" swine flu two men: 30 and 37 years. Two more are struggling for life. Symptoms: fever and pulmonary edema ...?, - she wrote in her blog.

    Site phoned in a 5-hospital No., but it refused to give information, permanently redirecting a journalist from one doctor to another. In the end, the deputy chief physician on medical reported that he could not say anything and all information can be found in the Committee on Health Minsk City Executive Committee.

    Head of the specialized medical care to the Committee of Health Elena Rudkova in response to the request of comment on the information about the deaths in the 5 th hospital, started shouting: "You call us the tenth! Not budorazhte people! We have no confirmation that the swine flu! ", - Said the expert. The question: "Why do people die?" The doctor replied: "Pneumonia" and **** up.

    Recall that, so far Belarus has not been officially recorded deaths from swine influenza. If this information has appeared, the authorities have refuted it.

    В байнете появляются все новые сообщения о смертельных исходах в минских больницах от вируса A/H1N1.


    • #3
      Re: Belarus- swine flu deaths suspected

      google translated

      MoH: swine flu in Belarus are ill, but dying from pneumonia

      13:31, -

      Officials of the Ministry of Health held in Minsk press conference.

      In Belarus, laboratory-confirmed 38 cases of "swine flu, but fatalities have not been, said First Deputy Minister of Health of Belarus Robert Chasnoit.

      "Registered 38 cases of" swine flu, of which completely cured 35 cases, 3 persons continue to receive treatment. Fatal cases from the "swine flu in Belarus is not registered", - quotes Chasnoit "Interfax".

      First Deputy Minister in this regard, said that "over the past two weeks have been four fatal cases in Belarus from acute pneumonia.

      On the issue of sick "swine flu, the first deputy minister added that" the majority - are foreigners. " He declined to specify which countries are citizens. However Chasnoit clarified that "statistics on the" swine flu in Belarus could change, because there is a group of guests of Belarus, who tested for influenza A/H1N1.

      First Deputy Minister of Health of Belarus calls on the population during seasonal rise of morbidity of ARI and influenza to wear masks.

      "Wearing a mask during the increase in the incidence of acute respiratory disease and influenza - an important preventive measure. People need to think not only about how to avoid infecting themselves, but that does not infect other people, "- said Chasnoit. He stressed that the increased incidence of acute respiratory infections and influenza "people need to think about the immune system, healthy lifestyle."

      Chasnoit said that the government pharmacies have the necessary supply of medicines for the prevention and treatment of ARI and influenza and its complications.

      Regarding the identification and treatment of "swine flu, he noted that" the Belarusian doctors have a clear algorithm for how to treat ". Thus R. Chasnoit added that this week a working group to identify, manage and analyze the situation with "swine" influenza.

      As previously reported site, recently Bynet began to appear on the deaths in hospitals in Minsk from swine influenza.

      On October 28 the network has information about the death of several people in the 5 th hospital. Blogger sammy_belarus reported that in the resuscitation of the virus A/H1N1umerli two men: 30 and 37 years.

      Also blogger czy cited information that the death from swine flu detected in many hospitals in the Belarusian capital.

      In turn, doctors in the 5 th hospital refused to comment on our website this information.

      And the Committee on Health Mingorispolkom said that had not yet received confirmation that the people died just from the swine flu.

      Meanwhile, in neighboring Ukraine has declared a flu epidemic - in some areas of the country is already working quarantine.

      Чиновники Министерства здравоохранения провели сегодня в Минске пресс-конференцию.


      • #4
        Re: Belarus- swine flu deaths suspected

        Snip from article from Belarusian newssource:

        Interestingly, early in the week, when about a mysterious epidemic in Ukraine is still no stutter in the Belarusian blogs have published reports that hospitals in Minsk swine flu people are dying.

        The official cause of death - pneumonia, the symptoms are the same as in Ukraine - high fever and pulmonary edema. -Net with alarming speed is flooded with new reports of deaths, of which we can conclude that in almost all metropolitan hospitals is inexplicable increase in the number of patients with pneumonia, which ends at an alarming rate of fatal ...

        "Belarusian News" managed to get through to bloggers, who, he says, can confirm the facts of death in a hospital in Minsk, because at that time he was there for treatment.

        My name blogger refused to report, but insists that his words can be confirmed by other patients, who were with him in the ward.

        According to him, before his discharge in the hospital actually died of pneumonia two men, as patients reported themselves as doctors, confirming that the cause of death was swine flu.

        Immediately after the incident, hospital staff reportedly wore masks, and in all patients before discharge began to take blood tests.

        Confirm or refute these rumors can only do doctors. However, hospital doctors refrained from commenting, as Deputy Minister of Health Robert Chasnoit today assured the public that Belarus has been no death from swine flu, and the number of deaths from pneumonia, not more than last year.

        Some independent newspapers hastened to announce that the government hushed up the information.

        It seems that after Ukraine's mass panic is about to be begin in Belarus ...


        • #5
          Re: Belarus- swine flu deaths suspected

          In Belarus there is no epidemic of influenza A/H1N1 - V. Cachan

          01.11.2009 13:18

          November 1, BelTA - learned. In Belarus there is no epidemic of influenza A/H1N1, said to journalists in Minsk Deputy Minister of Health - Chief State Sanitary Doctor Valentina Kachan Belarus, BelTA informs.

          "There is no reason for panic in connection with the swine flu in our country there is no epidemic of the disease" - Valentine stressed Cachan.

          At the same time, she informed that the number of cases of influenza A/N1N1 in Belarus has increased.

          If last Friday was laboratory-confirmed 39 such cases, the November 1, this number is 59.

          "We are talking about such cases in which this virus is accompanied by other infections," - she said. Fatal cases of pandemic of swine flu in Belarus is not registered.


          • #6
            Re: Belarus- swine flu deaths suspected

            Edit; the map is updating it self, so you can't see Belarus sticking out in red anymore. More countries showing red now.

            Interesting map, it is from week 43 (now is week 45), showing more ILI / Flu in red colored Belarus (north of Ukraine) , than in Ukraine.

            thanks to gsgs


            • #7
              Re: Belarus - At least 10 swine flu deaths suspected

              From opposition blog, handle with care

              When you click on the link, you'll see copies of documents.

              Secret document: Belarusians die from pneumonia complicated by swine flu

              15:08, — society

              Medical workers report to the Health Care Ministry that, about ten people have died in Minsk from pneumonia, a A(H1N1) flu complication.

              Journalists managed to get a medical report saying the cause of death of two persons of 27 and 36 years old (they died on the same day) was pneumonia. RNA of A(H1N1) flu were detected in their tissue samples.

              The 27-year old man had a high temperature and went to a local polyclinic, was treated at home, but after some days taken to hospital #6, where he died on October 26.

              According to a source of “Belorusskie Novosti”, it is mostly young people who die from the A(H1N1) virus in Belarus.

              The difficulty is that a death certificate is only the first step to prove the cause of death was the virus. According to the source, it give the officials an opportunity to sit on their hands and speak about the mixed infection, etc.

              Post-mortem and histologic examinations are needed to confirm the death was caused by the A(H1N1) virus. Medical officials can state the flu is just a background disease, but not a ground for the complications, and will be right formally.

              For the moment, the medical worker has information about ten confirmed death cases of A(H1N1) flu. He states: “The pneumonia, we are speaking about, is a complication of A(H1N1) flu, it is not a bacterial pneumonia. A sick person chokes and can’t breathe. He prescribed artificial ventilation, but dies. This takes three or four days.”

              The source notes a fast growth of pneumonia cases in Belarus and in Minsk. He states that the number of fatal cases exceeds the normal statistics for this period of year. There are many patients with pneumonia in intensive therapy units. He can’t say whether all of them are checked for the A(H1N1) virus.

              The physician’s statement can’t be proven officially. According to some reports, medical workers are not permitted to say any information about the current situation with the A(H1N1) virus. Requests to the Health Care Ministry remain unreplied. The ministry representatives deny death cases of swine flu or refuse to give any comments in order to prevent panic. Officials never think it is impossible to hide the truth for long, it will leak and gather rumours and make even greater panic.

              Attempts of the authorities to hush up the situation are short-sighted, the physician said. The current situation needs not reports saying it is under control, but urgent measures.

              He gives an example of behaviour of the Ukrainian government: “The country has asked for help and received it. 600,000 doses of Tamiflu, bought by the Ukrainian government, had already been delivered. In accordance with medical norms, this is enough to supply all regions of Ukraine and make reserves.”

              The medical worker emphases that Belarus becomes a proving ground where the virus is tested in natural condition, when preventive measures are insufficient and treatment is minimal: “The duty of the health system is to buy the necessary medicines beforehand and be able to forecast keen demand. At least, sufficient number of protective masks must have been purchased. It finds out that our medical system is not effective to fight the epidemic. The officials continue to state the virus is raging in Ukraine and Russia, but not in Belarus. “

              The physician emphasized: the Belarusian medical workers are not allowed to give information to the public (that’s why the source wants to stay unanimous). He proves this with own examples: “We are constantly told not to sow panic, which means we can’t give true information. We are strictly forbidden to speak with the press... An attempt to decrease the number of disease cases in Belarus comes to absurdity and forgery. Medical issues become political issues. They twist our arms forcing us to make politically correct diagnoses. Influenza is another proof in this range.”

              Medical workers report to the Health Care Ministry that, about ten people have died in Minsk from pneumonia, a A(H1N1) flu complication.

              thanks to Crof


              • #8
                Re: Belarus - At least 10 swine flu deaths suspected

                Radio Svaboda source: People who died had swine flu confirmed

                11:11, ? society

                Health Care ministry denies commenting on the outbreak of pneumonia n Belarus, but hospital doctors started to reveal what is going on in reality.

                A source in one of the hospitals of Minsk who asked not to reveal her name told to Radio Svaboda:

                ?150 persons with pneumonia arrived to our hospital on the weekend. Our department and two pulmonology departments are filled to capacity. It is a flu complication. We were told that swine flu was confirmed in the death cases. About 9 persons died. 3 or 4 persons have died in our department, and others in the 5th hospital. All the doctors have been made to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Everybody signed,? the doctor said.

                Radio Svaboda tried to check this information in a reception ward of this hospital. To the question whether it is true that 150 persons with pneumonia were admitted to the hospital on the weekend, a worker said: ?Yes, that?s true, many people arrived. But my position does not allow me to answer such questions?. She promised to help contact chief doctor, but he was not available on the phone that day.

                A spokesperson of the Health Care Ministry Raisa Chuduk told to Radio Svaboda: ?You can send a written request to us, I do not have such information still. I think that we will prepare a press-release and place it on the website?.

                A doctor who works in the hospital told about other problems health workers face:

                ?We are not supplied with masks. We do not have enough medicines. We have cases of pneumonia with complications, so we use Belarusian antibiotics: Ceptriaxon, Ceptrofosfat. And foreign medicines are very expensive, we do not have them. The patients are given large doses of antibiotics two times a day,? the doctor said.

                As website informed earlier, recently reports about swine flu death cases in Minsk hospitals emerged in the Belarusian Internet. Health Care Ministry officials disprove these reports. Valyantsina Kachan, chief sanitary doctor of Belarus, stated that 59 persons are ill with swine flu, but there is no epidemic.

                ?59 cases of swine flu which are confirmed by laboratory analysis are recorded, but there are no death cases,? Kachan said.

                Meanwhile, an acting director of the Republican Scientific and Practical Centre of Epidemiology and Microbiology Alyaksandr Pyatkevich informed that Russia hasn?t supplied to Belarus the A(H1N1) vaccine.

                There are no even masks in pharmacies in Minsk, and shortage of inexpensive Belarusian anti-virus drugs like Arpidol is observed.

                Schools of Minsk and many other cities of Belarus are closed for quarantine. According to the official version, it is connected with the high level of acute respiratory viral infection rate.

                Health Care ministry denies commenting on the outbreak of pneumonia n Belarus, but hospital doctors started to reveal what is going on in reality.


                • #9
                  Re: Belarus - At least 10 swine flu deaths suspected

                  More from Charter 97, they have a good reputation.

                  Ales Byalyatski: "Minsk hospitals resemble military hospitals"

                  nov 4 2009

                  Human rights activist is in the Department of Pulmonology 3rd hospital in Minsk with a diagnosis of bilateral pneumonia.

                  "I'm in the hospital is the third week - Ales Belyatskii" Radio Svoboda. - We have here a clear overflow, overpopulation. Because the closed branch of Gastroenterology, and all those who lie with pneumonia, in fact settled in one additional unit.

                  This happened due to the fact that seats are not enough.

                  In the corridor of our department of pulmonology today is just 17 people on beds, on the auxiliary seats, because people have nowhere to place.

                  All this recalls a military hospital. Of course, the conditions of people do not meet any standards.

                  Medicines enough, really. How can they manufacture, difficult to say because antibiotics doctors are mixed, bred by himself. The course of antibiotics me as, perhaps, and need: one and then the second, then third ... "

                  Recall that the swine flu now ravaging the world and all without exception of neighboring countries. And only Belarusian officials claim that "we have no swine flu deaths."

                  Meanwhile, in Belarus informally circulated information about more and more deaths from influenza and complications that it gives. Representatives of the Health Ministry, categorically refuse to confirm or deny this information.

                  Правозащитник находится в отделении пульмонологии 3-й больницы Минска с диагнозом «двухсторонняя пневмония».


                  • #10
                    Re: Belarus - At least 10 swine flu deaths suspected

                    google translated

                    Other Belarus organisations are weighing in

                    Belarusian Christian Democrats: the people once again cost on a pig


                    The organizing committee for creation of the Belarusian Christian Democracy ", addressed to the Government of Belarus and the Ministry of Health about the situation with the influenza epidemic in the country.

                    The appeal notes that "today's political power has shown its lack of preparedness for emergencies relating to the health of all people."

                    "Panic rumors of dozens or even hundreds of deaths from swine flu and the silence of the authorities about the real state of things only reinforce the fear and excitement from the Belarusians", - the statement says.

                    BCD believes that the current situation resembles 1986, when the truth about the disaster at Chernobyl, too, hiding from the public. "With the people once again cost of a pig" - said in a statement BCD.

                    Belarusian Christian Democracy requires authorities to complete and open information about the situation in connection with the spread of swine flu in Belarus.

                    "We want to ensure the availability of Belarus from the swine flu vaccine, and to bring to justice those who are to blame for the shortage and untimely provision of pharmacy necessary medications," - the statement says.


                    • #11
                      Belarus - 7 deaths confirmed from A/H1N1 ?

                      Новость от 03.11.2009 20:48

                      В Белоруссии подтвердили первый случай смерти от A/H1N1

                      Cегодня, 3 ноября, белорусские власти официально подтвердили первый случай смерти от вируса гриппа H1N1.

                      Вирус гриппа Н1N1 предварительно подтвержден у 37-летней жительницы города Дрогичин на западе Белоруссии, умершей 30 октября. Об этом сообщил на пресс-конференции во вторник главный государственный санитарный врач Брестской области Олег Арнаутов. Это первый официально подтвержденный в стране случай смерти, вызванной вирусом нового гриппа. На этот момент власти сообщают о 59 заболевших, большинство из которых, по их словам, иностранцы.

                      Тем временем в независимой прессе утверждают, что власти скрывают масштабы эпидемии и количество смертных случаев. Так, со ссылкой на медиков сегодня появилась информация о том, что на начало ноября в Белоруссии от вирусных инфекций умерли уже 39 человек. На сайте информационной компании БелаПАН было опубликовано врачебное донесение, в соответствии с которым у двух человек, умерших в Минске ещё 25 октября, был найден вирус нового гриппа. Власти отрицают случаи смерти от этого вируса ? они либо заявляют, что люди умерли от пневмонии, либо просто отказываются от комментариев.

                      В результате ажиотажа последних дней в большинстве белорусских аптек не осталось ни противовирусных препаратов, ни оксолиновой мази, ни марлевых повязок.

                      Радио Свобода

                      google translated

                      In Belarus, the first confirmed death from A/H1N1

                      Today, 3 November, the Belarusian authorities have officially confirmed the first death from influenza virus H1N1.

                      Influenza virus H1N1 confirmed in preliminary 37-year-old resident of the city Drahichyn in the west of Belarus, who died on October 30. Told a press conference on Tuesday the chief state sanitary doctor of the Brest region, Oleg Arnautov. This is the first officially confirmed in the country's death caused by new influenza virus. At this point, the authorities reported 59 sick, most of which, they say, foreigners.

                      Meanwhile, in the independent press claimed that the government concealed the extent of the epidemic and the number of deaths. Thus, with reference to the doctors today released information that at the beginning of November in Belarus from viral infections have died already 39 people.

                      The site BelaPAN company was issued a medical report in accordance with which two people who died in Minsk on October 25 has been found a new influenza virus. The authorities deny the deaths from the virus - they either say that people died from pneumonia, or simply refuse comments.

                      As a result of hype of recent days in the majority of the Belarusian pharmacies no longer have any antiviral drugs, or oxolinic ointment or gauze bandages.

                      Radio Liberty


                      • #12
                        Re: Belarus - first confirmed death from A/H1N1

                        This seems to be the source of the report, Radio Svoboda

                        У Білорусі підтверджують перший випадок смерті від грипу A/H1N1

                        Білоруська влада сьогодні офіційно підтвердила перший випадок смерті від грипу A/H1N1. За даними головного санітарного лікаря Брестської області Олега Арнаутова, наявність нового грипу попередньо підтвердили в 37-річної жительки міста Дрогичин на заході Білорусі. Вона померла 30 жовтня.

                        На даний час в Білорусі офіційно повідомляють про 59 хворих, більшість з яких, як стверджує влада, іноземці.

                        Водночас, у деяких ЗМІ з посиланням на медиків з?явилася інформація про те, що на початок листопада в Білорусі від вірусних інфекцій померли вже 39 людей. Влада цю інформацію спростовує.

                        Як повідомляє кореспондент Радіо Свобода, через ажіотаж за останні дні в більшості білоруських аптек не залишилося противірусних препаратів та марлевих пов?язок.

                        Belarus confirms first death from influenza A/H1N1

                        Belarusian authorities today officially confirmed the first death from influenza A/H1N1. According to the chief health officer of the Brest Region Oleg Arnautov for new pre-confirmed influenza in 37-year-old resident of Drahichyn in western Belarus. She died on 30 October.

                        Currently, Belarus officially reported 59 patients, most of which, as the power of foreigners.

                        However, in some media, referring to doctors has reported that at the beginning of November in Australia died from viral infections is 39 people. The authorities denied this information.

                        As the correspondent of Radio Liberty, a boom in recent days in the majority of Belarusian pharmacies had no antiviral medications and gauze bandages.

                        Білоруська влада сьогодні офіційно підтвердила перший випадок смерті від грипу A/H1N1. За даними головного санітарного лікаря Брестської області Олега Арнаутова, наявність нового грипу попередньо підтвердили в 37-річної жительки міста Дрогичин на заході Білорусі. Вона померла 30 жовтня. На...


                        • #13
                          Re: Belarus - "At least 10 swine flu deaths suspected"

                          From Charter 97

                          In Belarus, a growing number of deaths from swine flu

                          15:34, -

                          Pandemic influenza A/H1N1 virus already detected in 13 of Belarusians who died of pneumonia. The authorities continue to assert that the sick swine flu of 165 people.

                          This BelTA was informed in the Ministry of Health.

                          Ministry of Health continues to assert that only registered 165 cases of pandemic influenza A/H1N1, including the period of epidemic rise of incidence of 139 cases (0.02% of the total number of cases ARI). As at 19 November, influenza A/H1N1 virus was found in 13 people who died of pneumonia.

                          The Ministry also informed that in order to prevent the spread of SARS learning process suspended in 872, resumed classes in 1 267 educational institutions.

                          Recall that on November 4 have appeared that from the swine flu died 7 Belarusians. Thus, only two weeks this number has increased to 6 people.

                          By today, hundreds of thousands of people sick with flu. In this case the Ministry of Health officially declared that they no longer count the cases of swine flu.

                          According to the deputy chief physician of the Republican Center of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health (RTsGiOZ) Ludmilla Naroychik: "in the laboratory confirmation of cases is unnecessary. Another November 1 Chief sanvrach Valentina Kachan stated: "There is no reason for panic in connection with the swine flu in our country there is no epidemic of the disease.

                          Thus, diseased swine flu in Belarus could be much greater because it is known that tests for the virus A/N1N1 rent, not all patients with pneumonia. Laboratories unprepared for such a number of requests. Given the usual difference of such measurements of the actual number of infections, we can assume that in fact the last order of magnitude greater.

                          Thus in pharmacies still lacking the necessary preparations for the treatment of influenza. Not even the most basic essentials - gauze bandages and oxolinic ointment.

                          Официальные цифры умерших от свиного гриппа, которые дает Минздрав, явно далеки от реальности.

