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Ukraine, Over 1,500 dead birds found on Azov sea island - Not H5N1
Around 1,500 dead birds have been found on Ukraine's Bolshoi Dzendzik Island near the Berdyansk spit on the Azov Sea, the Ukrainian emergencies ministry said on Saturday.
Kiev, Oct 23 (IANS/RIA Novosti) About 1,500 birds have been found dead on an Ukraine island, authorities said Saturday. Most of the birds were cormorants, but a large number of herring gulls were also found on Ukraine?s Bolshoi Dzendzik Island, the emergencies ministry said. Specialists from the local veterinary office have taken samples for laboratory testing to [...]
Isolation, followed by the sequencing the full-size genome of strains of A/chicken/Krasnodarl300/07 and A/Cygnus cygnus/Krasnodar/329/07, has shown that they belong to genotype 2.2 (Qinghai-Siberian). The strains were deposited at the State Virus Collection of the Russian Federation and nucleotide c …
"The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation
Re: Ukraine, Over 1,500 dead birds found on Azov sea island
Veterinarians found the cause of mass deaths of birds in the Sea of Azov
Berdyansk, October 24. Veterinarians denied rumors that the cause of mass mortality of gulls and cormorants in the Azov Sea has bird flu.
According to the press service of the Veterinary Service of Berdyansk, cause of death for more than fifteen hundred birds established. This is how transfers website "News", a fungal disease aspergillosis.
"He is prone youngsters, who have a weak immune system", - noted in the veterinary services of the city.
Fungus has caused mass mortality of sea gulls and cormorants on the Azov
Veterinarians denied rumors that the cause of mass mortality of gulls and cormorants in the Azov Sea has bird flu. "The cause of death of over fifteen hundred birds found - a fungal disease aspergillosis. He is prone to youngsters, who have a weak immune system" - the press service of the Veterinary Service of Berdyansk.
Last Saturday on the island of Grand Dzendzik was discovered massive plague of cormorants and herring gull. Ministry of Emergency Situations and veterinary services have collected the dead birds from the coast, took and burned.
Selected materials tested at a local clinic and in the center of Azov national park, and also sent for further analysis to the central veterinary laboratory in Kiev. New cases of mass plague other animals and birds in the area of the Azov Sea environmentalists are not confirmed.
Врачи опровергли слухи о том, что причиной массовой гибели чаек и бакланов в Азовском море стал птичий грипп. "Причину смерти свыше полторы тысячи птиц установили - это грибковое заболевание аспергиллез", - сообщила ветеринарная служба.