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Tuva, Siberia: H5N1 discovered in dead wild birds

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  • Tuva, Siberia: H5N1 discovered in dead wild birds


    Google translation:

    In Siberia ?come? bird flu
    In one region of the migratory birds have found the presence of the virus
    In Tyva from migratory birds have found the influenza virus.

    Dmitry BUKEVICH - 18.06.2009 17:06

    The alarming news came from the republic of Tuva. In Ovyurskom area on Lake Ubsa Nour case occurred on wild birds - the specialists Россельхознадзора found 58 corpses. Studies have shown - in 7 samples out of 22 identified bird flu virus A, subtype H5.

    - On June 18 in the Novosibirsk region of influenza disease in poultry has not been registered,
    - told ?Komsomolke? in Rosselkhoznadzor. - Nevertheless, in high-risk areas in the SFD is listed more than 4.5 million head of poultry. Vaccines undergo more than 4 million animals revaccinated nearly 240 thousand heads.

    Preventive measures to avoid possible drift and spread of bird flu are continuing.

  • #2
    Re: Tuva, Siberia: H5 discovered in dead wild birds


    Google translation:

    In Tuva in wild birds, influenza virus identified
    Mortality of wild birds.
    Jun 18, 2009, 15:23

    Mortality of wild birds occurred at Lake Ubsa-Nur in Tuva. In a study in seven of the 22 samples identified the virus bird flu, reported today the press service Россельхознадзора in the Novosibirsk region.

    In general, cases of flu among poultry in the territory of Siberian Federal District are not registered. In high-risk areas are in more than 4.5 million heads of poultry. Vaccinated more than 4 million birds, almost 240 000 revaccinated.

    During the monitoring studies the presence of antibodies to influenza virus H5N1 was detected in 68 samples from wild migratory birds in the 10 districts of the Altai region, 3 areas of the Republic of Buryatia, 1 region of the Republic of Tuva, and 1 district of Krasnoyarsk region.

    Recall that a dangerous disease of wild and domestic birds in the territory of Khakassia not detected. At 1 May, 2009 vaccination against influenza was subjected to 38 thousand poultry.


    • #3
      Re: Tuva, Siberia: H5N1 discovered in dead wild birds


      Google translation:

      DAY EVENTS All the messages from
      In Tove killed hundreds of birds

      Publication date: 10:45 25/06/2009
      Source: Oreanda-News
      City: Kyzyl

      Oreanda-NEWS. The lake Ubsu Nur in the Republic of Tuva in the past few days killed more than 400 birds - presumably from bird flu. Biomaterial dead birds sent to study in the Kemerovo laboratory.

      As the "Vesti.Ru" referring to the republican service veterinary supervision, the carcass first 58 killed birds were found in early June. The victims of the second outbreak, coming on this week, have 420 birds.
      Study patmateriala dead birds at the beginning of the month, held in virological laboratory services for veterinary supervision of the republic in Kyzyl found dead from bird flu virus.

      Then 22 samples patmateriala byly sent in Kemerovo interregional veterinary laboratory, where 7 of them are more accurate studies have found strains of the virus H5N1.

      Earlier in the 50-kilometer zone around the coast of Lake Ubsu-Nur has been declared a quarantine. On-site specialists Emergency Management, "Rospotrebnadzor," "Россельхознадзора and services for veterinary supervision of Tuva. They are engaged in the collection and disposal of poultry carcasses, disinfection specialists pass backyards of local residents. Of the quarantine zone resettled 8 chabanskih parks. In August 2006, at Lake Ubsu Nour of bird flu killed more than 3,7 thousands of birds.


      • #4
        Re: Tuva, Siberia: H5N1 discovered in dead wild birds

        The H5N1 is Fujian clade 2.3.2 (same H5N1 that flew into Japan, South Korea, and Primorie in the spring of 2008 - from Hong Kong). It is poised to fly into Europe, the Middle East, and Africa in the fall.


        • #5
          Re: Tuva, Siberia: H5N1 discovered in dead wild birds

          LOCUS GQ338087 1778 bp cRNA linear VRL 13-JUL-2009
          DEFINITION Influenza A virus (A/great crested grebe/Tyva/120/2009(H5N1))
          segment 4 hemagglutinin (HA) gene, complete cds.
          ACCESSION GQ338087
          VERSION GQ338087.1 GI:251825476
          KEYWORDS .
          SOURCE Influenza A virus (A/great crested grebe/Tyva/120/2009(H5N1))
          ORGANISM Influenza A virus (A/great crested grebe/Tyva/120/2009(H5N1))
          Viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses; Orthomyxoviridae;
          Influenzavirus A.
          REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1778)
          AUTHORS Shestopalov,A.M., Silko,N.Y., Sharshov,K.A., Kulak,M.V.,
          Susloparov,I.M. and Drozdov,I.G.
          TITLE H5N1 Avian Influenza Outbreak in Tyva in 2009 in Russia
          JOURNAL Unpublished
          REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1778)
          AUTHORS Shestopalov,A.M., Silko,N.Y., Sharshov,K.A., Kulak,M.V.,
          Susloparov,I.M. and Drozdov,I.G.
          TITLE Direct Submission
          JOURNAL Submitted (30-JUN-2009) Division to Investigate Emerging Zoonotic
          Diseases and Influenza, SRC VB Vector, Novosibirsk Region, Koltsovo
          630559, Russia
          FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
          source 1..1778
          /organism="Influenza A virus (A/great crested
          /mol_type="viral cRNA"
          /strain="A/great crested grebe/Tyva/120/2009"
          /isolation_source="cloacal swab"
          /host="Podiceps cristatus"
          gene 17..1720
          CDS 17..1720
          1 ggttcactct gtcaaaatgg agaaaatagt gcttcttttt gcaacaatca gccttgttaa
          61 aagcgatcat atttgcattg gttatcatgc aaataactcg acagagcagg ttgacacaat
          121 aatggaaaag aacgttactg ttacacatgc ccaagacata ctggaaaaga cacacaacgg
          181 gaagctctgc gatctaaatg gagtgaagcc tctgatttta aaagattgta gtgtagcggg
          241 atggctcctc ggaaacccat tgtgtgacga attcatcaat gtgccagaat ggtcttacat
          301 agtagagaag gccaatccag ccaatgacct ctgttaccca gggaatttca acgattatga
          361 agaattgaaa cacctattga gcaggataaa ccattttgag aaaatacaga tcatccccaa
          421 agattcttgg tcagatcatg aagcctcatt gtgggtgagc gcagcatgtc cataccaggg
          481 aaattcctcc ttcttcagaa atgtggtatg gcttatcaaa aaggacaatg catacccaac
          541 aataaagaaa ggctacaata ataccaacca agaagatctc ttggtactgt gggggattca
          601 ccatcctaat gatgaggcag agcagacaag gctctatcaa aacccaacca cctatatttc
          661 cattgggaca tcaacactaa accagagatt ggtaccaaaa atagccacta gatccaaaat
          721 aaacgggcaa agtggcagga tagatttctt ctggacaatt ttaaaaccga atgatgcaat
          781 ccacttcgag agtaatggaa atttccttgc tcccgaatat gcatacaaaa ttgtcaagaa
          841 aggagactcc acaattatga aaagtgaagt ggaatatggt aactgcaaca ccaggtgtca
          901 gactccgata ggggcgataa actctagtat gccattccac aacatacacc ctctcaccat
          961 cggagaatgt cccaaatatg tgaaatcaaa caaattagtc cttgcgactg ggctcagaaa
          1021 tagtcctcaa agagagagaa gaagaaaaag aggactgttt ggagctatag caggttttat
          1081 agagggagga tggcagggaa tggtagatgg ttggtatggg taccaccaca gcaatgagca
          1141 ggggagtggg tacgctgcag acaaagaatc tactcaaaag gcaatagacg gagtcaccaa
          1201 taaggtcaac tcgatcattg acaaaatgaa cactcagttt gaggccgtag gaagggaatt
          1261 taataactta gagaggagaa tagagaattt aaacaagaag atggaagacg gattcctaga
          1321 tgtctggact tataatgctg aacttctggt tctcatggaa aatgagagaa ctctagactt
          1381 ccatgactca aatgtcaaga acctttacga taaggtcaga ctacagctta aggataatgc
          1441 aaaagagttg ggtaatggtt gtttcgagtt ctatcacaaa tgtaataatg aatgtatgga
          1501 aagtgtaaga aacggaactt atgactaccc gcagtattca gaagaagcaa gattaaaaag
          1561 agaggaaata agtggagtaa aattggaatc aataggaatc taccaaatac tgtcaattta
          1621 ttcaacagtg gcgagttccc tagtgctggc aatcatgatg gctggtctat ctttatggat
          1681 gtgttccaac gggtcgttac agtgcagaat ttgcatttaa gtttgtgagt tcagattgta
          1741 gttaaaaaca cccttgtttc tactggtcat agctgttt

