December 17, 2021 Poultry • News
Bird flu in broiler chickens in Den Ham
Hans Bijleveld
poultry farming editor
Bird flu (H5) has been diagnosed in broilers in Den Ham (Ov.). It is probably a highly pathogenic variant of the virus.
To prevent the virus from spreading, the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) is going to clear the company. It concerns about 80,000 animals. The Ministry of LNV announced this on Friday morning .
There is one other poultry farm within a radius of 1 kilometer around the company. This company is located on the one-kilometre limit and is therefore blocked, intensively monitored and examined for bird flu.
Six other poultry farms are located within a radius of 3 kilometers around the infected broiler farm. They are sampled for bird flu.
There are 29 other poultry farms in the 10 kilometer zone around this company. The transport ban applies immediately for this zone...
December 17, 2021 Poultry • News
Bird flu in broiler chickens in Den Ham
Hans Bijleveld
poultry farming editor
Bird flu (H5) has been diagnosed in broilers in Den Ham (Ov.). It is probably a highly pathogenic variant of the virus.
To prevent the virus from spreading, the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) is going to clear the company. It concerns about 80,000 animals. The Ministry of LNV announced this on Friday morning .
There is one other poultry farm within a radius of 1 kilometer around the company. This company is located on the one-kilometre limit and is therefore blocked, intensively monitored and examined for bird flu.
Six other poultry farms are located within a radius of 3 kilometers around the infected broiler farm. They are sampled for bird flu.
There are 29 other poultry farms in the 10 kilometer zone around this company. The transport ban applies immediately for this zone...