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Avian influenza: the situation in France ​​​​​​​2023-2024

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  • Avian influenza: the situation in France ​​​​​​​2023-2024

    Thierry Degen/Terra

    November 28, 2023 Press release

    Avian influenza: Faced with the observed increase in cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in wildlife, with a first outbreak detected in a French farm, France is raising its risk level

    The decree published on November 28 in the Official Journal raises the risk level from “negligible” to “moderate” across the entire metropolitan territory. It has the effect of strengthening prevention and biosecurity measures for the breeding sectors but also for hunters. This measure is taken as an outbreak in breeding has just been recorded in France in Morbihan, the first case of autumn 2023.

    For several weeks, Europe has recorded a dynamic spread of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAI) in migratory wild fauna (greylag geese and barnacles in particular) but also in farms in Northern Europe (Germany, Denmark, Netherlands) and central Europe, particularly in Hungary.

    These detections concern a certain number of countries (Denmark, Netherlands, Germany in particular) located upstream of the migration routes which cross France. Germany, Sweden and Austria have identified the virus in different species of migratory birds.

    The infection pressure linked to migratory wildlife will therefore gradually increase in France. 4 common cranes have already been confirmed infected with HPAI in the Meuse (Lake Madine) and in the Camargue in recent days, as well as a herring gull in Morbihan. On November 27, close to the gull found infected, a turkey farm was declared an HPAI outbreak; all measures are being taken to manage this first outbreak in breeding in the fall of 2023.

    Visit the ESA platform for more information on the situation in Europe.

    Faced with this situation, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty has taken the decision to raise the risk level from “negligible” to “moderate” across the entire metropolitan territory: ministerial decree .

    This decision leads to the immediate implementation of reinforced prevention and biosecurity measures by both individuals and professional actors, including:
    • Shelter for all poultry in areas at particular risk ( ZRP ) [1]
    • Sheltering of web-footed animals less than 42 days old in zones at risk of diffusion ( ZRD ) [2] from breeding by wild fauna.
    • Covering vehicles transporting waterflies
    • Restrictions on the transport and use of decoy birds (hunting)
    • Restrictions on gatherings of poultry and captive birds.
    The list of municipalities affected by ZRDs and ZRPs is available on the website of the official bulletin of the Ministry of Agriculture .

    All applicable measures are described in the ministerial decree of 09/25/2023 .

    These reinforced measures complement the compulsory vaccination campaign launched in France since October 1 for commercial farms keeping more than 250 ducks. Surveillance, biosecurity and vaccination are complementary pillars of HPAI prevention.

    [1] ZRP : particular risk zone in which natural conditions increase the risk of contamination of farms by wildlife.
    [2] ZRD : area at risk of diffusion with a high density of poultry farms

    ​See also:
    France - Avian flu: an outbreak identified in a Morbihan farm, the “first case of the fall"
    ​ / --------------------------------------------------- Translation Google Avian flu: an outbreak identified in a Morbihan farm, the “first case of the fall” in France The Ministry of Agriculture made this announcement on Tuesday, while the risk level will go from "negligible"

  • #2
    Translation Google

    December 05, 2023 Press release

    Avian influenza: France places its territory at a “high” risk level to strengthen the protection of poultry farms

    While a first outbreak in livestock farming was detected in Morbihan at the end of November, and the infection dynamic in Europe continues, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty took the decision to raise to its maximum the level of epizootic risk with regard to highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). Preventive measures are being strengthened to protect poultry farms. The continuing strong dynamic of HPAI virus infection recorded in Europe, while a first contamination of a farm had been detected a few days ago in France [1], has now led the public authorities to place all of the territory at high risk level with regard to HPAI. The decree was published this Tuesday, December 5 in the Official Journal .

    This decision, one week after an initial increase in the level of risk, ensures better protection of farms in the face of the threat represented by the strong circulation of the virus in migratory wildlife.

    The transition to “high” risk generalizes the following prevention measures throughout the territory :
    • Closure or protection by nets of birds kept in establishments with fewer than 50 poultry or captive birds (farmyards, zoos);
    • Shelter and protection of feeding and watering of birds in establishments keeping more than 50 poultry;
    • Mandatory equipment of vehicles intended for the transport of waterflies over three days old with tarpaulins or equivalent preventing any significant loss of feathers and down by a full or empty truck ;
    • Prohibition of gatherings of poultry and captive birds;
    • Ban on racing pigeon competitions until 04/10;
    • Restrictions on the transport of calling birds and a ban on the release of game birds of the Anatidae family.
    In areas at risk of diffusion (ZRD), i.e. with a high density of poultry farms, the following measures are made compulsory:
    • HPAI virological screening during movements of batches of palmipeds ready to fatten between two farms, thus complementing the surveillance already put in place as part of the Official HPAI Vaccination Plan.
    • Restriction of access, disinfection of vehicles.
    All applicable measures are described in the ministerial decree of 09/25/2023 .

    These prevention measures complement the compulsory vaccination campaign launched in France since October 1 for commercial farms keeping more than 250 ducks. Surveillance, biosecurity and vaccination are complementary pillars of HPAI prevention.

    [1] Press release dated 11/28/2023



    • #3
      Translation Google

      Avian flu: “The situation is worrying”, warns the deputy director general of the health agency Anses

      “Several outbreaks” of contamination have been identified “in eastern France but also in Brittany” according to Gilles Salvat.

      Article written by France Info
      Radio France
      Publishedon 06/12/2023 07:12

      "The situation is worrying" , warned Wednesday December 6 on France Inter Gilles Salvat, deputy director general of Anses (National Agency for Health and Food Safety), while the government raised on Tuesday the level of risk linked to avian flu in mainland France at its maximum . This decision was taken in particular because of the presence of the virus in “wild birds which descend from North to South for their winter migration, passing over French territory”.

      The executive is also taking precautions after the detection of “several” contaminated homes “in the east of France but also in Brittany” , explains Gilles Salvat. The authorities have observed "since last week, four outbreaks, including three in Morbihan and one in the Somme, in turkeys which have contaminated domestic birds, leading to the slaughter of these birds" . He estimates that in recent weeks "a few tens of thousands of turkeys have been slaughtered" .

      The ducks seem spared for the moment

      The Deputy Director General of ANSES also notes that unlike previous years, ducks seem spared by the virus. “We hope that it is linked to the fact that we vaccinate the ducks ,” maintains Gilles Salvat. In fact, vaccination in farms of more than 250 ducks has been made compulsory in France. Since then, ANSES has recorded “8 million first doses administered and 6 million booster doses” .

      To control the virus, the Deputy Director General of ANSES calls for "sheltering the birds" , but recognizes that "this is not enough" . “It is therefore absolutely necessary to strengthen biosecurity measures, that is to say everything that the breeder does to avoid bringing the virus into his breeding” , argues Gilles Salvat. He explains that currently no vaccination is authorized in France for turkeys. If "vaccines exist" and have notably been tested in Italy, "they are much less effective" , assures the deputy general director of the health agency. It further specifies that "the Ministry of Agriculture considered that it was immediately difficult to vaccinate turkeys, because these vaccines do not currently have marketing authorization" .


      • #4
        December 20, 2023 Info +

        Avian influenza: the situation in France

        Faced with the observed increase in cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in wildlife, France has been at high risk since December 5, 2023 ( decree of December 4, 2023 qualifying the level of risk in terms of avian influenza highly pathogenic ).

        Six outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) were confirmed on farms in France between November 27 and December 20, 2023. These are the first HPAI outbreaks detected this fall in France. Five of these outbreaks involved indoor turkey farms, four in Morbihan, one in the Somme. The most recent outbreak, confirmed on December 20, was detected in a laying hen farm in the Nord department.

        Management measures in case of outbreaks

        When an outbreak is detected, health measures are deployed to limit the spread of the virus:

        In infected establishments:
        o Depopulation of households;
        o If necessary, preventive killing of animals within a perimeter defined by prefectural decree;
        o Cleaning and disinfection of sites.

        In establishments close to infected establishments: establishment of restricted zones (protection and surveillance zone) with reinforced measures:
        o Increased surveillance;
        o Reinforced biosecurity (protection from birds);
        o Prohibition of poultry movements;
        o Restriction of feathered game hunting activities.


        Retrouvez dans cet article la situation épidémiologique d'influenza aviaire en France.


        • #5
          Translation Google

          January 4, 2024 Info +

          Avian influenza: the situation in France

          Faced with the observed increase in cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in wildlife, France has been at high risk since December 5, 2023 ( decree of December 4, 2023 qualifying the level of risk in terms of avian influenza highly pathogenic ).

          Seven outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) were confirmed on farms in France between November 27, 2023, the date of the first HPAI outbreak detected this fall in France, and January 2, 2024. Five of these outbreaks concerned farms of turkeys in buildings (four in Morbihan, one in the Somme). The two most recent outbreaks were confirmed on December 20, 2023 in a laying hen farm in the Nord department, and on January 2, 2024 in a duck farm in Vendée.


          Retrouvez dans cet article la situation épidémiologique d'influenza aviaire en France.


          • #6
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            • #7
              Translation Google

              January 12, 2024 Info +

              Avian influenza: the situation in France
              Nine outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) were confirmed on farms in France between November 27, 2023, the date of the first HPAI outbreak detected this fall in France, and January 10, 2024. Six of these outbreaks concerned farms of turkeys in buildings (four in Morbihan, one in the Somme and one in Vendée). The three outbreaks affected a laying hen farm in the Nord department and two duck farms in Vendée.

              Retrouvez dans cet article la situation épidémiologique d'influenza aviaire en France.


              • #8
                Translation Google

                January 24, 2024 Info +

                Avian influenza: the situation in France
                Ten outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) were confirmed on farms in France between November 27, 2023, the date of the first HPAI outbreak detected this fall in France, and January 18, 2024. Six of these outbreaks concerned farms of turkeys in buildings (four in Morbihan, one in the Somme and one in Vendée). The four other outbreaks affected a laying hen farm in the Nord department and three duck farms in Vendée.
                Retrouvez dans cet article la situation épidémiologique d'influenza aviaire en France.


                • #9
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                  Avian flu: France has recorded 30 times fewer outbreaks of contamination this year

                  Monday to Friday at 6:51 a.m., 8:21 a.m. and 11:26 a.m.

                  This winter, France was largely spared from this infection which can affect almost all species of birds, wild or domestic. The risk level for avian flu, considered "high" since December, has just been lowered to "moderate" on Saturday.

                  Article written byAnne Le Gall
                  Radio France
                  Published on 03/18/2024 06:51
                  Update on 03/18/2024 07:46

                  France has just lowered its risk level for avian flu . It goes from “high” to “moderate”, which makes it possible again for poultry to be taken outdoors on farms. The Ministry of Agriculture announced this on Saturday March 16. This is good news because since December, poultry could no longer stay outdoors. From now on, outings are possible again, with this lowered level of risk. France has only recorded 10 outbreaks of avian flu on farms since August 2023. This is 30 times fewer than during the previous season. A welcome improvement, because between 2021 and 2023, France has had to slaughter 30 million poultry contaminated by avian flu.

                  Several factors explain this improvement. Less circulation of the virus in wildlife, while the migrations of birds crossing France towards the north are coming to an end. France has detected 300 fewer wild outbreaks than in 2022. We must also see a positive effect of the vaccination of ducks made compulsory for the first time this winter on farms, underlines Jean-Luc Guérin, professor at the National veterinary school of Toulouse. More than 21 million ducks received at least one injection against bird flu this year.

                  The question of extending vaccination in the future to other poultry such as chickens or turkeys is nevertheless not resolved because of its impact, around 100 million this year. Furthermore, the Ministry of Agriculture recalls the importance of measures other than vaccination to fight against avian flu, "biosecurity" measures, such as disinfection of equipment, reduction of water points, installing protective nets or wild bird scaring systems to block transmission of the virus. Some 92 poultry farms have been selected to test new pilot measures starting this March. The objective is to find effective alternatives to compulsory confinement.

                  Cet hiver, la France a été largement épargnée par cette infection pouvant toucher presque toutes les espèces d'oiseaux, sauvages ou domestiques. Le niveau de risque en matière de grippe aviaire, jugé "élevé" depuis décembre, vient d'ailleurs, samedi, d'être abaissé à "modéré".


                  March 16, 2024 Press release

                  Avian influenza: the improvement of the health situation makes it possible to lower the level of risk from the “high” level to the “moderate” level

                  As of March 16, France has recorded a total of ten outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) on farms since the first detection on a farm on November 27, 2023. For comparison, 315 outbreaks were recorded on the same date. last year.

                  At the European level, the virus currently has a low health incidence in the ascending migration corridors crossing France, both on the northern front (Baltic Sea, North Sea, Channel), and on the east/southeast front (Central Europe). , Italy, Switzerland).

                  These favorable health elements, resulting from the reduced circulation of the virus in Europe and especially from the unprecedented vaccination campaign successfully conducted by France, are leading the ministry today to lower the HPAI risk level to the “moderate” level from March 18. France has been at a “ high” risk level since December 5, 2023 .

                  The lowering of the risk level makes it possible, on the one hand, for ducks to go outdoors and, on the other hand, for other poultry to go outside without restriction.

                  However, access conditions remain planned for wetlands located under migration corridors (known as special risk zones or ZRP) and zones at risk of diffusion (ZRD) with a high density of duck farms :

                  In ZRDs and ZRPs, ducks over 42 days old can go outside to an outdoor range adapted to reducing contamination of wildlife, after the veterinarian's favorable opinion.
                  In ZRP, free-range laying hens, turkeys over 8 weeks old and broilers and guinea fowl over 6 weeks old can go out on adapted runs for animal welfare reasons.
                  Furthermore, in order to prevent the risk of spread, any movement from one farm to another farm must be preceded by virological tests for ducks that have been on outdoor ranges.

                  This improvement in the health situation should not, however, lead to a relaxation of prevention. All stakeholders in the sector are asked to maintain their vigilance and respect strict application of the biosecurity measures in force.

                  “ The lowering of the level of risk given the favorable health situation rewards the unfailing involvement of the breeding sectors, veterinarians and the State in the vaccination campaign and, more broadly, the daily prevention against this virus. »

                  Marc Fesneau

                  Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

                  La France n’a détecté aucun nouveau foyer d’influenza aviaire hautement pathogène (IAHP) en élevage depuis le 16 janvier 2024, et aucun cas en faune sauvage depuis le 12 février. Face à cette situation sanitaire favorable, Marc Fesneau, ministre de l’Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire, a décidé d’abaisser le niveau de risque IAHP de « élevé » à « modéré » à compter du 18 mars.


                  • #10
                    Translation Google

                    Avian flu: in France, the risk level lowered to “negligible”

                    This winter, the avian flu virus circulated less in France than in previous years, especially since farmed ducks have been vaccinated.

                    Editorial with AFP - Today at 12:45 - Reading time: 2 min

                    The risk level for avian flu, described as “moderate” since mid-March , has been lowered to “negligible” in France, after a season where the virus circulated less and where farmed ducks were vaccinated, according to a decree published Sunday in the Official Journal .

                    “This decree qualifying the level of highly pathogenic avian influenza risk is taken following an improvement in the health situation in wild avifauna,” underlines the document from the French Ministry of Agriculture signed on Friday and which comes into force on May 3.

                    Biosecurity measures removed

                    The lowering of the risk level also takes into account “the end of the seasonal migration of migratory species” and “the stabilization of the epidemiological situation in the wild avifauna of neighboring countries”.

                    Consequently, another decree also signed on April 26 removes “certain biosecurity measures applicable in ZRD (Zone at risk of diffusion, Editor's note) or in ZRP (Zone at particular risk) when the level of risk is moderate”. The risk level, deemed “high” from December, had already been lowered to “moderate” last month.

                    Mandatory vaccination

                    This winter, France was largely spared from avian flu thanks to the combination of less circulation of the virus in Europe and the vaccination of ducks , which it is the only European country to practice, indicated on March 8 a head of the Anses health agency.

                    France has made the vaccination of farmed birds compulsory on farms with more than 250 non-breeding ducks, for the first time in 2023.

                    Cet hiver, le virus de la grippe aviaire a moins circulé en France que les années précédentes, d'autant que les canards d'élevage ont été vaccinés.


                    Order of April 26, 2024 qualifying the level of risk in terms of highly pathogenic avian influenza

                    NOR: AGRG2411866A
                    JORF n°0100 of April 28, 2024
                    Text No. 10

                    Extract from the authenticated electronic Official JournalPDF - 193.4 KB
                    Initial version

                    Public concerned: operators keeping poultry or other captive birds.
                    Purpose: lowering the level of epizootic risk of highly pathogenic avian influenza to “Negligible” across the entire metropolitan area.
                    Entry into force: this order comes into force on May 3, 2024.
                    Notice: this order qualifying the level of highly pathogenic avian influenza risk is taken following an improvement in the health situation in wild avifauna.
                    References: the decree can be consulted on the Légifrance website ( ).

                    The Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty,
                    Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council of March 9, 2016 relating to transmissible animal diseases and amending and repealing certain acts in the field of animal health ( “animal health legislation”) and its secondary acts;
                    Considering the rural and maritime fishing code , in particular its article L. 221-1-1 ;
                    Having regard to the amended decree of September 25, 2023 relating to surveillance, prevention, control and vaccination measures against highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI);
                    Having regard to opinion 2016-SA-0245 of the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety relating to “the adjustment of the levels of risk of infection by highly pathogenic avian influenza, whatever the strain, birds held in captivity on metropolitan territory from wild birds” dated July 10, 2017;
                    Having regard to notice 2022-SA-0138 of the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety relating to “the reassessment of the criteria for increasing and reducing the level of risk due to the “infection of avifauna by a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus” dated November 21, 2022;
                    Considering the favorable health situation linked to the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in wild avifauna and the end of the seasonal migration of migratory species;
                    Considering the stabilization of the epidemiological situation in the wild avifauna of neighboring countries,

                    Done on April 26, 2024.

                    For the Minister and by delegation:
                    The Director General of Food,
                    Mr. Faipoux



                    • #11
                      Translation Google

                      Pascal Xicluna /

                      April 30, 2024 Press release

                      Avian influenza: the favorable development of the health situation makes it possible to lower the level of risk to “negligible” throughout the territory

                      Due to a favorable national health situation with regard to highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), the Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, Marc Fesneau, has decided to lower the level of HPAI risk in the territory national to “negligible” as of May 3, 2024. If the unprecedented and massive vaccination campaign for ducks in France contributes to reducing exposure to HPAI risk, the ministry remains very attentive to developments in the situation in the United States following to the detection of HPAI in dairy cattle. The health situation is particularly favorable in France in terms of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI):
                      • no new outbreaks in livestock have been detected since January 16;
                      • only 10 outbreaks have been confirmed in farmed birds for the 2023-2024 season compared to 402 for the previous season at the same period. This very low number of outbreaks is largely explained by the success of the massively implemented vaccination strategy;
                      • since January 7, 2024, no new cases of HPAI have been detected in migratory wildlife
                      As a result, the Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty has decided to lower the level of risk linked to migratory wildlife to its lowest level, i.e. “negligible”. The measures to shelter detained birds will thus be lifted throughout the territory from May 3, the date of entry into force of the decree published on April 28.

                      Detection of the HPAI virus is also lower in Europe compared to previous years, certainly due to less contamination of the environment by viruses originating from migratory wild birds.

                      On the other hand, the health situation is evolving internationally, particularly in the United States where the HPAI virus has been detected in around thirty dairy cow farms.

                      The ministry remains vigilant and attentive to the evolution of this health situation, although the strains currently circulating in the United States are not those identified in Europe.

                      In this regard, the unprecedented duck vaccination campaign implemented in France since last October helps reduce the risk of exposure to HPAI viruses by reducing viral circulation. As of April 29, 31,530,000 ducks have received a first dose of vaccination. This reduced circulation helps reduce the risks of a transition to other species by reducing the opportunities for contact with the virus.

                      Furthermore, vaccination also results in reinforced surveillance of establishments keeping vaccinated birds, which contributes to making our early detection of HPAI in the territory more efficient.

                      Du fait d’une situation sanitaire nationale favorable au regard de l’influenza aviaire hautement pathogène (IAHP), le ministre de l’Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire, Marc Fesneau, a décidé d’abaisser le niveau de risque IAHP sur le territoire national à « négligeable » à compter du 3 mai 2024.

