?Pneumonia, the epidemic continues to scare. "The number of new accesses is stable", explains Regional Health Councilor Giulio Gallera, commenting on the update of the situation in the municipalities of Brescia and Mantua where there have been numerous cases of pneumonia since 2 September.?
?But the numbers seem to say more: Sunday there are 33 people who came to the emergency room with the symptoms of pneumonia. One third more on Saturday, when there were 22, and even three times more than on Friday, when around ten. "Once the peak phase is over - Gallera commented - we are entering a phase in which the number of accesses to the emergency room is now constant".
?Of the 33 accesses in the emergency room, there are a total of 21 hospitalizations, of which 12 in Ats Brescia and 9 in Ats Valpadana. Among these, the most serious is a 30-year-old boy from Calcinato, hospitalized in Montichiari for a suspected legionella. There are 40 people today who are positive to the legionella, with a new confirmed case.
?In addition to deaths, many patients are hospitalized in serious conditions. Two are from Remedello: a 43-year-old hospitalized at the San Gerardo hospital in Monza and a 56-year-old hospitalized in Pavia. Also in Monza also the 29 year old Ro? Volciano but originally from Lake Garda. In Milan instead the 57 year old Carpenedolo who was among the first to contract the legionella.
?To date, there are 191 people in the hospital. There are eight Brescian municipalities in which the epidemic would have been concentrated: Acquafredda, Calvisano, Carpenedolo, Ghedi, Isorella, Montichiari, Remedello and Visano. For all the other municipalities, the Council of Representatives of the mayors of Ats had written, "no extraordinary precautions are required to be observed, and it is not necessary to take precautions for attendance in schools and other centers of aggregation".?