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Germany - 864 cases of infection with Hanta Virus reported this year - 78 cases during same period last year

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  • Germany - 864 cases of infection with Hanta Virus reported this year - 78 cases during same period last year

    13 07 2017

    Risk of infection with hantaviruses

    D?SSELDORF. In Germany, the risk of infections with hantaviruses continues to increase, warns the CRM Center for Reisemedizin: 864 illnesses were reported to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) by mid-June (24th KW) and thus eleven times more than in the same period of the previous year (78 diseases).

    Most cases are in Baden-W?rttemberg, but also Bavaria, NRW and Lower Saxony are more affected. Particularly risk factors such as pregnant women should avoid places with possible mouse infestations.

    The virus is transmitted through the excretions of the animals. There is an infectious danger when inhaling the pathogen, which gets into the lungs via turbulent dust in stables, roofs, basements, barns and garden sheds.

    In Deutschland ist auch weiterhin das Risiko f?r Infektionen mit Hantaviren erh?ht, warnt das CRM Centrum f?r Reisemedizin: 864 Erkrankungen wurden bis Mitte Juni (24. KW) an das Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) gemeldet und damit elf Mal mehr als im gleichen Vorjahreszeitraum (78 Erkrankungen).
    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

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