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A suspected coronavirus case in Luxembourg - Negative

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  • A suspected coronavirus case in Luxembourg - Negative

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    HEALTH01 February 2020 16:41; Act: 01.02.2020 16:47

    A suspected coronavirus case in Luxembourg

    LUXEMBOURG - A coronavirus infection "is not excluded" in a patient hospitalized in Luxembourg.

    A person with symptoms suggestive of coronavirus has been placed in solitary confinement, learned L'essentiel from concordant sources. "There is a case where the diagnosis of infection is not excluded. Tests are currently underway, ”confirmed Dr. Romain Nati, director general of the Center hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL), adding that he was“ kept regularly informed ”.

    According to our information, the person was already hospitalized. A witness evokes a suspicious case at the Kirchberg hospital, which could not be confirmed by the officials. “I saw the nurses alert to a possible coronavirus contamination. The person was reportedly transferred to CHL, ”he said.

    "Procedures are established"
    Has the patient traveled to China recently? How long has he been in the hospital? So many questions that remain unanswered. "We will communicate if there is a proven case. Procedures are established and they are applied, ”said Dr. Nati.

    In case of suspicion of contamination, the patient is placed in an isolated room at the national service of infectious diseases of the Center hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL). The tests are carried out by the National Health Laboratory, possibly with the support of the Charit? University Hospital in Berlin (Germany).

    Last week, the Minister of Health Etienne Schneider had judged "very low" the risk of seeing the coronavirus arrive in Luxembourg. But the situation has evolved since then with around twenty proven cases in Europe. Seven people are notably infected in Germany, and six in France. In China, nearly 12,000 people have been infected and 259 people have died.

    (Thomas Holzer / The Essential)

    Lung disease / CHL director confirms suspected coronavirus case in Luxembourg

    The first patient suspected of having coronavirus was isolated in Luxembourg. (Icon image: AFP)

    In Luxembourg there is the first suspected case of the corona virus. This was confirmed by the director of the Center Hospitalier de Luxembourg Dr. Romain Nati on daily demand.
    One person has been isolated at the Center Hospitalier de Luxembourg with suspected coronavirus. This is confirmed by the director of CHL Dr. Romain Nati on request. "Today we took in a person from whom you cannot rule out an infection with the coronavirus," explained Dr. Nati. The person had symptoms of the virus and would now undergo analyzes. "As long as there is suspicion of infection, the prescribed isolation measures will be taken," said the director. The person would currently be in quarantine. The director of the CHL could not yet make out on Saturday evening whether the suspicion of the corona virus was confirmed. "We will now wait for the results of the tests."

    The person came from China, said health director Dr. Jean-Claude Schmit on demand for daily newspaper. "We collected information about the people he had had closer contact with," says Schmit. The data subjects are included in a list. "We will complete the list of those who have had contact with him." If the suspicion is confirmed, the persons concerned will be contacted. According to Dr. Schmit appear no earlier than Sunday night.

    More information will follow.

    Eine Person ist im „Centre hospitalier de Luxembourg“ mit Verdacht auf das Coronavirus isoliert worden. Das bestätigt der Direktor des CHL Dr. Romain Nati auf Nachfrage. „Wir haben heute eine Person aufgenommen, bei der man eine Infektion mit dem Coronavirus nicht ausschließen kann“, erklärte Dr. Nati. Die Person habe Symptome des Virus aufgewiesen und würde sich nun Untersuchungen unterziehen. „Solange der Verdacht auf eine Infektion besteht, werden die vorgeschriebenen Isolierungsmaßnahmen vollzogen“, sagte der Direktor. Die Person würde sich aktuell in Quarantäne befinden. Ob sich der Verdacht auf das Coronavirus bestätigt, konnte der Direktor des CHL am Samstagabend noch nicht ausmachen. „Wir werden nun die Ergebnisse der Tests abwarten.“ Die Person sei aus China gekommen, erklärte der Gesundheitsdirektor Dr. Jean-Claude Schmit auf Tageblatt-Nachfrage. „Wir haben Informationen darüber gesammelt, mit welchen Personen er engeren Kontakt gehabt hatte“, sagt Schmit. Die betroffenen Personen seien in einer Liste aufgeführt. „Wir werden die Liste derjenigen, die mit ihm Kontakt hatten, vervollständigen.“ Falls sich der Verdacht bestätigen sollte, werden die betroffenen Personen kontaktiert. Ein Ergebnis der Untersuchungen soll laut Dr. Schmit frühestens in der Nacht zum Sonntag vorliegen.  Über Letzte Artikel Pascal GillenFußball, Radsport, Shorttrack oder sportgesellschaftliche Themen: Pascal Gillen zählt seit seinem Praktikum 2017 zu... View Article
    "Safety and security don't just happen, they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear."
    -Nelson Mandela

  • #2
    Luxembourgish patient not infected with coronavirus

    RTL|Update: 02.02.2020

    On Saturday afternoon, CHL director Romain Nati confirmed that it could be ruled out at that point that the patient in question contracted the coronavirus.

    This was the first suspected case of the coronavirus in Luxembourg. The person in question was put in quarantine and tests were run, according to Romain Nati, director of the CHL.

    By Saturday evening the lab tests confirmed that the patient did not carry the coronavirus - which means Luxembourg has yet to see its first case of the virus, which has made its way to both Germany and France. The patient suspected of being the first in Luxembourg was removed from isolation and returned home.

    On Saturday afternoon, CHL director Romain Nati confirmed that it could be ruled out at that point that the patient in question contracted the coronavirus.
    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

