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France - Paris doctors sound alarm, warn of catastrophic overload of Covid-19 cases - March 28, 2021

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  • France - Paris doctors sound alarm, warn of catastrophic overload of Covid-19 cases - March 28, 2021

    Paris doctors sound alarm, warn of catastrophic overload of Covid-19 cases

    March 28, 2021

    Critical care doctors in Paris say surging coronavirus infections could soon overwhelm their ability to care for the sick in the French capital's hospitals, possibly forcing them to choose which patients they have the resources to treat.

    The sobering warning was delivered Sunday in a newspaper opinion signed by 41 Paris-region doctors. Published by Le Journal du Dimanche newspaper, it comes as French President Emmanuel Macron has been vigorously defending his decision not to completely lockdown France again as he did last year. Since January, Macron's government has instead imposed a nationwide overnight curfew and followed that with a grab-bag of other restrictions.

    But with coronavirus infections soaring and hospitals increasingly running short of intensive care beds, doctors have been stepping up the pressure for a full French lockdown.


    Critical care doctors in Paris say surging coronavirus infections could soon overwhelm their ability to care for the sick in the French capital's hospitals, possibly forcing them to choose which patients…

  • #2
    Nous n'avons pas de C.D.C , mais nous avons le SAMU et la s?curit? civile. Ces unit?s savent faire du tri depuis toujours. Ce serait bien que tous les acteurs soient en ordre de marche et fassent ce qui se doit ...

    Pour le moment , comme aux USA , les faits montrent des r?sultats racistes, sexistes et s?gr?gationnistes . Je m'en suis ouvert avec le repr?sentant local de la ligue des droits de l'homme , mais c'est vrai que je n'ai pas saisi de fa?on formalis?e l'instance de la commission europ?enne:

    ?tant l?galiste et pensant que l'int?grit? de la haute fonction publique, ?tait en place, une saisie orale, devait suffire.

    En revanche, j'ai obtenu confirmation que le concept de synd?mie est de plus en plus partag?, mais pas encore impos? ...

    "nommer comme il se doit est le premier des traitements "

