Spanish-English translation
15 deaths reported in Sonora- Rickettsia
So far this year have already registered 15 deaths caused by viruses and rickettsia in the State belated attention mainly in young adults, said Francisco Javier Navarro G?lvez.
Hermosillo, Sonora (PH)
So far this year have already registered 15 deaths caused by viruses and rickettsia in the State belated attention mainly in young adults, said Francisco Javier Navarro G?lvez. The director of health services the person of the Ministry of Health said so far the death toll was reported in 2010 and reached the same amount so recommend taking preventive action. "It is a difficult disease to identify in the early stages of the disease it causes fever , muscle and joint pain can be confused with other viral diseases, "he said. G?lvez Navarro said that so far it is known 108 cases of this disease in towns like Cajeme, Hermosillo, Nogales and B?cum, which was manifested in young adults . He added that those who have died have had rapid progression of the disease as the period in which it has developed is five to seven days, so it is recommended to seek medical suspicion.