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British Columbia - Norovirus suspected at Delta Secondary School in Ladner

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  • British Columbia - Norovirus suspected at Delta Secondary School in Ladner

    Norovirus suspected at Delta Secondary School in Ladner

    05/06/2014 3:44:36 PM |
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    <!-- More than 300 students and staff at Delta Secondary School in Ladner are experiencing what clinically appears to be Norovirus.

    More than 300 students and staff at Delta Secondary School in Ladner are experiencing what clinically appears to be Norovirus. We are currently confirming this suspicion. In the meantime, the school is undergoing enhanced cleaning and we are asking all students and staff who are experiencing symptoms of vomiting or diarrhea to please stay home and not attend school.

    Norovirus is a gastrointestinal virus and is highly contagious. Noroviruses are found in the stool or vomit of infected people. People can become infected with the virus in several ways, including through direct contact with another person who is infected (for example sharing food or eating utensils with an ill person) and touching surfaces or objects contaminated with a norovirus (such as door handles).

    While very unpleasant, Noro usually passes after 24 ? 48 hours in otherwise healthy individuals. Spread of the infection can be limited by practicing enhanced hand-hygiene and being mindful of cough and sneezing etiquette.

    The best thing to do if you have the virus is to stay home, and get plenty of rest and liquids. It is recommended that students and staff stay home for two days after their symptoms stop.

    For more information, please visit:

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