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Argentina: 2024 Measles

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  • Argentina: 2024 Measles


    They confirm a case of measles in a 19-month-old baby in Salta: what are the symptoms
    The provincial Ministry of Health reported this and warned that the child was not vaccinated, has no travel history and in the initial investigation there was no contact with suspected cases. The importance of vaccination
    Jan 19, 2024 08:23 p.m. ITS T

    The Ministry of Health of Salta confirmed a case of measles in a 19-month-old child. According to the health ministry, the minor had not been vaccinated. Likewise, they indicated that "the case has no travel history and in the initial investigation there was no contact with suspected cases before the onset of symptoms."

    Through a statement, the Salta health ministry confirmed a case of measles in the province, which was detected in a 19-month-old baby. According to the document, "on January 16, a private provider from the Province notified the National Health Surveillance System of a case of febrile exanthematous illness, suspected of measles, initiating the epidemiological investigation and control actions."

    “This serum sample along with the samples for viral detection were referred to the National Reference Laboratory ANLIS-Malbrán confirming the infection by serology and detection of measles virus by RT-PCR in urine and nasopharyngeal aspirate on January 19,” they stated in the statement and warned that “studies are being developed to genotype the virus.”

    A point highlighted by the provincial Ministry of Health is that “the case does not have a history of triple viral vaccination, he did not travel outside the province and in the initial investigation there was no contact with suspected cases before the appearance of symptoms.” . “The local and provincial rapid response teams (ERRA) are carrying out the epidemiological investigation and the corresponding outbreak control actions,” they added....​