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ProMed: Outbreak of oral (foodborne) Chagas in Para, Brazil

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  • ProMed: Outbreak of oral (foodborne) Chagas in Para, Brazil

    Archive Number 20091111.3909
    Published Date 11-NOV-2009
    Subject PRO/AH/EDR> Trypanosomiasis, foodborne - Brazil (PA)

    A ProMED-mail post
    ProMED-mail is a program of the
    International Society for Infectious Diseases

    Date: 9 Nov 2009
    Source: G1 [in Portuguese, trans. Mod.JW, edited]

    13 cases of acute Chagas disease were registered in a district of
    Belem, Para state. Suspicion is that contamination occurred from food.

    The Para state health secretary confirmed on Monday [9 Nov 2009] an
    outbreak of Chagas disease. In 2 weeks, there have been 13 cases in a
    neighborhood in Belem. According to the state government, there were
    no deaths.

    The secretary also said that the transmission occurred with the
    ingestion of contaminated food, including acai. The department said it
    was investigating the cases.

    Communicated by:
    ProMED-PORT <>

    [The oral mode of transmission of Chagas disease is being increasingly
    recognized in the region. It is associated with the contamination of
    fresh food or beverages with intestinal contents of triatomid bugs
    infected from wildlife reservoirs. The insects are accidentally
    ground up with the acai berries when preparing the drink.

    More information and photographs of the vector are available at
    <> and from the CDC at
    Photo of acai palm with berries:
    - Mod.EP/JW]

    [see also:
    Trypanosomiasis, foodborne - Venezuela: (Vargas), guava juice 20090406.1328
    Undiagnosed fatalities - Venezuela (02): (Vargas) Chagas susp, RFI
    Undiagnosed fatalities - Venezuela: (Vargas), Chagas, susp, RFI 20090402.1279
    Trypanosomiasis - Colombia: (SAN), foodborne susp. 20090121.0259
    Trypanosomiasis, foodborne - Venezuela: (Caracas) (02) 20071231.4192
    Trypanosomiasis, foodborne - Venezuela: (Caracas) 20071226.4141
    Trypanosomiasis, foodborne - Brazil (Amazonia) 20070821.2732
    Trypanosomiasis, foodborne - Brazil (PA) 20060728.2085
    Trypanosomiasis, foodborne - Brazil (Santa Catarina) (05) 20050401.0940
    Trypanosomiasis - Brazil (Amapa) 20050331.0929
    Trypanosomiasis, foodborne - Brazil (Santa Catarina) (04) 20050330.0917
    Trypanosomiasis, foodborne - Brazil (Santa Catarina) (03) 20050327.0884
    Trypanosomiasis, foodborne - Brazil (Santa Catarina) (02) 20050325.0870
    Trypanosomiasis, foodborne - Brazil (Santa Catarina) 20050324.0847
    Chagas disease - Latin America 19970114.0066
    Chagas disease vector (05) 19970118.0105
    Trypanosomes, New World, Symposium - Guyana 1996 19960830.1493]
    .................................................j w/ep/msp/jw

  • #2
    Re: ProMed: Outbreak of oral (foodborne) Chagas in Para, Brazil

    Two points: First, the source of this outbreak is likely contaminated acai berries. Secondly, the translator has made a spectacular mistranslation, and put the outbreak in "Bethlehem, PA", which is a totally diffferent place than this outbreak is. This outbreak is in Brazil.

    Chagas disease, OUTBREAK - BRAZIL (02) ([Belem], PA) *********************************** ************** A message / Una mensaje / of ProMED-mail <> ProMED-mail and a program of / es un programa de la International Society for Infectious Diseases <> Date: Wednesday / Miercoles, 11 November / Noviembre 2009 From: ProMED-PORT <> Source: Diario do Para [10.11 .2009] Chagas Disease: acai producers fear new outbreak in Jurunas neighborhood, where 13 people were diagnosed with Chagas disease few people have ventured to comment on the possible outbreak of the disease. Vizinhos das v?timas, que n?o quiseram falar com a imprensa, disseram que as pessoas, fam?lias inteiras, est?o em suas casas repousando, mas que j? estariam melhores, pois alguns apresentaram apenas um quadro de virose. Dentre os contaminados h? um batedor artesanal de a?a?, al?m de outros membros de sua fam?lia. Neighbors of the victims, who declined to speak to the media, said the people, entire families are at home resting, but no longer would be better, as some had only a part of viral infection. Among the infected is a scout craft a?ai , and other members of his family. Conforme afirma??o da Secretaria de Estado de Sa?de (Sespa), a forma de cont?gio se deu pela ingest?o de alimento contaminado, o que leva a crer que se trata do a?a? produzido pelo batedor. Para a presidente do Sindicato de Fruticultura do Estado do Par? (Sindfruta), Solange Mota, a rela??o entre o mal de chagas eo a?a? ? preocupante. As affirmation of the State Department of Health (Sespa), the form of infection occurred through ingestion of contaminated food, which suggests that it is the acai produced by the batter. For president of the Union of Fruit of the State of Par? ( Sindfruta), Solange Mota, the relationship between the Chagas disease and acai is worrying. "Quando h? situa??es como esta, somos questionados l? fora. A imagem do produto fica comprometida. Mas posso afirmar que todas as 24 empresas sindicalizadas que trabalham com a?a? no Estado possuem um processo de assepsia rigoroso", destaca. Segundo Marivaldo Ferreira, presidente da Associa??o de Batedores de A?a? de Bel?m, a preocupa??o n?o ? apenas com as vendas, mas com a sa?de do consumidor e do pr?prio vendedor. "When you have situations like this get asked out there. The image of the product is compromised. But I can say that all 24 companies that work with union members in the a?ai have a rigorous cleansing process," said. Marivaldo According to Ferreira, president of Association of Scouts of Acai in Bethlehem, the concern is not just with sales but with the consumer and the seller. "Desde o ano passado, quando houve o surto de mal de chagas com suspeita de cont?gio pelo a?a?, n?s refor?amos os cuidados entre os vendedores. Todos os 1.200 associados participam de palestras e s?o qualificados, aprendendo desde t?cnicas de manuseio ? higiene e armazenamento", afirma. O armazenamento, para Marivaldo ? o principal fator para a contamina??o do produto. "Since last year, when there was an outbreak of Chagas disease with suspected infection by a?a?, we strengthen the care among the sellers. All the 1,200 members participate in workshops and are qualified by learning from management techniques to hygiene and storage" he said. The storage for Marivaldo is the main factor for the contamination of the product. Quando o caro?o ? guardado em qualquer local desprotegido, roedores e insetos s?o atra?dos - o que inclui o barbeiro. When the stone is kept in any unprotected place, rodents and insects are attracted - which includes the barber. "H? tr?s anos acompanhamos uma inspe??o da Vigil?ncia Sanit?ria e foi constatado que h? focos do mosquito no bairro do Jurunas. Sempre orientamos para os batedores sobre como armazenar corretamente o a?a?, e este batedor que hoje est? doente e n?o ? associado, por sinal, nunca participou destas reuni?es". EXPORTA??ES O Par? representa 95% da produ??o de a?a? na regi?o amaz?nica e teve crescimento de 240% em rela??o a 2008, exportando para pa?ses como EUA, Fran?a e Inglaterra. [veja: Doenca de Chagas, surto - Brasil (Belem, PA) 20091110.3888 Doenca de Chagas, surto - Colombia (Bucamaranga) 20090112.0127 Doenca de Chagas, transmissao oral - Brasil (PA) 20090902.3086 ] ------------------------------------------------- ProMED-Port [Visite nosso site, com versao em portugues e mecanismo de busca, tambem em portugues: [clique na bandeira portuguesa] - ljs] .................................................. .................ljs *################################################# ########## ProMED-mail faz o maior esforco possivel para que os relatorios colocados em nossos envios sejam verificados, mas nao podemos garantir a veracidade nem comprovar quao completa e' a informacao ou qualquer declaracao ou opiniao baseada na mesma. "Three years ago we follow an inspection of the Sanitary and found out that there outbreaks of mosquito in the neighborhood of Jurunas. Always oriented to the scouts about how to properly store acai, and this batter who is now ill and is not associated, by the way, never participated in these meetings. "EXPORTS Par? accounts for 95% of a?ai in the Amazon region and has grown 240% compared to 2008, exporting to countries like USA, France and England. [See: Chagas' disease, outbreak - Brazil (Belem, PA) 20091110.3888 Chagas 'disease, outbreak - Colombia (Bucaramanga) 20090112.0127 Chagas' disease, oral transmission - Brazil (PA) 20090902.3086] -------------------- ----------------------------- ProMED-Port [Visit our website, with version in Portuguese and search engine, also in Portuguese: [click on the flag Portuguese] - ljs] ................................ ................................... ljs *#############

