Epidemiology of severe pediatric adenovirus lower respiratory tract infections in Manitoba, Canada, 1991-2005
Most pediatric adenovirus respiratory infections are mild and indistinguishable from other viral causes. However, in a few children, the disease can be severe and result in substantial morbidity.
We describe the epidemiologic, clinical, radiologic features and outcome of adenovirus lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) in Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal children in Manitoba, Canada during the years 1991 and 2005...
...Conclusions: Adenovirus infection is associated with significant respiratory morbidities, especially in young infants. The infection appears to be more frequent in Aboriginal children.
These results justify a careful follow-up for children with adenovirus LRTI.
Author: Saleh AlharbiPaul Van CaeseeleRaquel Consunji-AranetaTaoufik ZoubeidiSergio FanellaAbdul-Kader SouidAhmed R Alsuwaidi
Credits/Source: BMC Infectious Diseases 2012, 12:55
Published on: 2012-03-13