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Egypt - Media: 7 people suspected H5N1 & 1 death - health dept says it is confirmed seasonal flu (H1N1pdm09?) including 2 deaths - Dakahlia

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  • Egypt - Media: 7 people suspected H5N1 & 1 death - health dept says it is confirmed seasonal flu (H1N1pdm09?) including 2 deaths - Dakahlia

    The death of bird flu Dakahlia and detention of three others case

    Thursday, December 10, 2015

    Avian influenza archival Dakahlia - Sharif El-Deeb Detained Mansoura Chest Hospital four suspected cases of bird flu or swine, it was the case of them died yesterday evening, while detained hospital three cases within the isolation unit, including a patient in critical condition after the deterioration of his health condition. and imposed the Directorate of Health Dakahlia state of emergency maximum to cope with flu birds, and deal with it very carefully, is worth mentioning that this is the first event of the death this year due to the injury of the so-called emerging flu
    احتجزت مستشفى الصدر بالمنصورة أربع حالات يشتبه فى إصابتها بأنفلونزا الطيور أو الخنازير، وقد توفيت حالة منهم مساء أمس، بينما احتجزت المستشفى ثلاث حالات داخل وحدة العزل.

  • #2
    Originally suspected H5N1 cases but tested negative. They are 7 cases of seasonal flu - 2 died.

    cases of detention on suspicion of having b ?bird flu? in Dakahlia

    Thursday 10 / December / 2015 - 16:15
    Dr. Saad Al-Makki, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Dakahlia
    Amr on
    Dr. Saad Al-Makki, Undersecretary of the Ministry said Health Dakahlia: The chest hospital in Mansoura received 7 cases suspected of contracting disease,avian influenza, were placed inside an isolation room at the hospital. "The Mackie" in a statement to "veto", that the hospital has to take the necessary samples from patients, and sent to the central laboratory in Cairo, and proven results of the samples to be negative and had no disease avian influenza. The "Mackie" that 5 cases Tmathloa cured and discharged from hospital, and the remaining two cases were Hdzhma in isolation rooms and died case of them; because of the seasonal flu, not the bird.

    قال الدكتور سعد مكي وكيل وزارة الصحة بالدقهلية: إن مستشفى الصدر بالمنصورة استقبلت 7 حالات يشتبه إصابتهم بمرض إنفلونزا الطيور، وتم وضعهم داخل غرفة العزل بالمستشفى. وأضاف "مكي" في تصريح لـ"فيتو"، أن ...


    • #3
      Another article on the topic.

      The death of the first infected bird flu case in Mansoura Chest Hospital

      Saturday, December 12, 2015 10:10

      Dakahlia - Gateway Alovd- Muhammad Tahir
      A state of terror prevails in Dakahlia Governorate after the death of the first infected bird flu case in Mansoura Chest Hospital, where he died driver inside the chest hospital in Mansoura his injuries bird flu.

      It was al-Sadr hospital received seven people suspected of having bird flu, including a person named Nihad Mohammed Massad Meligi (40 years, resident in Talkha) infected with bird flu was detained inside the hospital.
      And it was found is breeding pigeons on the roof of his house and wounded symptoms of the disease and was detained in hospital until he died of his injuries within them, and extracting neighbor burial permit and delivered the body to his family.
      The people received Chest Hospital called "Nihad Mohammed Massad Meligi" (40-year-old, and lives in Talkha) infected with avian influenza, and was detained in hospital for treatment.
      And it was found is breeding pigeons on the roof of his house, hit by symptoms of the disease, and was immediately transferred to the Chest Hospital to receive the necessary treatment to him, as he was detained in the hospital immediately after the treatment of the disease, until he died inside.
      The Directorate of Health Dakahlia issued a statement to the reception of Mansoura Chest Hospital 7 cases of suspected bird flu patients, were placed inside an isolation room at the hospital.
      Dr. Saad Al-Makki, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, said that 5 cases Tmathloa cured and discharged from hospital, and the remaining two cases were Hdzhma in isolation rooms, and died each case, following the seasonal flu, not the bird.
      Makki said, that the hospital take the necessary samples from patients, and sent to the central laboratory in Cairo, and the results of the samples proved to be negative and had no bird flu

      machine translation

      hat tip Michael Coston for the link

