Egypt: At an emergency meeting of senior Ministry Health warns of a shift to the swine flu epidemic
Tuesday, August 25th, 2009 - 13:30
Expected leaders of the Ministry of Health said the high number of infected swine influenza in the coming days largely in the rapid spread of the disease on the internal level, which he called the regular meeting of leaders of the Ministry of Health, which was held this morning to spread the epidemic without an intermediary situation.
As long as the health of preparations for the Ministry of Health for this new phase by raising the high alert in all hospitals, especially the 93 hospitals assigned by the Ministry to receive and suspected cases of swine flu and deployed in all provinces of the Republic.
For his part, Dr. Amr Kandil, manager of Department of Infectious Diseases, Ministry of Health, the negotiations are still within the Cabinet Office, Department of stability on the import of the vaccine against swine flu and is expected to be priced between 50 to 55 pounds per dose.
In return, Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, official spokesman of the Ministry of Health said the ministry is committed to the comprehensive plan, which will determine the target groups of vaccination against the disease, which will start vaccinating health care providers.
The meeting is a regular for the ministry to discuss the crisis spread of swine flu, which rose to his injuries late yesterday to 631 cases.
Tuesday, August 25th, 2009 - 13:30
Expected leaders of the Ministry of Health said the high number of infected swine influenza in the coming days largely in the rapid spread of the disease on the internal level, which he called the regular meeting of leaders of the Ministry of Health, which was held this morning to spread the epidemic without an intermediary situation.
كما أكدت قيادات الصحة على استعدادات وزارة الصحة لهذه المرحلة الجديدة من خلال رفع حالة الاستعداد القصوى بكافة المستشفيات خاصة الـ93 مستشفى المخصصة من قبل الوزارة لاستقبال حالات الإصابة والاشتباه بأنفلونزا الخنازير والمنتشرة فى جميع محافظات الجمهورية.
As long as the health of preparations for the Ministry of Health for this new phase by raising the high alert in all hospitals, especially the 93 hospitals assigned by the Ministry to receive and suspected cases of swine flu and deployed in all provinces of the Republic.
ومن جانبه أكد الدكتور عمرو قنديل مدير إدارة الأمراض المعدية بوزارة الصحة أنه مازالت المفاوضات دائرة داخل ديوان الوزارة للاستقرار على استيراد المصل المضاد لمرض أنفلونزا الخنازير والمتوقع أن يكون سعره ما بين 50 إلى 55 جنيها للجرعة الواحدة.
For his part, Dr. Amr Kandil, manager of Department of Infectious Diseases, Ministry of Health, the negotiations are still within the Cabinet Office, Department of stability on the import of the vaccine against swine flu and is expected to be priced between 50 to 55 pounds per dose.
فى المقابل أكد الدكتور عبد الرحمن شاهين المتحدث الرسمى باسم وزارة الصحة أن الوزارة ملتزمة بالخطة الشاملة والتى ستحدد الفئات المستهدفة من التطعيم ضد المرض والتى ستبدأ بتطعيم مقدمى الخدمة الصحية.
In return, Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, official spokesman of the Ministry of Health said the ministry is committed to the comprehensive plan, which will determine the target groups of vaccination against the disease, which will start vaccinating health care providers.
يأتى هذا الاجتماع الدورى للوزارة لبحث أزمة انتشار مرض أنفلونزا الخنازير والذى ارتفعت إصاباته فى ساعة متأخرة من الأمس إلى 631 حالة.
The meeting is a regular for the ministry to discuss the crisis spread of swine flu, which rose to his injuries late yesterday to 631 cases.