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Egypt reports first swine flu case in Mecca pilgrim

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  • Egypt reports first swine flu case in Mecca pilgrim

    Egypt reports first swine flu case in Mecca pilgrim

    28-year-old Egyptian man contracts A(H1N1) virus performing Muslim pilgrimage Umra.

    CAIRO - Egypt has confirmed the first swine flu case in an Egyptian returning from Saudi Arabia after performing the Muslim pilgrimage, a newspaper reported on Thursday.

    The 28-year-old man was found to have contracted the A(H1N1) virus during Umra, or lesser pilgrimage, to Mecca, health ministry spokesman Abdel Rahman Shahin said, quoted by the state-owned daily Al-Akhbar.

    "The young man, who arrived in Egypt on Tuesday, was transferred to hospital and is now in stable condition," Shahin said.

    Health ministry officials had warned of the dangers posed by swine flu to millions of Muslim pilgrims travelling to Saudi Arabia.

    Egypt's top cleric, Sheikh Ali Gomaa, said he would not issue a decree barring Egyptians from making the pilgrimage, but health officials said all returning pilgrims would be quarantined.

    Cairo has so far reported 44 swine flu cases, of whom 13 are still in hospital receiving treatment.

    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Re: Egypt reports first swine flu case in Mecca pilgrim

    I think that is case #42


    • #3
      Re: Egypt reports first swine flu case in Mecca pilgrim

      Coming back from Mecca with the novel flu, is what was expected and discussed.

      At the moment a relatively small number of pilgrims to perfom the small pelgrimage "Umrah".

      In november the big "Hajj" , with hundreds of thousands - several millions - from all over the world.
      ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


      • #4
        Re: Egypt reports first swine flu case in Mecca pilgrim

        Originally posted by Dutchy View Post
        Coming back from Mecca with the novel flu, is what was expected and discussed.

        At the moment a relatively small number of pilgrims to perfom the small pelgrimage "Umrah".

        In november the big "Hajj" , with hundreds of thousands - several millions - from all over the world.

        Translation: Arabic ? English
        عزل 5 معتمرين و2 آخرين بمطار القاهرة
        الخميس، 25 يونيو 2009 - 13:53

        أنفلونزا الخنازير تهدد المصريين كتبت إحسان السيد

        قامت سلطات الحجر الصحى بمطار القاهرة الدولى بعزل 5 معتمرين مصريين عقب وصولهم قادمين من جدة، وذلك للاشتباه فى إصابتهم بفيروس أنفلونزا الخنازير، وهم: محمود شحات محمد (65 سنة)، محمد عبد الله حسن عيسى (72 سنة)، محمد سيد حسن (67 سنة)، ياسر عبد المنعم زكى (43 سنة) وإيمان محمد عبد الرحمن (34 سنة)، حيث تبين لطبيب الحجر الصحى ظهور أعراض الإصابة بالفيروس عليهم بعد خضوعهم للفحص بواسطة الكاميرات الحرارية التى تقيس درجة حرارتهم.

        كما تم عزل الطفل شعيب محمد حاجى (12 سنة) وشقيقه بشير (14سنة) ليبيين من أصل صومالى، كانا قادمين للقاهرة من لندن، حيث تم نقل جميع المشتبه بهم بسيارة الإسعاف لمستشفى الحميات بالعباسية للتأكد من إصابتهم بالفيروس من عدمه. Isolate the 5 and 2 other pilgrims Cairo Airport
        Thursday, June 25, 2009 - 13:53

        Swine flu threatens Egyptians wrote Mr. Ihsan

        The quarantine authorities in Cairo International Airport at 5 to isolate Egyptian pilgrims after their arrival from Jeddah, on suspicion of contracting the virus, swine flu, they are: Mahmoud Al-Shahat Mohammed (65 years), Mohamed Abdullah Hassan Issa (72 years), Mr. Mohammed Hassan (67 years), Yasser Abdel-Moneim Zaki (43 years) and Iman Mohammed Abdel-Rahman (34 years), where a quarantine of the emergence of symptoms of HIV infection after they were being examined by thermal cameras to measure temperature.

        Children have also been isolated Haji Mohammad Shoaib (12 years) and his brother Bashir (14 years) for the Libyans of Somali origin, were traveling to Cairo from London, where the transfer of all suspects ambulance to a hospital for fever بالعباسية confirmed HIV infection or not.


        • #5
          Re: Egypt reports first swine flu case in Mecca pilgrim

          another first suspect, from the pilgrimage.

          Translation: Arabic ? English
          اشتباه أول حالة أنفلونزا الخنازير لبورسعيدية
          الأثنين، 29 يونيو 2009 - 16:11

          المشتبه فى إصابتها قادمة من السعودية بعد أداء مناسك العمرة
          بورسعيد ـ محمد فرج - تصوير: عمرو دياب

          احتجز مستشفى بورسعيد العام المواطنة فاطمة الفنى حسن، 65 سنة، والقادمة من المملكة العربية السعودية بعد أداء مناسك العمرة وفور وصولها إلى بورسعيد شعرت بحالة إعياء شديدة فتوجهت مباشرة إلى مستشفى بورسعيد العام وبالكشف الطبى عليها تبين اشتباهها بأعراض أنفلونزا الخنازير حيث إنها تعانى من ارتفاع شديد بدرجة الحرارة واحتقان بالحلق وآلام بالعظام وضيق حاد بالتنفس.

          وعلى الفور تم حجزها وعزلها بعنابر العزل التى خصصتها مديرية الشئون الصحية للحالات المصابة والمشتبه فيها بمستشفى بورسعيد العام.

          وأكد د.عماد الدين حسن وكيل وزارة الصحة بالمحافظة ود.عادل ترك مدير إدارة الطب الوقائى لليوم السابع بأنه تم اخذ العينات من السيدة المشتبه فى إصابتها بأنفلونزا الخنازير وإرسالها إلى معامل وزارة الصحة بالقاهرة للتأكد من مدى إصابتها بالفيروس لاتخاذ الإجراءات الوقائية من عدمه.

          The first suspected case of swine flu to Pursaidyp
          Monday, June 29, 2009 - 16:11

          Suspected to come from Saudi Arabia after performing Umrah
          Mohammed Faraj Said Port - Photo: Amr Diab

          General Hospital Port held citizenship technical Fatima Hassan, 65 years, coming from Saudi Arabia after performing Umrah and upon arrival at Port Said was very ill so I went directly to the General Hospital, Port Said and disclose medical suspicion it shows symptoms of swine flu, as it suffers from very high degree of temperature, sore throat and pain of the bones and a severe lack of breathing.

          And was immediately booked Bnnabr segregation and isolation, which allocated the Directorate of Medical Affairs for the infected and suspected cases of the General Hospital, Port Said.

          He said. Imad Eddin Hassan and Deputy Minister of Health Dr. the maintenance. Just leave the Director of the Department of Preventive Medicine for the seventh day that the samples were taken from Ms. suspected bird flu in pigs and sent to the laboratories of the Ministry of Health in Cairo in order to ascertain the extent of HIV infection to take preventive action or not.

