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Egypt - Council Member Accuses Namru- 3 of "Monopoly" in Analysis of Swine Flu Samples

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  • Egypt - Council Member Accuses Namru- 3 of "Monopoly" in Analysis of Swine Flu Samples

    People? discuss monopoly ?Namro 3? Analysis ?swine flu? tomorrow

    كتب منى ياسين ١٣/ ٦/ ٢٠٠٩
    Mona Yassin wrote 6-13-2009 <table style="border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; direction: ltr;" align="right" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td align="center" valign="top">
    تناقش لجنتا التعليم والصحة فى مجلس الشعب غداً طلب الإحاطة المقدم من الدكتور سيد عطية الفيومى، عضو المجلس، حول تحديد الجهات المسؤولة عن إجراء التحاليل للمواطنين المشتبه فى إصابتهم بمرض أنفلونزا الخنازير، واحتكار معامل ?نمرو ٣? الأمريكية إجراء هذه التحاليل، بينما تتجاهل الدولة المعامل المصرية المعتمدة والجهات البحثية الموجودة فى مختلف المحافظات.
    Discussed by the committees of education and health in the People's request to take sponsored by Dr. Sayed Attia resolved, a member of the Council, on the identification of those responsible for the analysis of citizens suspected of contracting the disease, swine flu, and the monopoly factor ?Nmro 3? American conduct these tests, while ignoring the State Laboratory Egyptian-based and research in the various governorates.
    وطالب الفيومى، الذى يشغل موقع وكيل لجنة التعليم، بإجراء التحاليل فى جميع مراكز التحاليل بالجمهورية وألا تقتصر على وحدة ?نمرو? الأمريكية أو المعامل المركزية التابعة لوزارة الصحة، لافتاً إلى أن تحليل مثل هذه العينات يعتبر شأناً داخلياً للدولة ويمثل قضية أمن قومى.
    Resolved and the student, who held the position of Under-Education Committee, to conduct tests in all the analysis centers of the Republic and not be restricted to the unit ?Nmro? Central America or the labs of the Ministry of Health, pointing out that the analysis of such samples is the internal affair of the state and a national security issue.
    وقال الفيومى إن مصر بها نخبة من الباحثين ومعامل التحاليل المتخصصة وأساتذة كليات الطب فى مختلف المحافظات، مشيراً إلى أنه من الأولى أن يسند إليها إجراء مثل هذه التحاليل،
    He said that Egypt is resolved by a select group of researchers, laboratory and specialized professors of medical schools in various provinces, pointing out that it was the first to be assigned to conduct such analysis,
    لافتاً إلى أنه تم إخطار أساتذة كليات طب قصر العينى، وعين شمس، وبنها، وطنطا ومراكز بحثية مختلفة على مستوى الجمهورية لحضور طلب الإحاطة بحضور الدكتور فتحى سرور، رئيس المجلس، والدكتور حمدى السيد، رئيس لجنة الصحة، لتوضيح إمكانية الاستعانة بهذه الكفاءات،
    He said teachers were notified of the faculties of Medicine in kind, Ain Shams, and Banha, Tanta, and various research centers at the request of the Republic to attend the briefing attended by Dr. Fathi Sorour, President of the Council, and Dr. Hamdi Al-Sayyed, head of the Health Committee, to clarify the possibility of the use of these competencies,
    فضلاً عن أن النتائج الصادرة عن معامل ?نمرو? قد تكون مشكوكاً فيها لأنها فى النهاية جهة أجنبية لا يتوافر فيها الخوف على مصلحة الدولة.
    As well as the results of the factor ?Nmro? may be questionable because it is a foreign hand in the end does not have a fear for the benefit of the state.
    وكشف الفيومى عن أن المعامل الأمريكية تحصل على مبالغ باهظة تدفعها الدولة من الموازنة العامة، مقابل إجراء مثل هذه التحاليل، معلناً عن عزمه الكشف عن قيمة هذه المبالغ خلال مناقشة الطلب،
    He resolved that the coefficient of America receive the amounts of money paid by the State budget, as opposed to conduct such tests, stating its intention to disclose the value of these amounts during the discussion of the application,
    مطالباً بسرعة اتخاذ قرار خلال الجلسة وإسناد التحاليل لجهات مصرية، وتحديد الكوادر المسؤولة عن متابعة حالات الإصابة فى أسرع وقت.
    He asked quickly make a decision during the meeting and analysis to assign to Egyptian sources, the identification of staff responsible for follow-up cases as soon as possible.


  • #2
    Re: Egypt - Council Member Accuses Namru- 3 of &quot;Monopoly&quot; in Analysis of Swine Flu Samples

    Im not surprised by this at all, but i do wonder who is really behind the article.

    It sounds like a device to gain control over what becomes public information. with another objective of having equipment purchased for use in some of the governmental hospitals.

    when your in trouble its better to put up a smoke screen to distract the public from the truth.

    Translation: Arabic ? English
    ?الشعب? يناقش احتكار ?نامرو ٣? تحاليل ?أنفلونزا الخنازير? غداً

    كتب منى ياسين ١٣/ ٦/ ٢٠٠٩
    تناقش لجنتا التعليم والصحة فى مجلس الشعب غداً طلب الإحاطة المقدم من الدكتور سيد عطية الفيومى، عضو المجلس، حول تحديد الجهات المسؤولة عن إجراء التحاليل للمواطنين المشتبه فى إصابتهم بمرض أنفلونزا الخنازير، واحتكار معامل ?نمرو ٣? الأمريكية إجراء هذه التحاليل، بينما تتجاهل الدولة المعامل المصرية المعتمدة والجهات البحثية الموجودة فى مختلف المحافظات.

    وطالب الفيومى، الذى يشغل موقع وكيل لجنة التعليم، بإجراء التحاليل فى جميع مراكز التحاليل بالجمهورية وألا تقتصر على وحدة ?نمرو? الأمريكية أو المعامل المركزية التابعة لوزارة الصحة، لافتاً إلى أن تحليل مثل هذه العينات يعتبر شأناً داخلياً للدولة ويمثل قضية أمن قومى.

    وقال الفيومى إن مصر بها نخبة من الباحثين ومعامل التحاليل المتخصصة وأساتذة كليات الطب فى مختلف المحافظات، مشيراً إلى أنه من الأولى أن يسند إليها إجراء مثل هذه التحاليل،

    لافتاً إلى أنه تم إخطار أساتذة كليات طب قصر العينى، وعين شمس، وبنها، وطنطا ومراكز بحثية مختلفة على مستوى الجمهورية لحضور طلب الإحاطة بحضور الدكتور فتحى سرور، رئيس المجلس، والدكتور حمدى السيد، رئيس لجنة الصحة، لتوضيح إمكانية الاستعانة بهذه الكفاءات،

    فضلاً عن أن النتائج الصادرة عن معامل ?نمرو? قد تكون مشكوكاً فيها لأنها فى النهاية جهة أجنبية لا يتوافر فيها الخوف على مصلحة الدولة.

    وكشف الفيومى عن أن المعامل الأمريكية تحصل على مبالغ باهظة تدفعها الدولة من الموازنة العامة، مقابل إجراء مثل هذه التحاليل، معلناً عن عزمه الكشف عن قيمة هذه المبالغ خلال مناقشة الطلب،

    مطالباً بسرعة اتخاذ قرار خلال الجلسة وإسناد التحاليل لجهات مصرية، وتحديد الكوادر المسؤولة عن متابعة حالات الإصابة فى أسرع وقت.

    ?People? discuss monopoly ?Namro 3? Analysis ?swine flu? tomorrow

    Mona Yassin wrote 6-13-2009
    Discussed by the committees of education and health in the People's request to take sponsored by Dr. Sayed Attia resolved, a member of the Council, on the identification of those responsible for the analysis of citizens suspected of contracting the disease, swine flu, and the monopoly factor ?Nmro 3? American conduct these tests, while ignoring the State Laboratory Egyptian-based and research in the various governorates.

    Resolved and the student, who held the position of Under-Education Committee, to conduct tests in all the analysis centers of the Republic and not be restricted to the unit ?Nmro? Central America or the labs of the Ministry of Health, pointing out that the analysis of such samples is the internal affair of the state and a national security issue.

    He said that Egypt is resolved by a select group of researchers, laboratory and specialized professors of medical schools in various provinces, pointing out that it was the first to be assigned to conduct such analysis,

    He said teachers were notified of the faculties of Medicine in kind, Ain Shams, and Banha, Tanta, and various research centers at the request of the Republic to attend the briefing attended by Dr. Fathi Sorour, President of the Council, and Dr. Hamdi Al-Sayyed, head of the Health Committee, to clarify the possibility of the use of these competencies,

    As well as the results of the factor ?Nmro? may be questionable because it is a foreign hand in the end does not have a fear for the benefit of the state.

    He resolved that the coefficient of America receive the amounts of money paid by the State budget, as opposed to conduct such tests, stating its intention to disclose the value of these amounts during the discussion of the application,

    He asked quickly make a decision during the meeting and analysis to assign to Egyptian sources, the identification of staff responsible for follow-up cases as soon as possible.


    • #3
      Re: Egypt - Council Member Accuses Namru- 3 of &quot;Monopoly&quot; in Analysis of Swine Flu Samples

      toward the very bottom of the Egyptian Plan (article) it speaks a bit about the relationship between the central labs ,(whom are responsible for the primary detection/classifications) then namru confirms findings, it mentions six facilities which can do the testing.

      Again in another section it mentions the (who directly) but fails to mention the regional office located within Egypt.which indicates clearly to me some type of political process is under way.

      its worth noting the plan below was prepared for the bf.

      heres the linked article

      Plan of the Ministry of Health to deal with pandemic influenza .. 4 stages of the invasion and vaccination of only the leaders and the closure of schools and universities, and the measurement of the epidemic situation on the basis of rates of absence
      Sunday, June 14, 2009 - 10:21

      Minister of Health
      Written by Amira Abdel-Salam

      Won the seventh day of a plan of the Ministry of Health to deal with the swine flu epidemic after the sixth stage of readiness and preparedness of the virus by the World Health Organization.
      The plan was formulated for each scenario, the most important stages of the pandemic alert period the current outbreak of the virus invasion, which starts with the sixth phase.

      Based plan of the Ministry of Health, which came in a huge booklet of 145 on several axes, mainly including the invasion of command and control, and control the epidemic situation, the measures of preventive and therapeutic procedures, training, information and communication, monitoring, evaluation and bait we offer in detail in the next report.

      According to the ministry's plan there are 4 stages of the first warning is the sixth sense of the limited invasion of infection in the region and one in Egypt, and the second is the widespread, and the third sweep begins to fade, and the fourth start of the next wave of the virus, which is the obligation of all actions involving the application of the plan from all ministries and at all levels .

      The plan includes the diagnosis of the disease Boaradh analysis of influenza during the first four days of the disease, isolate the patient with sending samples to the lab.

      In the sweep is the author of the cases by the police for help and community-based organizations and health units, hospitals, clinics, health departments and the local council and the Directorate of Security of the province and the Central Committee and the operating rooms, as well as the Ministry of Health and of the same leaders to end the Ministerial Committee.

      Control the epidemic situation
      Control the epidemic situation and the plan provides for the cooperation with all ministries concerned by the Supreme National Committee to combat bird flu to prevent risks to public health, and the continued control of seasonal influenza in order to determine the type of the virus that causes the disease, monitor the situation and the continuation of the global epidemic, disease surveillance during a pandemic to determine the numbers of patients, mortality rates and to take necessary action in a timely manner to protect the citizens access to data on the pandemic from all health facilities on a regular basis.

      Preventive action
      The plan provides for the preparation of a complete database of health facilities at the level of the Republic, an increase in the number and quality factor for the early diagnosis of a pandemic is the central laboratory is responsible for determining the quality of the virus now has been provided already and the preparation of manuals for the infection control procedures for health facilities, and to take necessary action to fortify members of the team healthy seasonal influenza vaccine, and when the availability of vaccine virus, a pandemic will be the primacy of vaccination for groups with a preference state leaders and officials, and health team workers, defense and police, working through the transportation, facilities and services, and the media.

      Antiretroviral drugs
      With regard to anti-retroviral medicines, it is the provision of a strategic stockpile of antiviral drugs by the Ministry of Health for use in the treatment of cases of pandemic influenza will be used for prevention in the small-scale private service providers to clients directly with the health of patients, in addition to providing strategic stocks masks and high-efficiency masks and protective clothing and take other necessary action to protect citizens from disease and injury, including raising health awareness among the citizens about the disease and how to prevent it and the spacing of the meeting with the closure of schools and universities, theaters, cinemas, clubs, and stop the sports activities and the reduction of transport and methods of health Assembly.

      Remedial action
      The plan includes the preparation of manuals for the treatment of clinical cases and contacts and distribution to health facilities, and provision of strategic storage of medicines and other therapeutic requirements necessary for a pandemic, and the implementation of health facilities to cope with a pandemic plan and the continued provision of services without interruption and covered the necessary arrangements for the external clinics, and special services patients.

      The plan includes the training of personnel at all levels to collect data of health facilities to them, and the training of the various sectors of the central Ministry of Health national plan, the training of personnel at all levels on how to develop a plan of response to the pandemic, members of the training hotline on how to provide this service.

      Information and communication
      Be declared a pandemic in the Republic by the Spokesman for the Central National Committee for a pandemic has been prepared by the Ministry of Health in the line of communications for the health facilities to do its part during the pandemic, and to provide information to health workers,
      And distribution of a manual and periodic bulletins in order to raise awareness and create a community to deal with the proliferation and the epidemic and reduce the risk of the spread of the pandemic in Egypt by changing behavior, and increase confidence in the public health system and its capacity in the management of a pandemic crisis, and dealing with rumors.

      The plan on the surveillance of the virus, one of the key components of effective in the fight against influenza, which shows the result of a surveillance and the importance of the disease in the periods between epidemics to the early detection of epidemics, the World is very important to identify new strains of the virus, and there are regional centers for avian up to 114, located in 85 countries around the world implement global programs for influenza surveillance in collaboration with WHO reference laboratories, including 4 in Atlanta, USA, Tokyo, Japan, London, England and Melbourne, Australia, and relate to the laboratory network to monitor influenza activity in the world, and send virus isolated centers of cooperation of the World Health Organization to ensure the early identification of new strains of the virus. The Ministry of Health Central Laboratory is the reference laboratory of the Republic responsible for the discrimination of viruses in cooperation with the U.S. Naval Research Unit (Namro 3) and confirm the diagnosis and there are 6 sites of surveillance and sample collection in Egypt.

      Analysis of epidemic situation
      This is based on days of absence from school when the absence of more than 10% of the school in the province of human infection with a similar result with the flu one week, officials would be informed decision makers are taking samples to the laboratory of clinical cases at least two possible and sent to the central laboratory to analyze the virus, while taking all necessary preventive measures.

      The national surveillance system in the event of a pandemic in the Republic depends on the collection of all data on the number of confirmed and suspected cases and deaths from all health facilities with the control activity of the virus.

      Laboratory services
      In the invasion phase of the epidemic, the role of the laboratory examination of all suspect samples to the follow-up and control the spread of the disease through analysis of a particular gene mutation and control of the virus, surveillance of patients respond to treatment and the seriousness of the virus, and then prepare for the next wave.

      The plan includes methods of sampling for clinical laboratories depend on the type of sample number 2 was tempered by the throat and eye serum of blood, as well as a way to maintain the throat and media Bmshat own.

      The availability of bait plan identified target groups, preparation and target groups are the leaders of the State and the team officials and health workers, police and defense personnel the means of transportation, facilities and services, the media, and the second category of persons are exposed to the risk of severe complications, and the third category of persons are at risk of infection.

      For personal protective equipment, are specified in the plan related to health care providers and suspected and confirmed cases and contacts with the use of surgical face mask to reduce the spread of the virus during the cough, speak, provision and use of surgical masks in public institutions with more than 10 workers to reduce the rate of infection and prevention tools, including personal glasses, protective mask and the mask of surgical and high-efficiency and non-latex gloves and sterile plastic Mraiyl medical robes.

      Infection control procedures
      Requirements must be met at this stage of personal protective equipment, disinfectants of surfaces and the working environment and the allocation of tools and supplies, especially the patient.
      Upon arrival to the patient's home or outpatient hospital, it must be evaluated in a separate place to the test, if possible, to determine whether the definition of the disease in the case of a suspected pandemic influenza case or not. Is the development of surgical mask in the patient, and must be adhered to hand hygiene using soap and water or alcohol Aldlk, and attention must be given to washing hands before and after any contact with the patient.

      Hospital plan
      The plan provides for the hospitals during a pandemic spread of the Declaration of the epidemic (the scenario of reporting), and the transfer of patients, either ground or air ambulance, call personnel and allocation of responsibilities, and emergency reception, testing and transport the sick and injured, and the secretariats of the sick, and dealing with the detention and deaths, and support services, supplies, and the difference rapid deployment, and dealing with the media, and after a pandemic is to codify the whole of the process, and to re-evaluate and revise plans, and modifications, and begin the new training.

      Protocol to the publication of the comments


      • #4
        Re: Egypt - Council Member Accuses Namru- 3 of &quot;Monopoly&quot; in Analysis of Swine Flu Samples

        so, how much does it cost ?

        Maybe they can make it cheaper, when the samples are published ?!?!
        I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
        my current links: ILI-charts:


        • #5
          Re: Egypt - Council Member Accuses Namru- 3 of &quot;Monopoly&quot; in Analysis of Swine Flu Samples

          heres a arabic version linked here

          this article indicates two hospitals will start testing which would bring the total to eight facilities.

          Mountain announce swine flu infection 19
          Sunday, June 14, 2009 - 14:55

          Mountain announce flu infection 19 pigs before the Senate Health, Education
          Princess wrote Noraly and Abdel-Salam

          Dr Hatem el-Gabali, Minister of Health, the high incidence of swine flu to the case after the emergence of 19 new cases on Sunday, said before the meeting of the Joint Committee between the Senate Health, Education said the People's Assembly, headed by Dr. Fathi Sorour, President of the Council, that the ministry will conduct the analysis of suspected infection in Central Laboratory of the Ministry of Health adopted, and if the pressure will be used a factor of universities.

          The mountain will not allow a particular factor in the analysis do not occur until the state of confusion, as was the case in the matter of wheat showed a four-factor when the result of laboratory and another as a result of the infraction, the face of the mountain and a warning to companies reagents "are used in the article, which tests" by the leaking of such material through airports for the use of private laboratories, said the Minister of Health are not in the position of a comic, and the situation in extremely serious and if not it will lose control of things, "" For me as I have to know the health of each and every one of Bihll in any laboratory, and said if it happened, and B will be treated at home, he we currently send to the cases they are admitted, and said that America infected with A 61 were treated in 99% of the houses, announced the opening of the labs in Aswan and Tanta in the coming days.

          The minister said that the swine flu influenza from the most current and does not need to Tamiflu, but if people were sat in the house and took Oserbin would recover, adding that the World Health Organization warned that it caused in 1918 when the influenza pandemic and the disease was mild at first and then moved to the phase with the beginning of winter and there was warned by the readiness which is the worst, and said that the airport screener warming does not reveal the virus, but cases of high temperature.

          The minister added that the plant "example 3" review the reference laboratory with the results of our analysis in the central laboratory to ensure it is correct, adding that his ministry carried out an analysis of more than 8 thousands of bird flu cases since the beginning of the observatory was not wrong in the diagnosis of any situation and the situation there where we disagree with laboratory "example 3".

          Commenting on the minister to say that the ministry does not deal with transparency, saying: God is enough and yes, the agent, and added that the proportion of hospitals in the swine flu 1%, while the rate of avian influenza in the world 66%, 30% in Egypt, adding that the President of the World Health Organization approached him before the announcement of the arrival of the sixth phase of the disease in six hours, and that he objected to the reservations and declaration, the minister said that the sixth stage does not mean that a severe and deadly disease, but to spread geographically, and stressed that the situation in Egypt remains stable and does not represent the phenomenon.

          For his part, predicted Dr. Hamdi Al-Sayyed, head of the People's Assembly Health Committee and the arrival of bird flu cases to 8 thousands of pigs in three weeks and suggested that the Ministry of Health, that the lease will be booking hotels in some cases, the infected or suspected bird flu, which is not convenient to go to the diets, and the Minister health, he said in response to this proposal Mandnac blocker to create places for people to check Hilweh.

          Professors in universities analyzes who attended the meeting ready to universities laboratories to analyze the suspected cases, including Dr. Hana Amer professor analyzes the medical and research director of the Center, Ein Shams University, and Dr. Majid Al-Dib, head of the Central Administration Hospital and Ain Shams University, Dr. Idris hopes of milk, said Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Ali Professor analyzes the National Center for Research on the readiness of the priority that the Center has been conducting tests for free just because they have a grant for Foreign Affairs, said that the Energy Center to accommodate the analysis of three to five thousand cases per year.

          The Committee recommended the convening of the meeting at the end of protocols between the Ministry of Health and on the analysis of viruses, with the promise of the Minister of Health, the State bears the cost of analysis and to be free of charge.

          For his part, Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, official spokesman of the Ministry of Health, the situation of 19 bird flu is AH1N1 U.S. citizenship of a child, a 4-year-old resident with his family that Cairo Governorate developed symptoms on June 12 of this was transferred yesterday to a hospital in Cairo for the drug Tamiflu, and his health is stable, indicating that he was restricted to all contacts of the child and took swabs from the throat, which is currently under examination of the ministry's central labs.

          On the other hand, two students took the American University in Cairo who were being treated for bird flu swine fevers Abbasiya hospital, bringing the number of cases of recovery from the disease in Egypt to the 8 cases (7 U.S. students, the girl from the Egyptian-American) and remains in the hospital received 11 cases of treatment.

          This comes after the announcement, Health Minister on the situation in the parliament in his first appearance after his return from the English capital, London, following a series of meetings on health insurance.

          Protocol to the publication of the comments

