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Mansoura chest hospital suspect cases (sf/bf)

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  • Mansoura chest hospital suspect cases (sf/bf)

    I will try to use a older thread when i can see a recent one which mentions a town or hospital by name unless somebody has another idea to try and help collect all this stuff into something more usable.

    Translation: Arabic » English
    احتجاز حالتين للاشتباه فى إصابتهما بأنفلونزا الخنازير بالدقهلية
    السبت، 13 يونيو 2009 - 12:11

    احتجاز حالتين للاشتباه فى إصابتهما بأنفلونزا الخنازير بالدقهلية
    الدقهلية ـ محمد صالح

    احتجز مستشفى الصدر بالمنصورة أمس الجمعة، كلاً من محمد مجدى أحمد (27 سنة) المنصورة، والذى عاد منذ أسبوعين من أمريكا وظهرت عليه أعراض المرض، فتم نقله للمستشفى وأحمد عبد المعطى محمد (23 سنة) دماص ميت غمر، للاشتباه فى إصابته هو أيضا بمرض أنفلونزا الخنازير "H1N1"وتم أخذ عينات وحجزهما داخل المستشفى وإرسال العينات لتحليلها بالمعامل المركزية بالقاهرة.

    وعلى جانب آخر تم احتجاز 3 حالات جديدة للاشتباه بإصابتهم بأعراض بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور، وهم محمد تامر نجيب (14 شهراً) من سندوب ونادية نصر إبراهيم (5 سنوات) من قرية المعصرة ببلقاس وفاطمة محمد أبو المجد (25 سنة) من قرية شبراويش بأجا، وتم عزل الحالات بغرفة العزل بالمستشفى وتم أخذ عينات من الدم ومسحات من الحلق لإرسالها لمعامل وزارة الصحة للتأكد من الإصابة من عدمه.

    بروتوكول نشر التعليقات Detention of suspected cases of swine flu Badakkhlip
    Saturday, June 13, 2009 - 12:11

    Detention of suspected cases of swine flu Badakkhlip
    Dakahliya Mohamed Saleh

    Detained in Mansoura Chest Hospital on Friday, both Mohamed Magdy Ahmed (27 years) of Mansoura, who returned from America two weeks ago and he showed symptoms of the disease, was taken to hospital, Ahmed Mohammed Abdel Muti (23 years) Dmas Ghamr, on suspicion of being infected with HIV is also swine flu "H1N1" has been taking samples and Hdzhma inside the hospital and send samples for analysis of central labs in Cairo.

    On the other hand, 3 cases have been detained on suspicion of a new cluster of bird flu symptoms, and Tamer Mohamed Najib (14 months) of Sndob and Nadia Ibrahim Nasrallah (5 years) from the village of Almasrp Bbalkas and Fatima Mohamed Abul-Magd (25 years) from the village of Baja Cbrauic was isolation of cases, the hospital's isolation room were taking blood samples and swabs from the throat to be sent to the laboratories of the Ministry of Health to ensure that infection or not.

    Protocol to the publication of the comments
    Last edited by sharon sanders; June 13, 2009, 09:56 AM. Reason: typo

  • #2
    Re: Mansoura chest hospital suspect cases (sf/bf)

    Thanks Twall. You have a good idea for posting.


    • #3
      Re: Mansoura chest hospital suspect cases (sf/bf)

      i see i can find all of a persons post, by clicking their profile/stats that will help. i will search commongrounds info first for a related link and add to it by type of flu or issue.

      i will stay put in egypts turf. i will try to avoid littering up important threads like the confirmed stats or suspect list. i know its hard to sort out all the information, i just dont want to cause any extra confusion.

      is there a user delete button for a post? and i have not noticed it yet .


      • #4
        Re: Mansoura chest hospital suspect cases (sf/bf)

        Originally posted by Twall View Post
        i see i can find all of a persons post, by clicking their profile/stats that will help. i will search commongrounds info first for a related link and add to it by type of flu or issue.

        i will stay put in egypts turf. i will try to avoid littering up important threads like the confirmed stats or suspect list. i know its hard to sort out all the information, i just dont want to cause any extra confusion.

        is there a user delete button for a post? and i have not noticed it yet .
        Thanks Twall. It is always helpful when individuals are geographically situated near news events and can follow them locally.

        If you post a duplicate item or have second thoughts about a post that you would like to have deleted you can either add a new post in the thread directed at the moderators or send a private message to any of the moderators and they can remove the post.


        • #5
          Re: Mansoura chest hospital suspect cases (sf/bf)

          I think if we want to try to put articles together, we should have separate thread for each Gov.


          • #6
            Re: Mansoura chest hospital suspect cases (sf/bf)

            good ideal.


            • #7
              Re: Mansoura chest hospital suspect cases (sf/bf)

              Translation: Arabic ? English
              الاشتباه فى إصابة 19 بأنفلونزا الطيور بالدقهلية
              الأحد، 14 يونيو 2009 - 11:02

              الاشتباه فى إصابة 19 بأنفلونزا الطيور بالدقهلية
              الدقهلية ـ محمد صالح

              احتجز مستشفى الصدر بالمنصورة 19 حالة اشتباه بأنفلونزا الطيور من مختلف مراكز المحافظة بعد أن ظهرت الأعراض عليهم، وتم أخذ عينات من الحلق لإرسالها للمعامل المركزية لتحليلها.

              من ناحية أخرى أكدت نتائج تحاليل المعمل المركزى لوزارة الصحة عدم إصابة أربع حالات تم احتجازهم بمستشفى الصدر بالمنصورة للاشتباه فى إصابتهم بمرض أنفلونزا الخنازير، وهم محمد مجدى أحمد من مدينة المنصورة وأحمد عبد المعطى محمد من دماص مركز ميت غمر وماجد محمد من المنصورة وتامر محمد من المنصورة.

              كانت المستشفى قد احتجزتهم لمدة يومين للاشتباه فى إصابتهم بالمرض بعد ظهور الأعراض عليهم، وحيث إن ثلاثة منهم قادمون من أمريكا والرابع يعمل بمحافظة المنيا.

              بروتوكول نشر التعليقات 19

              suspected cases of bird flu Badakkhlip
              Sunday, June 14, 2009 - 11:02

              19 suspected cases of bird flu Badakkhlip
              Dakahliya Mohamed Saleh

              Mansoura Chest Hospital detained 19 suspected case of bird flu from different centers to maintain after the symptoms have appeared, samples were taken from the throat to be sent to central laboratories for analysis.

              Meanwhile, the results of analysis of the Central Laboratory of the Ministry of Health, four cases of non-detention of a hospital-Sadr was in Mansoura on suspicion of contracting the disease, swine flu, and Magdi Mohamed Ahmed of the city of Mansoura Ahmed Mohamed Abdel given the status of Dmas Ghamr Majid Mohammed Nour Tamer Mohamed from Mansoura .

              The hospital were detained for two days on suspicion of contracting the disease after onset of symptoms to them, as the three of them coming from America and the fourth working Minya Governorate.

              Protocol to the publication of the comments

