Again this information is about two areas mixed together. part of it, mentions a hostile and is most likely in reference to the AUC university downtown.

first the health department closed the maadi McDonald's and other local shops as they had some degree of contact with one of the people from the gulf of Suez petroleum company where they had nine suspect cases. some of which i have been told have been confirmed as being positive.

the letter below is from a McDonald's pr person and trys to indicate the closure is for cleaning by the local authorities and relates directly to the first two oil company workers

mentioned in the following thread linked here and indicates a status of suspect

الصحة تغلق محلات بالمعادى

Health Maadi close stores
كتبت أميرة عبد السلام Written by Amira Abdel-Salam

انتشرت رسالة إلكترونية على موقع الفيس بوك الشهير والعديد من مواقع البريد الإلكترونى والرسائل القصيرة بإغلاق مجموعة من محلات الوجبات السريعة فى منطقة المعادى، مثل "ماكدونلدز وبيتزا هات، وعم حسنى وتكا"، بسبب وجود حالات اشتباه بأنفلونزا الخنازير بين أحد العالمين بها. Have an email posted on the Walvis Bok and many famous sites of the e-mail and short messages to close a group of fast-food shops in the area of the hostile, such as "Mcdonnlds and Pizza Hut, and uncle, Hosni proliferation", because of the presence of suspected cases of swine flu among one of the worlds.

يأتى انتشار هذه الرسالة بعد إغلاق محل "ماكدونلدز" أمس الأول والذى أرجع محمد عبد العظيم منسق الاتصالات بمطاعم ماكدونلدز، سبب الإغلاق إلى مرور الأمن الصناعى على الفرع من أجل التأكد من وسائل الأمان والإطفاء، لافتا إلى أن الفرع حاليا مفتوح، ويتلقى مكالمات توصيل الطلبات إلى المنازل، بالإضافة إلى وجود زبائن فى الفرع حاليا. The spread of this letter after the closing of the place, "Mcdonnlds" yesterday, which I attributed Mohamed Abdel Azim, Coordinator of Communications Mcdonnlds restaurant, the reason for the closure of safe passage to the industrial section of the order to ensure a means of safety and fire services, he said, pointing out that the section is now open to receive calls and the delivery of applications to homes, in addition to the presence of customers in the current section.

أما عن سبب ربط قرار الإغلاق بإصابة أحد العاملين بأنفلونزا الخنازير، أكد "عبد العظيم" أن هذا الربط يأتى بسبب اكتشاف حالتين مصابتين بالمرض فى المعادى لمهندس البترول وزوجته. The decision to link the cause of the injury of a close working swine flu, the "Abdel-Azim that" this link is due to the discovery of two bird disease in anti-petroleum engineer, and his wife.