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Egypt: Minister of Hlth. is considering the closure of the subway

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  • Egypt: Minister of Hlth. is considering the closure of the subway

    Egypt: Ministry of Health is considering the closure of the subway

    June 10, 2009

    Information were within the "corridors" of the Ministry of Health, that the ministry was considering a plan to stop flights MRT or reduce the number of subway users, to ensure that the spread of swine flu after the discovery of cases of infection and access to No. 10, as well as the prevalence in different governorates.

    وأوردت المعلومات أنه فور الانتهاء من دراسة الخطة سيتم عرضها على مجلس الوزراء للتصديق عليها.

    Reported that information immediately upon completion of the study plan will be presented to the Council of Ministers for ratification.

    وكشف المهندس عبدالله فوزى، رئيس الإدارة المركزية لتشغيل الخط الأول للمترو، فى تصريحات خاصة لليوم السابع، عن كارثة حقيقية تواجه الشركة المصرية لإدارة وتشغيل المترو، وهى عدم وجود خطة لدى الشركة فى حالة صدور قرار من وزارة الصحة بتقليل أعداد مستخدمى مترو الأنفاق، منعا لانتشار مرض أنفلونزا الخنازير، بعد وصول عدد المصابين بالمرض إلى 10 أشخاص اليوم.

    The Engineer Abdullah Fawzy, head of the Central Administration for the operation of the first line of the subway, in a special statement on the seventh day, facing a real disaster for the Egyptian Company for management and operation of the metro, the absence of a plan with the company in the event of a decision of the Ministry of Health to reduce the number of users of the subway, in order to prevent the spread of disease, swine flu, after the arrival of number of people infected with the disease to 10 people today.

    أكد فوزى أن الإدارة المركزية لم تتلق أى إخطار من وزارة الصحة بغلق محطات المترو أو تقليل أعداد الركاب، مشيرا إلى صعوبة تنفيذ القرار فى حالة صدوره ، ومنع 2,5 مليون راكب من دخول محطات المترو.

    Fawzi stressed that the central administration has not received any notification from the Ministry of Health to close the metro stations or reduce the number of passengers, adding to the difficulty of the implementation of the resolution in the event of issuance, and the prevention of 2.5 million passengers from entering the metro stations.

    أضاف فوزى أن الحلول المقترحة لتقليل حجم الكارثة المتوقعة هو تعقيم كل قطار بعد انتهاء رحلته بدخوله المغسلة المخصصة لتنظيف القطارات، بالإضافة إلى الاستعانة بفريق تحت إشراف وزارة الصحة يكون مهامه التواجد فى كل محطة مترو لتعقيم جميع العربات فور وصول القطار إلى المحطة، مؤكدا أن زمن عملية التعقيم لن يؤثر على زمن التقاطر للقطارات.

    Fawzi said that the solutions proposed to reduce the magnitude of the disaster is expected sterilization after the end of each train to enter the laundry for the trip to clean up the trains, in addition to a team under the supervision of the Ministry of Health to be his presence in every metro station for the sterilization of all vehicles upon the arrival of the train to the station, saying that the time process sterilization will not affect the long trickle of trains.

  • #2
    Re: Egypt: Minister of Hlth. is considering the closure of the subway

    Originally posted by Commonground View Post
    Egypt: Ministry of Health is considering the closure of the subway

    June 10, 2009

    Fawzi said that the solutions proposed to reduce the magnitude of the disaster is expected sterilization after the end of each train to enter the laundry for the trip to clean up the trains, in addition to a team under the supervision of the Ministry of Health to be his presence in every metro station for the sterilization of all vehicles upon the arrival of the train to the station, saying that the time process sterilization will not affect the long trickle of trains.
    That could be called good start of actions.

    The catch in the bolded is that sterilizating the vehicles will not stop the transmission of the infections if the commuters will not wore real sealed masks and gloves.

    Bioshielding is an hard nut indeed,
    but even if partly sucessfull it will be better than doing nothing.

    Maybe an preorientation to war economy like measures, could mitigate the economy crashings.
    Such pandemic event if moderate or serious as it seems to be, could be treated as war like.


    • #3
      Re: Egypt: Minister of Hlth. is considering the closure of the subway

      more people are transported daily by bus and micro bus and i have counted more then twenty people jamed into a van which we refer to as a micro bus the rail network is only part of the solution.


      • #4
        Re: Egypt: Minister of Hlth. is considering the closure of the subway

        Egypt: Ministry of Health denied the closure of the subway

        Thursday, June 11, 2009 - 16:19
        Caption: Health denied the closure of the subway and imposes a blackout on its plan in the face of swine flu

        Denied, Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, spokesman of the Ministry of Health, today, Thursday, again cited some websites stop flights from the MRT or reduce the number of subway users, to ensure that the spread of swine flu after the discovery of cases of the disease, and access to the case of 11 Based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, pointed out that the current situation of the disease in Egypt does not requires the taking of any action as a special alarm that called for easy treatment of the disease.

        وأوضح شاهين أن ما يجب علينا فعله الآن كمواطنين هو الاهتمام بوسائل النظافة العامة من أجل تفادى الإصابة بالعدوى سواء للشخص نفسه أو للآخرين، وذلك لمنع أى اتصال مباشر بين الأشخاص كالمعانقة والمصافحة ولمس الوجه، وفى حالة عدم وضع قناع واق يتم الاحتفاظ قدر الإمكان بمسافة مترين على الأقل بين كل شخص وآخر، والتباعد بين الأشخاص وعدم التواجد فى مناطق الزحام وعملية التهوية الجيدة للأماكن المغلقة.

        Shaheen said that what we must do now as citizens is through attention to hygiene to avoid infection, whether the person himself or to others, so as to prevent any direct contact between persons Kalmaangp her, shaking hands and touching the face, if not set mask are maintained as much as possible to a distance of two meters least of all one person and another, and the distance between the people and lack of presence in the areas of crowding and the process of good ventilation of the premises closed.

        وقال إنه بالرغم من ظهور 11 حالة مصابة بالمرض فى مصر الآن، إلا أن هذه الحالات جميعا قادمة من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ولا توجد أى حالات إصابة بين المصريين المقيمين داخل البلاد.

        He said that despite the emergence of 11 cases infected with the disease in Egypt, but all of these cases coming from the United States and there have been no cases of Egyptians who reside within the country.

        وذكر الدكتور عبد الرحمن شاهين أن إجراءات الحجر الصحى بجميع منافذ الجمهورية تنفذ بصورة مشددة..

        According to Dr. Abdel-Rahman Shaheen, said that the quarantine procedures in all ports Republic implemented tight ..

        موضحا أن من أسباب عدم اكتشاف الحالتين أثناء ساعة الوصول هو عدم ظهور أى أعراض عليهما، لأنهما كانا فى فترة حضانة المرض التى قد تستغرق نحو أسبوعا.

        He pointed out that the reasons for the lack of detection of cases during the hours of access is the absence of any symptoms of them, because they were in the incubation period, which may take some weeks.

        يأتى نفى الصحة فى الوقت الذى يخيم التعتيم على خطتها فى مواجهة أنفلونزا الخنازير وتحجيم انتشاره وكأن خطة الوزارة سرية، ولا يجوز أن يطلع عليها الجهات الشعبية، وذلك بالرغم من تحذير المتخصصين والأطباء من استمرار حركة المترو الطبيعية، وعدم اتخاذ إجراءات وقائية بالمناطق التى تشهد تجمعات كبيرة كدور السينما والمسارح والملاعب ووسائل المواصلات الأخرى.

        Denied health comes at a time camped out to cover up the plan in the face of swine flu and limit the spread and if the secret plan of the ministry, may not be disclosed to those roots, despite a warning from the specialists and doctors from the natural movement of the subway, and not to take preventive action in areas undergoing large concentrations the role of cinema and theaters, stadiums and other means of transportation.

