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Egypt: Isolate airport employees on suspicion of bird flu virus, swine

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  • Egypt: Isolate airport employees on suspicion of bird flu virus, swine

    Egypt: Isolate airport employees on suspicion of bird flu virus, swine

    June 10, 2009 - 13:47
    Caption: Quarantine officers in the state of fear

    مساء أمس الثلاثاء، بعزل مجند وفنى استقبال وترحيل، بمستشفى الحميات بالعباسية للاشتباه فى إصابتهما بفيروس أنفلونزا الخنازير، حيث ظهرت عليهما أعراض الإصابة بالفيروس بعد توقيع الفحص الطبى عليهما.

    In the development of rapid and sudden spread of swine flu, the quarantine authorities at Cairo International Airport, Tuesday evening, isolating recruits and technical reception and deportation, بالعباسية fever hospital on suspicion of avian influenza virus infected pigs, showing signs of infection after the signing of the medical examination on them.

    يذكر أن على محمود عبد الغفار، والبالغ من العمر 21 سنة، يعمل مجندا بالعمليات الخاصة بقطاع الشهيد محمود عادل بمطار القاهرة الدولى، وظهرت عليه أعراض الإصابة وتمثلت فى ارتفاع درجة حرارته والتهاب فى الحلق والآم بالعظام، والذى يسكن بقرية الحفير بلقاس دقهلية.

    Recall that the Mahmoud Abdel-Ghaffar, of the age of 21 years, the private sector recruits operations martyr Mahmoud Adel in Cairo International Airport, and he showed symptoms of infection and of a rise in temperature and inflammation of the throat and pains in the bones, which lives in the village of Alhver Belkas Dakahlia.

    وكذلك ظهرت تلك الأعراض على أحمد محمد على محمد (38 عاما)، يعمل عاملا بشركة مصر للطيران فنى استقبال وترحيل، كما ظهر عليه التهاب الشعب الهوائية وتجاوزت درجة حرارته 39 درجة، ويسكن بالتجمع الأول الجنوبى، القاهرة الجديدة.

    As well as the symptoms that appeared to Muhammad Ali, Ahmed Mohammed (38 years), a worker at Egypt Air to receive technical and deportation, as demonstrated by bronchitis temperature exceeded 39 degrees, and lives to gather the first South, New Cairo.

    يذكر أن سلطات الحجر الصحى بمطار القاهرة قد استقبلت حتى أمس الثلاثاء 7400 راكب من 65 رحلة طيران قادمة من الدول الموبوءة، والتى حددتها منظمة الصحة العالمية ضمن دائرة الاشتباه.

    Is noteworthy that the quarantine authorities at Cairo airport had received until the Tuesday of the 7400 passengers 65 flights arriving from affected countries, established by the World Health Organization within the circle of suspicion.

    كما ذكرت مصادر خاصة لليوم السابع أن مطار القاهرة استقبل منذ بداية انتشار الفيروس حوالى 168 ألف راكب من 1800 رحلة طيران، تم فحصهم وتم تسجيل بياناتهم لمراقبتهم صحيا خلال فترة تواجدهم فى مصر.

    As I mentioned private sources for the seventh day that the Cairo Airport received since the beginning of the spread of the virus, about 168 thousand passengers of flight 1800, were screened for their statements were recorded during the period of surveillance of their health in Egypt.

  • #2
    Re: Egypt: Isolate airport employees on suspicion of bird flu virus, swine

    BANGALORE: An international passenger, who arrived at Mangalore airport from Egypt via Mumbai two days ago with suspected symptoms of swine flu, has been quarantined at a government hospital, a top health official said.

    ?The throat culture samples of the man, who arrived with fever and throat pain, have been sent to the National Institute of Virology (NIV) Pune for analysis and the report is expected by tomorrow, Director Health and Family Welfare Services,? Usha Vasunkar said on Wednesday.

    "This is the first suspect case in Mangalore since we began screening operations both at BIA and Mangalore airports on April 29," she said, adding the passenger has been quarantined at the Wenlock hospital.

    "Wenlock and Fr Muller hospitals have been identified to treat H1N1 cases in Mangalore," Vasunkar said. ?Tests on 16 suspected cases reported at Bengaluru International Airport (BIA) have tested negative,? Vasunkar said.


    • #3
      Re: Egypt: Isolate airport employees on suspicion of bird flu virus, swine

      fever and throat pain
      yeah. This is going to get very interesting indeed. I hope it's H1N1, and not H5N1.


      • #4
        Re: Egypt: Isolate airport employees on suspicion of bird flu virus, swine

        I don't think these stories are discussing H5N1 (only H1N1 is suspected).


        • #5
          Re: Egypt: Isolate airport employees on suspicion of bird flu virus, swine

          Does anyone here speak Arabic? This isn't the first time I've seen such a curious translation like this:

          on suspicion of avian influenza virus infected pigs
          I don't see anything else referring to pigs, so I can't decide if they are actually talking about pigs with bird flu or if this is some bizarre way of saying someone has swine flu.
          Wotan (pronounced Voton with the ton rhyming with on) - The German Odin, ruler of the Aesir.

          I am not a doctor, virologist, biologist, etc. I am a layman with a background in the physical sciences.

          Attempting to blog an nascent pandemic: Diary of a Flu Year


          • #6
            Re: Egypt: Isolate airport employees on suspicion of bird flu virus, swine

            Originally posted by wotan View Post
            Does anyone here speak Arabic? This isn't the first time I've seen such a curious translation like this:

            I don't see anything else referring to pigs, so I can't decide if they are actually talking about pigs with bird flu or if this is some bizarre way of saying someone has swine flu.
            The latter.


            • #7
              Re: Egypt: Isolate airport employees on suspicion of bird flu virus, swine

              They are discussing H1N1. I wasn't too clear. What I was trying to say's going to be interesting because the symptoms for both H1N1 and H5N1 are the same. And they've got suspected cases of H5N1 in Egypt also.


              • #8
                Re: Egypt: Isolate airport employees on suspicion of bird flu virus, swine

                Originally posted by Commonground View Post
                They are discussing H1N1. I wasn't too clear. What I was trying to say's going to be interesting because the symptoms for both H1N1 and H5N1 are the same. And they've got suspected cases of H5N1 in Egypt also.

                its the pig flu they are speaking of that was cause by a bird. somethings translate badly.

                yes it will be most likely get crazy here. the hospital staffs will go crazy trying to sort out the regular yearly flu, food poisoning,bird and or swine flu from other issues which have many of the same symptoms.

                even transporting people to a facility with the correct equipment for life support will become a real challenge as many of the emergency vehicles are just vehicles stripped of most of the normal equipment.

                not to mention when the wind blows over the dry land, it picks up lots of fecal matter from animals and other livestock. the dust gets in everything here it cant be stopped.

                our daily avg. temps range from about a low of 70f to 100f with humidity from 30% up to 80% during the night. I would think that type of environment would be very hard on a normal virus.


                • #9
                  Re: Egypt: Isolate airport employees on suspicion of bird flu virus, swine

                  heres the incoming check being done at the airport. following that is another wardens message from the embassy,yesterday. which makes no mention of the bird-flu at all which indicates, its most likely a touchy issue for both governments.

                  You Are In: Home > Visa & Consular Affairs > American Citizen Services

                  Public Announcement

                  June 1, 2009

                  Information about the Inspection Procedures for Arriving Passengers At Cairo International Airport for H1N1 Virus

                  The Egyptian Ministry of Health is currently screening all passengers arriving at Cairo International Airport as a precaution due to the H1N1 virus.

                  All passengers arriving at the airport are required to present a complete health card (distributed on the plane for passengers to fill out) which includes personal data and place of residency in Egypt. Passports are examined. Some passengers are screened via infrared cameras. Others are tested with thermometers.

                  If a passenger is not running a fever, he or she is allowed entry and the data is sent to the General Health Directorate and the Egyptian Ministry of Health.

                  If a passenger has a fever over 38 centigrade, he or she is examined by a quarantine doctor and a mandatory flu test is conducted. If flu symptoms (high fever, headache, and running nose) are evident, the passenger is isolated and transferred to a hospital in Abbassia for observation for at least 48 hours. If test results are negative, the passenger is allowed to leave the hospital. If the test results are positive, the passenger will be quarantined until the Ministry of Health determines the passenger no longer poses a health risk.
                  Date: June 09, 2009

                  To: The American Community

                  From: Embassy of the United States, Cairo

                  Subject: Warden Message dated June 09, 2009

                  This Warden Message alerts U.S. citizens to the latest information regarding human cases of 2009-H1N1 Influenza. The Egyptian Ministry of Health has reported eight confirmed cases of H1N1 virus in Egypt. Seven of these cases are students from the American University in Cairo, all resident in AUC's downtown Zamalek dormitory. AUC has suspended classes and campus activities through Sunday morning, June 14, 2009, and all residents of the Zamalek dormitory are currently in quarantine, are being tested, and will remain under observation for one week. Cairo airport has also instituted new health screening procedures and they can be found at http://egypt. usembassy. gov/consular/ pa060809. htm

                  The Embassy reminds U.S. citizens that most cases of influenza are not 2009-H1N1 Influenza. Any questions or concerns about influenza or other illnesses should be directed to a medical professional. Although the Embassy cannot provide medical advice or provide medical services to the public, a list of hospitals and doctors can be found on our website at http://egypt. usembassy. gov.

                  For further information about 2009-H1N1 Influenza, including steps you can take to stay healthy, please consult the Department of State information at http://travel. travel/cis_ pa_tw/pa/ pa_pandemic. html, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control website at http://www.cdc. gov/h1n1flu/ , the U.S. Government pandemic influenza website at, and the World Health Organization website at http://www.who. int/csr/disease/ swineflu/ en/index. html. For additional travel safety information, please consult the State Department's website at


                  • #10
                    Re: Egypt: Isolate airport employees on suspicion of bird flu virus, swine

                    well at least two of the airport workers are negative for h1n1 based on the Arabic article. but, the workers are still being held in Abbasiya Fevers Hospital . it mentions the workers in the context of working for the also says airport workers are now asking for regular testing be preformed.

                    Translation: Arabic ? English
                    اتصالات مكثفة بين العادلى وشفيق لمتابعة حالات العزل بالمطار
                    السبت، 13 يونيو 2009 - 13:14

                    مطار القاهرة الدولى كتبت إحسان السيد

                    كشفت مصادر بمطار القاهرة الدولى لليوم السابع عن الاتصالات المكثفة التى يجريها حبيب العادلى وزير الداخلية والفريق أحمد شفيق وزير الطيران المدنى للاطمئنان على نتائج العينات التى سحبت من المشتبه فى إصابتهم من العاملين بمطار القاهرة الدولى، وسط تخوف من انتشار الإصابة بالفيروس داخل المطار، يأتى ذلك فى أعقاب عزل المضيفة الجوية واثنين من أمناء الشرطة بإدارة الجوازات بمطار القاهرة.

                    كما أكدت مصادر خاصة أن نتيجة أمينى الشرطة جاءت سلبية إلا أنهما
                    ما زالا فى مستشفى الحميات بالعباسية لمتابعتهما صحيا، كما طالب عدد من العاملين داخل المطار بتوقيع الفحص الطبى عليهما بشكل دورى خاصة وأنهما يتعاملان مباشرة مع الركاب القادمين من الدول الموبوءة.

                    Intensive contacts between Gheit Shafeek to follow up the cases of separation the airport
                    Saturday, June 13, 2009 - 13:14

                    Cairo International Airport, Mr. Ahsan wrote

                    Sources in Cairo International Airport for the seventh day on intensive contacts conducted by the Interior Minister Habib Al-Ahmed, and Shafiq and Civil Aviation Minister to check the results of samples drawn from suspected infected workers at Cairo International Airport, amid fears the spread of HIV infection within the airport, is in Following the isolation of the air and the host of two Trustees of the Passport Department of the police at Cairo airport.

                    Private sources also confirmed that the result of Amani police but they were negative Are still in hospital diets to follow بالعباسية health, also called a number of workers inside the airport to sign the medical examination on them regularly and they particularly deal directly with passengers coming from infected countries.


                    • #11
                      Re: Egypt: Isolate airport employees on suspicion of bird flu virus, swine

                      Translation: Arabic ? English

                      (my edits are in blue)

                      one suspect, is a local airport cleaning person and her name is corrected below along with another one

                      فحص 9000 راكب من الدول الموبوءة..
                      عزل عاملة نظافة و6 ركاب بمطار القاهرة
                      link to arabic version
                      الثلاثاء، 16 يونيو 2009 - 12:28

                      مطار القاهرة الدولى كتبت إحسان السيد

                      قامت سلطات الحجر الصحى بمطار القاهرة الدولى، مساء أمس الاثنين، بعزل عاملة نظافة و6 ركاب للاشتباه فى إصابتهم بوباء الأنفلونزا العالمى (أنفلونزا الخنازير) حيث تبين لطبيب الحجر الصحى ظهور أعراض الإصابة عليهم بعد خضوعهم للفحص الطبى عقب وصولهم مطار القاهرة الدولى.

                      كما تقرر نقل المشتبه فيهم لمستشفى الحميات بالعباسية وهم: سمر عماد (20 سنة) مصرية وعامله نظافة بالمطار، ياسمين على السيد مصرية (31 سنة) قادمة من دبى على متن طائرة مصر للطيران، محمود عمرو عبد المؤمن، مصرى (7 سنوات) قادم من أبو ظبى ووالدته منى محمود 34 "مخالط"، ومنى على عبد الله، إماراتيه (9 سنوات) ووالدتها صباح فؤاد (41 سنة) قادمين من دبى على طائرة مصر للطيران، ومريم نصير، كندية من أصل مصرى (5 سنوات) قادمة من أمستردام على متن طائرة خطوط الطيران الهولندية.

                      يذكر أن الحجر الصحى بمطار القاهرة الدولى قد استقبل حتى أمس 9 آلاف راكب قادمين من الدول الموبوءة التى حددتها منظمة الصحة العالمية ضمن دائرة الاشتباه من 73 رحلة طيران، تم فحصهم جميعا وتسجيل بياناتهم وأماكن إقامتهم لمراقبتهم صحيا خلال فترة تواجدهم بمصر. 9000

                      examination of the affected passengers from the States ..
                      Isolate a cleaner and 6 Cairo Airport
                      Tuesday, June 16, 2009 - 12:28

                      Cairo International Airport, Mr. Ahsan wrote

                      The quarantine authorities at Cairo International Airport, on Monday evening, working to isolate and clean 6 passenger on suspicion of contracting the global epidemic of influenza (swine flu), where a doctor found the quarantine to the emergence of symptoms of infection after undergoing medical examination after his arrival in Cairo International Airport.

                      It also decided to transfer the suspects to a hospital diets بالعباسية: the backbone of Samar (Emad) a cleaning lady (at the) Egyptian airport (20 years).jasmine (Aly El Said) (31 years), coming from Dubai aboard an Egypt Air. Mr. Amr Mahmoud Abdul Momin, EGYPTIAN (7 years) coming from Abu Dhabi, and his mother, Mona Mahmoud 34 "Mkhalt", Mona Abdallah, UAE (9 years) and her mother the morning of Fuad (41 years) from Dubai on an Egypt Air, and Mariam Naseer, a Canadian of Egyptian origin (5 years) from the Amsterdam plane Dutch Airlines.

                      Is noteworthy that the quarantine at Cairo International Airport has been received as of yesterday, 9 thousand passengers from affected countries identified by WHO as part of its sphere of suspicion of the 73 flights, all tested and recording their statements and their places of residence to keep tabs on their health during the period of Egypt.


                      • #12
                        Re: Egypt: Isolate airport employees on suspicion of bird flu virus, swine

                        Egypt: The detention of the police and an engine at Cairo airport

                        Thursday, June 18, 2009 - 12:51

                        A state of anxiety and terror prevailed among the workers in the Cairo International Airport after being detained by the quarantine authorities at Cairo International Airport Police and the Specialist engines on suspicion of avian influenza virus infected pigs, where the emergence of symptoms of HIV infection by the high temperature and sore throat.

                        وتقرر عزل كل من شحاتة سلامة محمد أمين شرطة يعمل بصالة رقم 1 بالمطار، ومصطفى المصيلحى أخصائى محركات يعمل بشركة مصر للطيران، ونقلهما لمستشفى الحميات بالعباسية لأخذ مسحة حلق ومسحة أنف للتأكد من إصابتهما بالفيروس من عدمه.

                        It was decided to remove all of the safety Shehata Mohammed Amin police work Hall No. 1 airport, and Mustafa Almeselhy Specialist working at the engines of Egypt Air, and transfer to a hospital diets بالعباسية hours to take the Pap Smear and nose to make sure they got the virus or not.

