[Swine Flu] After the emergence of 8 cases in Egypt .. "World Health" advised the Egyptians to cover the mouth a
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
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The World Health Organization has received reports so far of 33 laboratory-confirmed case of a new influenza virus (H1N1 A) of the six countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region are: the United Arab Emirates (one case), Bahrain (one case), Kuwait (18 cases) , Lebanon (3 cases), Egypt (8 cases), and Saudi Arabia (two cases).
The World Health Organization recommends at this stage in dealing with avian influenza (A H1N1), and the reduction of the current threat to public health as the responsibility of each individual, which requires the full cooperation of the public, the media and health authorities and other interested parties.
The health authorities have begun in all countries of the region in implementing their plans to prepare for the disease, and surveillance in order to strengthen mechanisms for rapid response to outbreaks of infection, but it is very important to note that the conduct of the public can affect positively or negatively on the size of outbreak of influenza A H1N1)) and the result by the results, owing to the lack of a vaccine against avian influenza A (H1N1)) So far, the message of the Organization to the public is in the need to remain vigilant and take preventive measures to the public for the prevention of influenza infections.
People can protect themselves and protect others from becoming infected with influenza (A H1N1) in accordance with the advice of the Organization for the prevention of infection, people should cover mouth and nose with tissue paper and Saalhm and Attshm, and escape from the Scarf to properly use it immediately after, and wash their hands regularly with soap and water.
It is recommended to avoid direct contact with people who seem to weather and suffering from fever and cough, and those who have symptoms of influenza-like symptoms seek medical advice immediately.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
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أعلنت منظمة الصحة العالمية، تلقى بلاغات حتى الآن بوقوع 33 حالة إصابة مؤكَّدة مختبرياً بفيروس الأنفلونزا الجدي (H1N1 A) من ستة بلدان فى إقليم شرق المتوسط هى: الإمارات العربية المتحدة (حالة واحدة)، البحرين (حالة واحدة)، الكويت (18 حالة)، لبنان (3 حالات)، مصر (8 حالات)، والمملكة العربية السعودية (حالتان).
The World Health Organization has received reports so far of 33 laboratory-confirmed case of a new influenza virus (H1N1 A) of the six countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region are: the United Arab Emirates (one case), Bahrain (one case), Kuwait (18 cases) , Lebanon (3 cases), Egypt (8 cases), and Saudi Arabia (two cases).
وتنصح منظمة الصحة العالمية فى هذه المرحلة بالتصدى لأنفلونزا (A H1N1)، والحدّ من تهديدها الراهن للصحة العامة باعتبارها مسئولية كل فرد، وهو ما يتطلب تعاوناً كاملاً من الجمهور ووسائل الإعلام والسلطات الصحية وسائر الأطراف المعنية.
The World Health Organization recommends at this stage in dealing with avian influenza (A H1N1), and the reduction of the current threat to public health as the responsibility of each individual, which requires the full cooperation of the public, the media and health authorities and other interested parties.
وشرعت السلطات الصحية فى كافة بلدان الإقليم فى تطبيق خططها للاستعداد للمرض، وقامت بتعزيز آليات الترصد بهدف التصدى السريع لتفشى العدوى، غير أنه من المهم جداً ملاحظة أن سلوك الجمهور يمكن أن يؤثـِّر تأثيراً إيجابياً أو سلبياً على حجم فاشية الأنفلونزا A H1N1)) وعلى ما تسفر عنه من نتائج، ونظراً لعدم توافر لقاح مضاد للأنفلونزا A (H1N1)) حتى الآن، فإن الرسالة التى توجِّهها المنظمة إلى الجمهور تتلخّص فى ضرورة التزام اليقظة واتخاذ التدابير الوقائية العامة إزاء الأنفلونزا للوقاية من عدواها.
The health authorities have begun in all countries of the region in implementing their plans to prepare for the disease, and surveillance in order to strengthen mechanisms for rapid response to outbreaks of infection, but it is very important to note that the conduct of the public can affect positively or negatively on the size of outbreak of influenza A H1N1)) and the result by the results, owing to the lack of a vaccine against avian influenza A (H1N1)) So far, the message of the Organization to the public is in the need to remain vigilant and take preventive measures to the public for the prevention of influenza infections.
ويمكن للناس حماية أنفسهم وحماية غيرهم من الإصابة بعدوى الأنفلونزا (A H1N1) وفق نصائح المنظمة للوقاية من العدوى، وينبغى على الناس تغطية الفم والأنف بمنديل ورقى لدى سعالهم وعطسهم، وأن يتخلصوا من المنديل على نحو سليم فور استعماله، وأن يغسلوا أيديهم بانتظام بالصابون والماء.
People can protect themselves and protect others from becoming infected with influenza (A H1N1) in accordance with the advice of the Organization for the prevention of infection, people should cover mouth and nose with tissue paper and Saalhm and Attshm, and escape from the Scarf to properly use it immediately after, and wash their hands regularly with soap and water.
ويُوصَى اجتناب المخالطة المباشرة للأشخاص الذين يبدون متوعكين ويعانون من الحمّى والسعال، وينبغى لمن لديهم أعراض شبيهة بأعراض الأنفلونزا التماس المشورة الطبية فوراً.
It is recommended to avoid direct contact with people who seem to weather and suffering from fever and cough, and those who have symptoms of influenza-like symptoms seek medical advice immediately.