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Isolation of 3 Egyptians susp. of having H1N1

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  • Isolation of 3 Egyptians susp. of having H1N1

    Isolation of three Egyptians suspected of having bird flu in pigs

    The quarantine authorities in Cairo International Airport at dawn on Sunday, the family of an Egyptian isolate suspected SARS virus, swine flu, a doctor was found to quarantine high temperature Nagwa Mahmoud Harbi (25 years) and inflammation in her throat and nominated, as were her two children to isolate Mr. Salah (4 years) and Amir Salah (years) as Mkhaltin have been taken to hospital diets بالعباسية.
    يذكر أن الراكبة وطفليها كانوا قادمين على متن طائرة مصر للطيران من مالبينزا بإيطاليا.
    Recalled that the woman and her two children were on board the plane from Egypt Air Malpinza Italy.

    تم فحص جميع الركاب الذين كانوا على متن الطائرة وتسجيل بياناتهم وأماكن إقامتهم بمصر لمراقبتهم صحياً خلال فترة تواجدهم، وقد استقبل الحجر الصحى بمطار القاهرة حتى أمس السبت 8000 راكب من 71 رحلة طيران قادمين من الدول الموبوءة، والتى وضعتها منظمة الصحة العالمية ضمن دائرة الاشتباه.
    Were examined, who were all passengers on board the plane and the recording of their statements and their places of residence in Egypt for the control of their health during the period, the quarantine was received at Cairo airport on Saturday until 8000 passengers from 71 flights from the affected States, which the World Health Organization within the circle of suspicion.