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Egypt - Government denys first suspected case of swine flu hospitalized

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  • Egypt - Government denys first suspected case of swine flu hospitalized

    A citizen of the province of the West is coming from Mexico ..
    احتجاز أول حالة اشتباه بأنفلونزا الخنازير Holding the first suspected case of swine flu
    السبت، 2 مايو 2009 - 23:11 Saturday, May 2, 2009 - 23:11

    Detained hospital admitted Tanta's first suspected case of swine flu at the level of the Republic of the Egyptian citizen coming from Mexico, named Hani El-Shazly Center of Kfar Altabanip Smonod (39 years), living in the vicinity of the farm village, where he was detained Bhmyat Tanta medical examination was carried out by putting it under Note severe extreme to declare a state of emergency within the hospital and medical devices, especially since the suspect is coming from Mexico, where the disease is serious.
    . The hospital immediately by giving the right drugs and taking blood samples, survey hours and sent to the central Ministry of Health laboratories, and samples were taken from a contact from his family and sent to central laboratories to demonstrate the extent of illness or not.

    At the same time, the province of Western high state of alert within the hospitals, fever hospitals, and medical devices at the county level to detect any suspected cases of bird flu or avian flu swine flu.

  • #2
    Re: Egypt - first suspected case of swine flu hospitalized

    It was all a mistake

    Minister of Health: West hit just a mistake in the records
    الأحد، 3 مايو 2009 - 15:14
    Sunday, May 3, 2009 - 15:14

    د.حاتم الجبلى وزير الصحة
    D. The woman and the Minister of Health

    كتبت أميرة عبد السلام تصوير محسن بيومى
    Written by Amira Mohsen Abdel Salam imaging Bayoumi

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    كشف د.حاتم الجبلى صباح اليوم الأحد، فى تصريحات خاصة لليوم السابع أنه لا توجد أى حالة مؤكدة أو حتى اشتباه بأنفلونزا الخنازير فى مصر حتى الآن، لافتاً إلى أن حالة الاشتباه التى تم تسجيلها مساء أمس السبت، بمستشفى حميات طنطا لمواطن مصرى قادم من المكسيك، ويدعى هانى الدسوقى الشاذلى من كفر التعبانية مركز سمنود (39 سنة) مجرد خطأ فى السجلات بسبب تدوينه عنوانه بشكل غير مفصل تم تداركه بالوصول إليه، لأنه كان قادماً من المكسيك، وبعد ذلك تم اصطاحبه إلى المستشفى للتأكد فقط من حالته الصحية، على الرغم أنه تم توقيع الكشف الطبى عليه فى المطار.
    Disclosed. Hatem mountain on Sunday morning, in a special statement to the seventh day, there are no confirmed cases, or even suspicion of swine flu in Egypt so far, pointing out that the state of suspicion, which was recorded on Saturday, a hospital admitted Tanta for the Egyptian citizen coming from Mexico , named Hani El-Shazly Altabanip Center of Kfar Smonod (39 years) simply because of an error in the codification of title records are detailed access to him was irreparable, because he was from Mexico, and was then Asillsbh to the hospital to make sure of his health, although it was signed by a medical examination at the airport.

    مؤكداً أنه لم تظهر عليه أى علامات اشتباه حتى فى أنفلونزا عادية، ولكن الإجراءات التى تم اتخاذها معه بسبب أنه قادم من المكسيك، حيث تم احتجازه بحميات طنطا، وتم إجراء الكشف الطبى عليه ووضعه تحت الملاحظة الشديدة وإعلان حالة الطوارئ القصوى داخل المستشفى والأجهزة الطبية.
    He emphasized that he did not show any signs of suspicion, even in a normal flu, but the actions that have been taken with him because he is coming from Mexico, where he had been detained Bhmyat Tanta, and undergo a medical and put under observation and the very highest state of emergency within the hospital and medical devices.
    لافتاً إلى أن المستشفى قام على الفور بإعطائه العقاقير المناسبة وأخذ عينة دم ومسحة حلق وإرسالها للمعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة، والتى أكدت أنها سلبية، كما تم أخذ عينات من المخالطين له من أسرته وإرسالها للمعامل المركزية نتيجتها سلبية أيضا.
    He pointed out that the hospital immediately by giving the right drugs and taking blood samples, survey hours and sent to the central factor of the Ministry of Health, which confirmed it was negative, and samples were taken from a contact from his family and sent to the central result of a negative factor as well.

    وفى الوقت نفسه، رفعت محافظة الغربية درجة الاستعداد القصوى داخل المستشفيات ومستشفيات الحميات والأجهزة الطبية على مستوى المحافظة للكشف عن أى حالات يشتبه بإصابتها بأنفلونزا الخنازير أو الطيور.
    At the same time, the province of Western high state of alert within the hospitals, fever hospitals, and medical devices at the county level to detect any suspected cases of swine flu or bird flu virus.

