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Egypt - Ministry of Agriculture Declares State of Extreme Emergency Fearing Swine Flu Advance

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  • Rocky
    Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

    Originally posted by The Mountains Voice View Post
    If Swine Flu becomes Pandemic, how could this impact Bird Flu?? Could this ease a "Merger" of that disease into the Swine Flu? Creating a new recombination that basically creates the genetic springboard for BF to finally launch???
    I've noticed several sources talking about this virus as a hybrid combination of Bird/Swine/Human. The worry with bird flu is how quickly it could travel with migrating birds.

    just be glad that pigs don't fly...

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  • sharon sanders
    Re: Egypt - Ministry of Agriculture Declares State of Extreme Emergency Fearing Swine Flu Advance

    This is a possibility.

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  • The Mountains Voice
    Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

    TREYFISH wrote:World Health Organization warned of the emergence of swine influenza virus in Egypt, described it as "an urgent need in the field of public health," asserting that the pigs are the principal mediator in the transmission of the virus from birds to humans and some of them.

    Question/Comment: The increased activity in Indonesia & Egypt regarding the Bird Flu is probably being overlooked by the media due to their "News Media Sensation" coverage of the Swine Flu. (Not that Swine Flu doesn't deserve the coverage - IT DOES - its just that the media doesn't usually get on board till it's too late IMHO).

    But the above Quote poses an interesting question - If Swine Flu becomes Pandemic, how could this impact Bird Flu?? Could this ease a "Merger" of that disease into the Swine Flu? Creating a new recombination that basically creates the genetic springboard for BF to finally launch???

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  • Treyfish
    WHO: Avian flu pigs will be transferred to humans

    World Health Organization warns ..
    منظمة الصحة:الخنازير ستنقل أنفلونزا الطيور للبشر

    الأحد، 26 أبريل 2009 - 14:15
    Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 14:15

    عبرت المنظمة عن قلقها من اقتراب تحول الأنفلونزا إلى وباء - تصوير: عمرو دياب
    Organization expressed concern about the approach of turning to the influenza pandemic - Photo: Amr Diab

    كتبت أميرة عبد السلام
    Written by Amira Abdel-Salam

    <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><SCRIPT type=text/javascript>var addthis_pub="tonyawad";</SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=""></SCRIPT> <!-- AddThis Button END -->
    حذرت منظمة الصحة العالمية من ظهور فيروس أنفلونزا الخنازير فى مصر، ووصفته بأنه "حالة ملحة فى مجال الصحة العامة"، مؤكدة أن الخنازير تمثل الوسيط الأساسى فى انتقال الفيروس من الطيور وبعضها إلى البشر وبعضهم.
    World Health Organization warned of the emergence of swine influenza virus in Egypt, described it as "an urgent need in the field of public health," asserting that the pigs are the principal mediator in the transmission of the virus from birds to humans and some of them.

    أنفلونزا الخنازير مرض وبائى حاد يصيب الخنازير بشكل رئيسى، وينتج عن فيروس الأنفلونزا من فئة (أ)، ويشهد العالم انتشاراً لهذا المرض بين الخنازير مسبباً حالة عالية من الرعب بعد فتكه بعدد كبير من البشر فى المكسيك، وينتشر هذا المرض بشكل خاص فى موسمى الخريف والشتاء، إلا أنه يمكن أن ينتشر فى أوقات أخرى من العام، طبقاً للمنظمة الدولية.
    Swine flu epidemic disease severely affects mainly pigs, and influenza caused by a virus that category (a), the world has witnessed the spread of the disease in pigs, causing a high state of terror after the lethality of a large number of people in Mexico, and the spread of the disease, in particular, in the autumn and winter seasons However, it can be deployed at other times of the year, according to the international organization.

    وقالت المنظمة إن هناك عدة سلالات لأنفلونزا الخنازير، شأنه فى ذلك شأن الأنفلونزا التى تصيب الإنسان، وتتحول طبيعة الفيروس بشكل مستمر، وفى العادة كان هذا النوع من أنفلونزا الخنازير لا يصيب البشر، إلا أنه سجل حالات إصابة عديدة فى المكسيك، معظمها بين أشخاص لهم اتصال مباشر بالخنازير، وأكدت منظمة الصحة العالمية أن بعض حالات الوفاة تمثل نوعاً جديداً لم يعرف من قبل لأنفلونزا الخنازير يحمل صفات جينية مختلفة عن تلك التى أصيب بها البشر فى مناطق مختلفة فى أوروبا وآسيا.
    The organization said that there are several strains of swine flu, like the flu that affect humans, into the nature of the virus on a continuous basis, and usually this type of swine flu does not infect humans, but that many cases recorded in Mexico, mostly among people with communication PIGS directly, and the World Health Organization confirmed that some cases represent a new kind of death is not known by the swine flu carries genetic qualities different from those that were injured by humans in different regions in Europe and Asia.

    ينتقل الفيروس بين البشر بطريقة مشابهة لانتشار الأنفلونزا الموسمية، أى عبر السعال والعطاس، وفيما عبرت منظمة الصحة العالمية عن قلقها، إلا أنها أشارت إلى أنه لا يزال من المبكر تغيير مستوى التأهب لمرحلة الوباء.
    Virus among humans a manner similar to the spread of seasonal influenza, or through coughing and sneezing, and World Health Organization has expressed concern, but pointed out that it is still too early to change the level of preparedness for a pandemic.

    وقالت المنظمة إنه يتم تلقيح الخنازير فى أمريكا الشمالية بشكل روتينى ضد هذا الفيروس، إلا أنه ليس هناك حتى الآن لقاح مخصص لمكافحة هذا الفيروس إذا أصاب البشر، مشيرة إلا أنه لا يمكن استخدام اللقاحات المخصصة للفيروسات الموسمية لمكافحة فيروس أنفلونزا الخنازير فى هذه الحالات.
    The organization said that he will be vaccinated pigs in North America routinely against the virus, but so far there is no vaccine to combat this custom, if the virus infected people, saying only that it can not be used for vaccines against viruses, seasonal flu virus in pigs of these cases

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  • hawkeye
    Re: Egypt - Ministry of Agriculture Declares State of Extreme Emergency Fearing Swine Flu Advance

    Egypt: Bird flu claims three lives in Egypt

    The Egyptian health ministry is worried that the deadly H5 N1 strain of avian flu could see an increase in human infections after the country witnessed three deaths in the past week.

    The ministry announced on Saturday that a 33-year-old woman died from the disease in what is becoming a worrisome situation after months of quiet.

    The woman, from Kafr El Sheikh, north of Cairo, was the 26th person to die in Egypt from the deadly virus since it was first diagnosed in early 2006.

    Egypt is the hardest hit nation outside East Asia due to its acting as a crossing point for migrating birds.

    The woman was hospitalized 15 April with flu-like symptoms and respiratory problems, the ministry said in a statement, adding that she took the anti-viral drug Tamiflu, but it did not help in saving her life.

    The ministry reported on Wednesday and Thursday two other deaths from bird flu.

    The government has been educating the population, especially those in rural areas, who rely on poultry for subsistence but the efforts have been stymied by the ministry’s refusal to offer monetary compensation for culling birds.

    Most of the victims in Egypt have been young girls or women, who are generally in charge of looking after poultry in rural areas.

    Cairo - 25/04/2009

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  • sharon sanders
    Re: Egypt - Ministry of Agriculture Declares State of Extreme Emergency Fearing Swine Flu Advance

    Egypt is moving pigs out of residential areas and onto a large farm. They have been concerned about the proximity of pigs and humans for a year.

    Please see this thread for further information:

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  • Egypt - Ministry of Agriculture Declares State of Extreme Emergency Fearing Swine Flu Advance

    A new strain of swine flu has launched a deadly attack on humans, as more than 80 were killed in Mexico, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Sunday. The news alerted authorities in the Middle East. In the UAE, health authorities were awaiting advice from the WHO, an official said.

    The country would take extra precautions, as advised by the global health body, UAE's Health Ministry director-general Ali Shakar was quoted as saying by the Khaleej Times daily on Sunday. "We haven't received anything official via WHO," he noted.

    Meanwhile, in Egypt, the veterinary services of the Ministry of Agriculture declared a state of extreme emergency, fearing that pig farms in the governorates of Qalyubia, Cairo, Giza and Assiut might be exposed to swine flu, al Masri al Youm newspaper reported on Sunday.
