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EGYPT - Ministries to dilute the importance of the report of the Research Unit U.S. NAMRU-3 .

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  • EGYPT - Ministries to dilute the importance of the report of the Research Unit U.S. NAMRU-3 .

    وزارتا الصحة والزراعة تقللان من أهمية تقرير وحدة البحوث الأمريكية نامرو 3.. Ministries of Health and Agriculture to dilute the importance of the report of the Research Unit U.S. NAMRU-3 .. وتؤكدان أن فيروس أنفلونزا الطيور دائم التحور And confirm that the bird flu virus constantly mutating
    الإثنين، 10 مايو 2010 - 08:31 Monday, May 10, 2010 - 08:31

    الدكتور حاتم الجبلى وزير الصحة

    Dr. Hatem the Minister of Health
    كتبت أميرة عبد السلام وسيد محفوظ Written by Amira Abdel-Salam, Sayed Mahfouz

    جدد التقرير الذى أعلنته معامل وحدة البحوث الأمريكية نامرو 3 التابعة للبحرية الأمريكية عن اكتشاف تسلسلات فيروسية فى حالات مصابة بأنفلونزا الطيور "h5n1 " تتشابه مع صفات فيروس الأنفلونزا الموسمية التى تنتقل بين البشر، المخاوف من انتشار الفيروس. New report made public by the laboratories of the Research Unit, U.S. NAMRU-3 of the U.S. Navy detected viral sequences in cases of bird flu, "h5n1" similar to the characteristics of seasonal influenza virus transmitted between humans, fears of the spread of the virus.

    وحذر الدكتور محمد سيف أستاذ الطب البيطرى بجامعة بنى سويف خطورة اندماج فيروس أنفلونزا الطيور بالأنفلونزا الموسمية، الأمر الذى قد ينتج عنه سلالة جديدة من الأنفلونزا، مشيرا إلى أن الخطر الكبر يأتى من الأنفلونزا الموسمية التى تقتل ما يزيد على 500 ألف شخص فى العالم وأضاف سيف أن الأنفلونزا الموسمية أكثر أنواع الأنفلونزا إصابة وقتلا للبشر، فيما تعتبر أنفلونزا الطيور أسرع الأنواع قتلا للإنسان. He warned against Mohammed Saif, a veterinary professor at the University of Beni Suef the seriousness of the integration of the avian influenza virus seasonal influenza, which could result in a new strain of influenza, pointing out that the most dangerous accelerant "comes from the seasonal flu, which kills more than 500 thousand people in the world and added sword seasonal influenza the most common types of influenza infection and killing of human beings, while bird flu is the fastest species killing of human beings.

    وأوضح سيف أن هناك تزاوجا قد حدث بين فيروسى أنفلونزا الخنازير h1n1 والأنفلونزا الموسمية، لكنه لم يحدث خطورة لكن الخطورة الأشد فستكون فى حال تزاوج أنفلونزا الطيور مع الأنفلونزا الموسمية وهو ما لم يحدث حتى الآن. The sword that there has been a significant overlap between the viral flu h1n1 influenza, seasonal flu, but it did not happen, but the gravity would be the most dangerous in the event of avian mating with seasonal influenza, which has not happened yet.

    وقد قللت وزارتا الزراعة و الصحة من أهمية تقرير معامل وحدة البحوث الأمريكية، حيث أكدت هيئة الخدمات البيطرية التابعة لوزارة الزراعة واستصلاح الأراضى أن التغيرات التى تحدث لفيروس أنفلونزا الطيور سواء للطيور أو الإنسان دائمة الحدوث فهو فيروس دائم التحور حسبما أكد الدكتور صابر عبد العزيز مدير عام الإدارة العامة للأوبئة والدواجن. Has reduced the ministries of agriculture and health significance of the laboratories and research unit of America, asserted that the Veterinary Services of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation that the changes that occur the avian influenza virus, whether of birds or of human permanent occurrence is a virus, constantly mutating, according to Dr. Saber Abdel Aziz, general manager of of the epidemics in poultry.

    وأضاف عبد العزيز، التحورات التى حدثت فى الفيروس أدت إلى انخفاض نسبة الوفيات إلى 10% فقط، مشيرا إلى أن التحورات فى معزولات أنفلونزا الطيور عادية ولا تعنى تحور الفيروس إلى فيروس آدمى. And Abdel-Aziz, mutations that have occurred in the virus led to reduced mortality to 10% only, indicating that the mutations in the isolated avian normal and does not mean the virus will mutate into a virus a human being.

    فيما أكدت وزارة الصحة أن فيروس الأنفلونزا هو أحد الفيروسات دائمة التحور ودائما ما تنشط تغيراته الجينية من وقت لآخر وقد سبق وأن سجل فيروس العديد من التغيرات الجينية مما أكسبه تغيرات فى نشاطه. The Ministry of Health confirmed that the influenza virus is a virus mutation permanent and always active genetic variability from time to time have already been registered HIV many genetic changes, which earned him the changes in the activity.

    وأضافت الوزارة فى بيان لها أن اكتشاف معامل وحدة البحوث الأمريكية نامرو3، التابعة للبحرية الأمريكية فى مصر تسلسلات فيروسية فى حالات مصابة بأنفلونزا الطيور (H5N1) تتشابه مع صفات فيروس الأنفلونزا الموسمية التى تنتقل بين البشر، أنها اكتشافات قديمة ترجع إلى أواخر العالم الماضى وقد تم الإعلان عنها بالتعاون مع وزارة الصحة والتى تم تسجيلها على حالات مصابة بكل من فيروس أنفلونزا الطيور والخنازير. The ministry said in a statement the discovery of the laboratories of the Research Unit, U.S. NAMRU-3, of the U.S. Navy in Egypt sequences of viral cases of bird flu (H5N1) similar to the characteristics of seasonal influenza transmitted between humans, it finds an old back to the late the past year has been declared out in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, which was recorded on all the infected cases of bird flu and swine.

    وقد توصلت وحدة نامرو 3 إلى التسلسلات الفرعية HA وNA فى الحالات التى فحصتها فى مصر، ووجدت أنها تضمنت إحدى المواصفات الموجودة بفيروس الأنفلونزا الموسمية التى تنتقل بين البشر، مما يشير إلى أن هذه الصفة بدأت تصبح ثابتة فى الفيروس الموجود فى مصر. Have reached NAMRU-3 to sub-sequences HA and NA in the cases examined in Egypt, and found that it included one of the specifications of existing seasonal influenza virus and transmitted between humans, which indicates that this capacity is becoming a constant in the virus in Egypt.
    وكانت دراسة قد أجريت فى وقت سابق أوضحت وجود تشابهات بين فيروس H5N1 والأنفلونزا الموسمية H1N1 مما أدى إلى تزايد المخاوف بشأن انتقال الفيروس بين البشر، خاصة تلك الحالات التى احتوت على إحدى الصفات الجينية التى وجدت بالحالات التى تم فحصها. The study had been conducted earlier indicated the existence of similarities between the H5N1 and seasonal influenza H1N1, which has led to growing concerns about the transmission of the virus among humans, especially those cases that contained one of the genetic traits which were found in cases that have been examined.

    يذكر أن وحدة نامرو 3 تعمل مع وزارة الصحة المصرية فى تحليل العينات المشتبه فى إصابتها بفيروسات الأنفلونزا الحالية. The NAMRU-3 is working with the Egyptian Ministry of Health in the analysis of samples suspected of being infected with influenza viruses present.

  • #2
    Re: EGYPT - Ministries to dilute the importance of the report of the Research Unit U.S. NAMRU-3 .

    "..The study had been conducted earlier indicated the existence of similarities between the H5N1 and seasonal influenza H1N1, which has led to growing concerns about the transmission of the virus among humans,.."


    • #3
      Re: EGYPT - Ministries to dilute the importance of the report of the Research Unit U.S. NAMRU-3 .

      It should be time to talk seriously about these kind of issues.

      I mean that one cannot state that ''H5N1 is similar to H1N1 (seasonal)'' because - if the case - the virus itself would have burnt itself since then.

      It is clearly a not-antigenic similarity.

      If the similarity concerns internal genes, the virulence could be affected with reduction in pathogenicity for humans.

      H5N1 could have reached some characteristic into its receptor binding domain of the hemagglutinin so that its behaviour when attaching human respiratory epithelium cells could mimic seasonal influenza viruses.

      Since all these things remain to date speculations, suggestions and no sustained human-to-human transmission of H5N1 or other influenza virus of animal origin in Egypt happened, until results of NAMRU or other research institutions will be published in peer-review journals we should remain cautious and follow closely local events in order to spot early signs for an ongoing even not yet materialized - human outbreak.

      We have forgot too early the lesson of H1N1 of swine origin: without notice, a novel influenza strain reached in six weeks all world's nations.


      • #4
        Re: EGYPT - Ministries to dilute the importance of the report of the Research Unit U.S. NAMRU-3 .

        This is off topic for this thread but looking over the NAMRU Egypt sequences there one sequence that I can not match up to a WHO confirmed human case.


        This sample was collected on August 1, 2009 is reported from a female less than one year old located in Menofeya Governorate. Can someone tell me which Egypt case number this individual was and the link to the WHO update. I hope this not a confirmed sample from an unconfirmed case.


        • #5
          Re: EGYPT - Ministries to dilute the importance of the report of the Research Unit U.S. NAMRU-3 .

          from Saidr -

          • Date of report: 28 August 2009
          • Governorate: Menoufiya
          • District: Birkat al Saba
          • Event summary: Girl, 8 months old, began experiencing high temperature after contact with infected domestic birds. She was admitted to Shebin el Kom Fever Hospital and treated with Tamiflu. The child was reported in stable condition on August 29. She was to be referred to Manshiyet al-Bakry Hospital in Cairo to complete the treatment. The MOH reported this was the 84th case of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Egypt.
          • Source of report: Dr. Amr Kandeel, Undersecretary for Preventative Affairs, MOH, via UNDP

          I do not see her on the WHO list.


          • #6
            Re: EGYPT - Ministries to dilute the importance of the report of the Research Unit U.S. NAMRU-3 .

            Our thread on this person:

            Apparently there was some confusion as to the age, 18 months or 20 months. Please see articles.
            Last edited by sharon sanders; May 10, 2010, 05:27 PM. Reason: typo


            • #7
              Re: EGYPT - Ministries to dilute the importance of the report of the Research Unit U.S. NAMRU-3 .

              Originally posted by sharon sanders View Post
              Our thread on this person:

              Apparently there was some confusion as to the age, 18 months or 20 months. Please see articles.

              From World Health Organization website ( )

              Avian influenza - situation in Egypt - update 22

              31 August 2009

              The Ministry of Health of Egypt has reported 2 new confirmed human case of avian influenza A(H5N1).

              The first case is a 2 year-old female from Menofyia Governorate. Her symptoms started on 23 August. She was admitted to a fever hospital on 26 August, where she received oseltamivir treatment. The patient is in a stable condition.
              The second case is an 14 year-old female from Damitta Governorate. Her symptoms started on 21 August. She was admitted to a fever hospital on 23 August, where she received oseltamivir treatment, and is in a stable condition.

              Investigations into the source of infection indicated that both cases had close contact with dead and/or sick poultry.

              The cases were confirmed by the Egyptian Central Public Health Laboratories.

              Of the 85 cases confirmed to date in Egypt, 27 have been fatal.
              Last edited by sharon sanders; May 10, 2010, 05:28 PM. Reason: typo in quote


              • #8
                Re: EGYPT - Ministries to dilute the importance of the report of the Research Unit U.S. NAMRU-3 .

                But see also this report from WHO:

                Avian influenza - situation in Egypt - update 21

                11 August 2009

                The Ministry of Health of Egypt has reported 2 new confirmed human case of avian influenza A(H5N1).

                The first case is an 8 year-old female from Kfr Elsheikh district, Kfr Elsheikh Governorate. Her symptoms started on 24 July 2009. She was admitted to Kfr Elsheikh fever hospital on 25 July, where she received oseltamivir treatment. The patient is in a stable condition.

                The second case is an 18 month-old male from Shebin Elkom district, Menofyia Governorate. His symptoms started on 28 July 2009. He was admitted to Shebin Elkom fever hospital on 29 July 2009, where he received oseltamivir treatment, and is in a stable condition.
                Investigations into the source of infection indicated that both cases had close contact with dead and/or sick poultry.

                The cases were confirmed by the Egyptian Central Public Health Laboratories.

                Of the 83 cases confirmed to date in Egypt, 27 have been fatal.


                • #9
                  Re: EGYPT - Ministries to dilute the importance of the report of the Research Unit U.S. NAMRU-3 .

                  There were some media reports of dual infections being found within Egypt,It was wrote off rather quickly.the media bits were from the end of august/first of September 2009.I suspect it may be related to this thread.

                  we do now know the pigs within Egypt had bird flu, which was not reported publicly by the mohp.when the local pig population was destroyed they said it was a preventive measure to stop the spread of H1N1.they never mentioned the known issue of bird flu infections within the pig populations of the Giza area where many other goats, sheep,donkeys,horses and poultry were also being raised together.

                  we also now know, that at least one area had pretty widespread infections within the donkey population also infected by bird flu. (strains with this deletion appear to evolve towards a receptor usage
                  that is similar to that of the seasonal H1N1[31,Veljkovic 2009] )

                  I would also think the genetic information which was shared with china led to the decision to screen all incoming persons from Egypt. which went into effect during April of 2010.

                  If the similarity concerns internal genes, the virulence could be affected with reduction in pathogenicity for humans.
                  Abdel-Aziz, mutations that have occurred in the virus led to reduced mortality to 10% only, indicating that the mutations in the isolated avian normal and does not mean the virus will mutate into a virus a human being.
                  ( I take this to mean they may be or are speaking of animals.)


                  • #10
                    Re: EGYPT - Ministries to dilute the importance of the report of the Research Unit U.S. NAMRU-3 .

                    Thanks for your observations, Twall.


                    • #11
                      Re: EGYPT - Ministries to dilute the importance of the report of the Research Unit U.S. NAMRU-3 .

                      Originally posted by Laidback Al View Post
                      Thanks for your observations, Twall.
                      Yes, thanks!

