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Egypt - Assiut health confirms child, 2,5, hospitalized for bird flu H5N1 - February 16, 2015

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  • Egypt - Assiut health confirms child, 2,5, hospitalized for bird flu H5N1 - February 16, 2015

    Injury to a child infected with bird flu in Assiut

    Ihab Omar
    Monday, 16/02/2015 - 17:00

    An official source of the Directorate of Health in Assiut on Monday, injuring a child the bird flu virus and detention Hospital "chest" for treatment. The source said that al-Sadr hospital in Assiut had received the case of a child named "k. m.," Two and a half from one of Assiut centers suffering from pneumonia acute respiratory problems. The Directorate of Health in Assiut immediately, withdraw samples Survey and sent to labs central Cairo, for authenticity, as a result of the analysis showed positive for the virus carrying a child, before being checked all the contacts of the case.

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