Health": baby bird flu infection in Assiut Tuesday, February 10, 2015 - 15:12

Bird flu - file photo Wrote Walid Abdul Salam

Ministry of Health announced a child at the age of two years and a half of Assiut province, bird flu infection, currently undergoing treatment Fever Hospital Banha.

With Ministry of Health confirmed the healing of his child at the age of 4 years of the same disease, in Cairo, and she left the hospital.

It called on the Ministry of Health and Population in a statement that since few citizens who come into contact with poultry to go immediately to the nearest hospital for the health service in the event of the appearance of symptoms of influenza them, where that had infected with the bird flu drug Tamiflu within the first 24 hours of the onset of symptoms increases the cure rates of disease and reduces death rates.

machine translation


I think the 4 year old "healing" case might be previously known so I am not adding this case to the list:

24) Egypt - Child, 4, under treatment, Cairo