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Egypt - Media reports: MoH announces 3 new H5N1 cases - January 16, 2015

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  • Egypt - Media reports: MoH announces 3 new H5N1 cases - January 16, 2015

    Health: the emergence of a new case of virus-infected "bird flu" and queens
    Abdullah Subaihi

    15-1-2015 | 22:18
    The Ministry of Health and Population injury new cases virus-N5H1 "bird flu" of Deir Mawas - Minia Governorate of a child at the age of 7 years, where he was suffering from a fever - sore throat - cough with a history of exposure to birds. It also confirmed the Ministry of Health in a statement late Thursday, that the general situation of the child patient is stable. According to the Ministry of Health has the total number of cases of bird flu became during 2015 so far 13 cases of them. "3 healing 0.8 under treatment, 0.2 deaths."

  • #2
    Health: High bird flu infections with 15 cases during 2015

    Friday 16-01 - 19:33 Bird flu
    Zia Mahmood Godh- Sbara
    The Ministry announced that Health and Population injury cases, stressing the H5N1 virus of avian influenza old lady 27 years, from the province of Menoufia , and still under the Fever Hospital treatment Shibin el -Kom, the second lady is 43 years old, and is still under treatment in hospital issued Assiut.
    She health In a statement today, that the total infected with avian influenza during2015 so far 15 cases of "6 cases of healing of 0.7 cases under treatment, 0.2 deaths", and cases contracted the virus from the provinces : "East - Minia Assiut - Western - Aallakeh - Cairo - Menoufia - Aswan - Asyut. "

    أعلنت وزارة الصحة والسكان عن إصابة حالتين مؤكدين بفيروس H5N1 أنفلونزا الطيور سيدة تبلغ من العمر 27 عامًا من محافظة المنوفية، ومازالت تحت العلاج بمستشفى حميات شبين الكوم،والثانية لسيدة تبلغ من العمر ...


    • #3
      Confirmed case and death by MoH

      also died lady called "M-A, B," 43 years old and working in one of the health facilities the status of a sound Coast, has been converted from a sound Coast Central Hospital to Hospital chest Assiut on suspicion of bird bird flu virus, were withdrawn samples and sent to labs central Cairo then reached to respond to the Chest Hospital positively injury situation influenza virus, and being infected with acute pneumonia double and found contact with diseased birds carry the virus, said the health of Assiut official.

