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Qalyubia Governorate # 20 (suspect bf )

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  • Qalyubia Governorate # 20 (suspect bf )

    Qalyubia Governorate (Arabic: القليوبية‎) is one of the governorates of Egypt. It is in the north of the country. Its capital is Banha. It is the leading Egyptian governorate in the production of chicken, eggs, orange, fig and apricot. The majority of this region was once owner by the affluent family of Halim Abdelmalek Siliman Masoud Abu Dif; much of the present day streets have labeled on them former names from this lineage including the infamous Boulevard Abdelmalek in front of the 200+ year old mansion now separated into individual domiciles.

    Qalyubia Km2 1,001 population 4,237,003

    Banha Fever Hosp. # 8 should be used for bird flu based on the hospital list


    Banha consists from many parts : El-vilal, Banha El-gedida, Attrib, El-manshia, El-shedia , Wist elbalad, Elharas elwatany, Manshit elnour and Hay El-zehour.

    Shibin Al-Qanater
    List of Shibin Al-Qanater Regions
    Shibin Al-Qanater City
    Kafr Shibin
    Taha Nub
    Kafr Taha
    Nawa (Shibin Al-Qanater)
    Kafr Al-Shawbak
    Ezbet Al-Gewily
    Kafr Al-Shaikha Salma
    Mansh'at Al-Keram
    Kafr Al-Sohby
    Tal Bani Tamim
    Kafr Al-Dair

    Abu zaabal.

    Translation: Arabic ? English
    الاشتباه بإصابة حالتين بأنفلونزا الطيور بالقليوبية
    الثلاثاء، 23 يونيو 2009 - 14:34

    تزايد حالات الاشتباه فى المصابين بأنفلونزا الطيور
    القليوبية - حسن عفيفى

    احتجز مستشفى حميات بنها حالتين جديدتين مشتبه بإصابتهما بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور، وهما: علا السيد خلف (22 سنة)، ورشا عبدالعظيم إبراهيم من ميت العطار (23 سنة). وتبين أنهما مخالطتان لطيور بمزرعة دواجن وطيور منزلية، وذلك بعد ظهور أعراض المرض عليهما بارتفاع درجة الحرارة وسعال.

    صرح بذلك، الدكتور عبد العاطى عبدالعليم مدير الطب الوقائى بالقليوبية، والذى أكد أنه انتقل رجال مكافحة المرض لمكان محل إقامتهما، وتم هدم 5 عشش وإعدام 11 طائرا وأخذ عينات من المشبه بإصابتهما بالمرض وإرسالها لمعامل الوزارة لتحليلها

    Suspected cases of bird flu infected Balqlliopip
    Tuesday, June 23, 2009 - 14:34

    Increase in cases of suspected bird flu infections
    Qaliubiya - Hassan Afify

    Hospital milk fevers detained two new suspected bird flu virus, namely: Mr. Ola behind (22 years), and Rasha Ibrahim Azim of the dead al-Attar (23 years). And found that they Mkhalttan birds and poultry farm, household birds, after the emergence of symptoms of the disease by the high temperature and cough.

    This was stated by Dr. Abdel Atti Abda'er Balqlliopip director of preventive medicine, which emphasized that men fight against the disease moved to the place of place of residence, and demolition of 5 and the execution of 11 nestling birds and taking samples of bird Almcbh the disease and sent to laboratories for analysis, the ministry