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Assiut admitted receiving the first suspected case of bird flu

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  • Assiut admitted receiving the first suspected case of bird flu

    Assiut admitted receiving the first suspected case of bird flu

    Sunday, June 7, 2009 - 19:10

    Received hospital fevers Assiut, Ms. Nimat Ahmed Hussein (60 years) and living in "Aghannaim" suspected of being infected with bird flu virus, and the patient had entered the day before yesterday, Assiut University Hospital with severe pneumonia and coma, and University Hospital physicians seized, and the initial medical examinations have shown that the suspicion of being infected with bird flu.

    وقال د.البدرى أبو النور مدير المستشفى الجامعى بأسيوط، إن المستشفى استقبل السيدة نعمات، التى حضرت إلى المستشفى مصابة بغيبوبة إثر إصابتها بالتهاب رئوى حاد متقدم، سبقه إصابتها بالأنفلونزا وارتفاع فى درجة حرارتها، وعلى الفور قام المستشفى بفحصها مبدئياً، وأجرت بعض التحاليل الطبية، واشتبهت فى إصابتها بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور، مما استدعى نقلها إلى مستشفى حميات أسيوط.

    A d. Badri Abu Nour, director of the hospital in Assiut University, said that the hospital had received Ms. Na'amat, which came to the hospital with a coma suffering from pneumonia, following a sharp advance, preceded her in influenza and a high temperature and immediately examined by the hospital initially, and had some medical tests, suspected of being infected with bird flu, and was transported to the hospital admitted obsession.

    قال د.أحمد عبد المنعم وكيل وزارة الصحة بأسيوط، إن مستشفى الحميات قام بأخذ عينات من المريضة، وتم إرسالها للمعامل المركزية بالقاهرة لتحليلها، لبيان مدى إصابتها بالمرض من عدمه، وأشار وكيل الوزارة إلى أنه من المنتظر أن تظهر نتيجة العينة غداً الاثنين.

    D said. Ahmed Abdel-Moneim, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Health of Assiut, the fever, the hospital took samples from the patient were sent to labs central Cairo for analysis, the extent of her illness or not, the undersecretary of the ministry pointed out that it was expected that the outcome of the sample on Monday.

  • #2
    Re: Assiut admitted receiving the first suspected case of bird flu

    well its been three days for this suspected caseI have not read anything related from the first report.


    • #3
      Re: Assiut admitted receiving the first suspected case of bird flu

      This is often the case with the suspected bird flu patients. We never hear anything else after the initial news article.

