Egypt: 4 cases of detention of suspected bird flu lake

Sunday, June 7, 2009 - 16:07

D said. Yosri Congratulations, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health the lake, the hospital admitted Damanhour detained 4 suspected cases of bird flu patients after the emergence of the symptoms are similar to the symptoms of very high temperature, sore throat and difficulty in breathing and pain in the bones.

حيث احتجزت المستشفى، شهد الدسوقى (عامان) ومريم جمال (30 سنة) وهانى إدريس (25 سنة) وسعدة الشيخ (15 سنة)، تم وضع الحالات تحت الملاحظة بعد أخذ عينة دم منهم لتحليلها فى المعامل المركزية بالقاهرة لبيان مدى إصابتهم بالمرض.

The hospital where she was detained, the El (two), and the beauty of Mary (30 years) and Hani Idris (25 years) and Se'da Sheikh (15 years), cases have been put under observation after taking a blood sample for analysis, including the central laboratory in Cairo, with the extent of their disease.

وعلى الفور تم تشكيل لجنة من مديرية الطب الوقائى والإدارة الصحية والطب البيطرى، بمرافقة قوات الأمن, انتقلت لمنازل المصابين لتطهيرها وتطهير المنازل المجاورة وأخذ عينات من الطيور الموجودة بالمنزل لفحصها معملياً.

And were immediately set up a committee from the Directorate of Preventive Medicine and Department of health and veterinary medicine, accompanied by the security forces, moved to the injured, clearing houses and clearing houses nearby and took samples of birds in the home laboratory for examination.