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Egypt - Swine & Bird Flu in Kafr el-Sheik - 14 Detained for Suspicion of Bird Flu

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  • Egypt - Swine & Bird Flu in Kafr el-Sheik - 14 Detained for Suspicion of Bird Flu

    <table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;"><tbody><tr><td class="nav" align="center"> 14 detained on suspicion of bird flu

    ظهور ثاني حالة اشتباه بأنفلونزا الخنازير..
    The emergence of the second suspected case of swine flu ..
    في كفر الشيخ
    In Kafr El-Sheikh
    </td></tr><tr><td align="right">
    تم احتجاز 14 شخصا في حميات قنا وأشمون ومنوف ودمنهور والاسكندرية وكفر الشيخ للاشتباه في إصابتهم بفيروس انفلونزا الطيور.
    14 people were detained in Qena, fevers and Echmoun Mnov and Damanhour, Alexandria, Kafr El-Sheikh on suspicion of being infected with bird flu.
    كما شهدت محافظة كفر الشيخ أول حالة اشتباه بمرض انفلونزا الخنازير داخل المحافظة لمواطن يدعي أحمد خضر "نقاش" ومقيم بمدينة كفر الشيخ.

    The province of Kafr el-Sheikh witnessed the first suspected case of bird flu in pigs, preservation of a citizen, Ahmed al-Khidr, "discussion" and a resident of the city of Kafr el-Sheikh.
    تبين أن المواطن وصل مؤخرا من إيطاليا علي شركة طيران خاصة وبعد وصوله لمسكنه شعر بارتفاع شديد في درجة الحرارة ورشح بالأنف وخمول في الجسد فنقلته أسرته للمستشفي.

    Show that the citizen recently arrived from Italy on a private aviation company, and after his arrival to his home was up in the great temperature and running nose, the inertia in the body Venqlth his family to the hospital.
    أعلن الدكتور زيدان المنشاوي مدير عام مستشفي كفر الشيخ حالة الطوارئ وابلاغ المحافظ أحمد عابدين والدكتور أسامة فريد وكيل وزارة الصحة بالواقعة وتم احتجاز المواطن داخل الجناح المخصص لهذا المرض.

    Dr. Zeidan Minshawi Director of Kafr El-Sheikh hospital in a state of emergency and to inform the Governor, Dr. Ahmed Osama Abdeen unique and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health the incident were detained citizen within the wing for this disease.
    من جهة ثانية أعدمت اللجنة العليا لمكافحة مرض انفلونزا الطيور بالغربية 850 طائرا وأغلقت 11 محلا لبيع الطيور الحية بمدن وقري المحافظة وتمت إزالة 25 عشة طيور بأسطح المنازل وضبط 7 سيارات نقل محملة بالدواجن الحية بدون تصريح.

    On the other hand destroyed the Supreme Committee to Combat Bird flu meeting Sunday attended by 850 birds and 11 shops were closed for the sale of live birds to maintain the cities and villages have been removed 25 birds straw roofs and control the transfer of 7 cars loaded with live chickens without a permit.


  • #2
    Re: Egypt - Swine &amp; Bird Flu in Kafr el-Sheik - 14 Detained for Suspicion of Bird Flu

    Meanwhile the MOH says no Swine flu in Egypt -

    Sana Mustafa wrote *: ‬ Dr Hatem el-Gabali, Minister of Health continued absence from the country's HIV * ?‬ H1N1 *? ‬ swine flu known cure after the first case yesterday, * ‬ The minister noted that the child Mary * ‬ currently enjoy good health and temperature * ?‬ 37 *? ‬ degree and subject to periodic medical examinations during the period of residence in Egypt, * ‬ said Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, official spokesman of the ministry that the results of the samples * ‬ * ?‬ 10 *? ‬ tourists from the Czech Republic and Russia have been confirmed free from virus swine flu and the emancipation of their cards up to debate their health during their stay in Sharm El-Sheikh and Nuweiba in collaboration with the Ministries of Tourism and the Interior, * ‬ debate and decided to maintain all the passengers coming from countries affected by * ‬ and control of a * ?‬ 33 *? ‬ * ‬ outlet to enter the country and the distribution of services thermal measurement at airports and ports for the rapid screening of passengers and detect any infected swine flu and decided to maintain a state of alert in the departmental health and hospitals * ‬ fever and respiratory diseases to deal with cases of confirmed and suspected cases and the arrest of a factor analysis of the Ministry of Health Central *. ‬


    • #3
      Re: Egypt - Swine &amp; Bird Flu in Kafr el-Sheik - 14 Detained for Suspicion of Bird Flu


      As he said. Minshawi Zidane Director-General Hospital, Kafr El-Sheikh, the situation, which was seized on Saturday on suspicion of being infected with swine flu to a person named Ahmed Khadr (27 years) after his return from Italy to Kafr el-Sheikh was a negative sample after it had been conducting tests in Central Laboratories, Ministry of Health.

      أشار المنشاوى إلى استقرار الحالة وأنها سوف تغادر اليوم الأحد، المستشفى بعد التأكيد على سلبيتها وطالب بضرورة عمل الفحوصات اللازمة لأى مواطن عائد من دولة أجنبية قبل دخوله إلى أرض الوطن.

      He explained to the stabilization of the situation and they will leave on Sunday, hospital after an emphasis on the lack of action and called for testing for any citizen returning from a foreign country prior to entering the home.

