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Egypt - Girl, 1, is 77th Confirmed Case of Bird Flu

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  • Egypt - Girl, 1, is 77th Confirmed Case of Bird Flu

    Egyptian Ministry of Health announcing the No. 77 human infection from bird flu

    Health 30/05/2009

    Cairo - 30-5 (KUNA) - A spokesman of the Ministry of Health in Egypt, Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin from injury No. 77 confirmed human bird flu (H 5 to 1) of the baby girl, aged one year and two months of contact with poultry suspected of having contracted the disease.

    Shaheen said in a press statement that the situation of the girl child from one of the villages of the affected provinces (Dakahliya) north of the capital, Cairo, Egypt, is now stable now, adding that the symptoms have emerged since the 5-day and entered on their hospital suffering from a fever, running nose and a rise in temperature.

    Dr. Shaheen said he was giving the child a drug (Tamiflu) has been the work of testing and analysis confirmed the disease and today she is now being transferred to a hospital (the Tamiflu drug) in Cairo to complete the treatment.

    State bird flu emerged in Egypt in February 2006 where he was so far 77 patients with 27 deaths and the Egyptian government to fight bird flu, warning that inaction in the fight against the disease poses a threat, especially considering that the virus has recently high temperatures to the injured.

    The Supreme National Committee to combat bird flu, has decided to develop a methodology in the fight against bird flu at the level of the governorates in the coming period with the activation of the efforts to combat it in order to eliminate it altogether.

    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Re: Egyptian Ministry of Health announcing the No. 77 human infection from bird flu

    Thanks Dutchy! Can we start a new thread for each case now to increase visibility on the site?


    • #3
      Re: Egyptian Ministry of Health announcing the No. 77 human infection from bird flu

      Health announces bird flu infection 77

      السبت، 30 مايو 2009 - 21:05
      Saturday, May 30, 2009 - 21:05
      د.عبد الرحمن شاهين المتحدث الرسمى باسم وزارة الصحة
      D. Abdel-Rahman Shahin, spokesman of the Ministry of Health
      كتبت أميرة عبد السلام
      Written by Amira Abdel-Salam
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      أعلنت وزارة الصحة عن الإصابة البشرية رقم 77 المؤكدة بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور (إتش 5 إن 1) لطفلة عمرها عام وشهران تدعى سيدة محمود العدل من "دموه دكرنس" بمحافظة الدقهلية، وأن حالتها الآن مستقرة.

      The Ministry of Health on HIV No. 77 confirmed human bird flu (5 H, 1) for the year-old girl and a woman named Mahmoud two months of justice "Dmoh Dekerness" Dakahlia province, and that their condition is now stable.

      وقال د.عبد الرحمن شاهين المتحدث الرسمى باسم وزارة الصحة اليوم السبت، إن الأعراض ظهرت على الطفلة يوم 25 مايو الجارى دخلت على إثرها مستشفى صدر المنصورة وهى تعانى من حمى ورشح وارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة عقب مخالطتها لطيور يشتبه فى إصابتها بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور.

      D said. Abdel-Rahman Shahin, spokesman of the Ministry of Health on Saturday, that the symptoms appeared on the girl child on May 25 of this entered the hospital was suffering from Mansoura, a fever, running nose and fever after contact with birds suspected of being infected with bird flu.

      وأوضح شاهين أن الطفلة حالتها مستقرة وتم إعطاؤها عقار "التاميفلو" فور الاشتباه فى إصابتها بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور وتم عمل الفحوصات والتحاليل اللازمة.

      Shaheen said that the girl was in stable condition, given the drug "Tamiflu" as soon as the suspicion of being infected with bird flu have been the work of testing and analysis.
      وتأكدت اليوم إصابتها بالمرض، وجار تحويلها الآن إلى مستشفى منشية البكرى بالقاهرة لاستكمال علاجها.

      Have been confirmed infected with the disease today, and is now being transferred to hospital in the capital Cairo for the completion of treatment.

      بوابة اليوم السابع الاخبارية تقدم احدث واهم اخبار مصر على مدار اليوم كما نقدم اهم اخبار الرياضة والفن والاقتصاد والحوادث


      • #4
        Re: Egypt - Girl, 1, is 77th Confirmed Case of Bird Flu

        Egypt reports 77th bird flu case

        5/30/2009 10:20:00 PM

        CAIRO, May 30 (KUNA) -- The Egyptian Health Ministry confirmed on Saturday the 77th infection case with H5N1 virus.
        A female baby, aged one year and two months, contracted the highly pathogenic virus because she got in contact with domestic birds in a village located in Daqahliya, north Cairo, the ministry's spokesman Dr. Abdulrahman Shahin said in a press briefing.
        The baby was hospitalized five days ago, suffering from bird flu-like symptoms including high temperature, running nose, and respiratory disorder.
        She was diagnosed as H5N1 positive so she has been treated with the antiviral drug Tamiflu, Dr. Shahin revealed.

        The victim is being relocated to Manshiyat Al-Bakri Hospital, Cairo, for further medication, he added.

        The case pushed to 77 Egypt's national tally of the fatal disease with the death toll amounting to 27 since the outbreak of the highly contagious virus in February, 2006.

        The National Higher Commission against Bird Flu has adopted a new preventive methodology to control the spread of the H5N1, a subtype of the influenza A virus commonly-known as bird flu which can cause illness in humans. The methodology involves the medical and municipal authorities as well as the mass media.


        • #5
          Re: Egypt - Girl, 1, is 77th Confirmed Case of Bird Flu

          Egyptian Ministry of Health announces human infection No. 77 of bird flu
          30 أيار 2009
          30 May 2009
          أعلن المتحدث الرسمي باسم وزارة الصحة المصرية عبد الرحمن شاهين عن الإصابة البشرية رقم 77 المؤكدة بمرض انفلونزا الطيور "اتش 5 ان 1"، لطفلة رضيعة تبلغ من العمر عام وشهران لمخالطتها طيور يشتبه في اصابتها بالمرض.
          The spokesman of the Ministry of Health in Egypt Abdel-Rahman Shahin injury No. 77 confirmed human bird flu "virus 5 to 1", the baby girl, aged one year and two months of contact with poultry suspected of having contracted the disease.
          وأكد شاهين أن "حالة الطفلة المصابة من احدى قرى محافظة الدقهلية، شمال العاصمة المصرية القاهرة، اصبحت مستقرة الان"، مشيراً الى أن "الأعراض ظهرت عليها منذ 5 أيام ودخلت على اثرها المستشفى وهي تعاني من حمى ورشح وارتفاع في درجة الحرارة".
          Shaheen said that "the situation of the girl child infected with one of the villages of Dakahlia province, north of the Egyptian capital Cairo, is now stable now," he said, adding that "the symptoms appeared 5 days ago and came to their hospital with a fever, running nose and a rise in temperature."



          • #6
            Re: Egypt - Girl, 1, is 77th Confirmed Case of Bird Flu

            # 52 - 2 years, female, onset date - January 9, 2009, Kerdasa district in Sixth of October governorate

            # 53 - 2 years, female, onset date - January 23, 2009, Manofia Governorate, Shebin Elkom District

            # 54 - 2 years, male, onset date - February 2, 2009, Suez governorate, some 120 km east of Cairo

            # 55 - 2 years, male, onset date - February 7, 2009, village of Aljaddamy, Minya Governorate.

            # 56 - 2 years, male, onset date - February 25, 2009, Yousef el seddik district of Fayoum Governorate

            # 57 - 2 years, male, onset date - March 1, 2009, Ameriya, Alexandria governorate

            # 58 - 1.5 years, female, onset date - March 6, 2009, village of metropolitan Mnov Menofia Center.

            # 59 - 38 years, female, onset date - March 14, 2009, village of Al Fatah Almasrp Center Assiut Governorate

            # 60 - 2.5 years, female, onset date - March 23, 2009, Nagaa' Abou Shouk village, Dandara, Qena governorate.

            # 61 - 2 years, male, onset date - March 27, 2009, from Kom Hamada District, El Behira governorate

            # 62 - 2 years, male, onset date - March 31, 2009, from Kom Hamada District, El Behira governorate (cousin of # 61)

            # 63 - 6 years, male, onset date - March 22, 2009, from Shubra El Khema District, Al Qalyubiyah governorate. Death

            # 64 - 33 years, female, onset date - April 7, 2009, Kellin district, Kafr el-Sheik province. Death

            # 65 - 25 years, female, onset date - April 6, 2009, from Al-Marg area, Cairo governorate. Death

            # 66 - 18 mo., female, onset date - April 15, 2009, Chaabas Amir Kulain Village, Kellin district, Kafr el-Sheik province

            # 67 - 4 years, male, onset date - April 18, 2009, Akhmem, Sohag governorate.

            # 68 - 34 years, female, onset date - April 21, 2009, Tanta, Al Gharbiyah (West Province) governorate. (status unclear)

            # 69 - 5 years, female, onset date - May 9, 2009, Sohag governorate

            # 70 - 4 years, male, onset date - May 10th, 2009, Kafr Sagr, Sharqia (East Province) governorate.

            # 71 - 3 years, male, onset date - May 12th, 2009, Mahalla, Gharbia Governorate.

            # 72 - 4 years, female, onset date - May 9, 2009, Meet Ghamr, Daqahlia governorate. Death

            # 73 - 4 years, male, onset date - May 18, 2009 ,
            Dakahliya, Sohag

            # 74 - 3 years, male, onset date - May 17, 2009 - Sohag

            # 75 - 4 years, male, onset date - May 24, 2009 - Hehia District, Sharkia Governorate

            # 76 - 4 years, female, onset date - May 23, 2009 - Abo Hammad District, Sharkia Governorate

            # 77 - 1 year, female, onset date - May 25, 2009 - Dakahlia province


            • #7
              Re: Egypt - Girl, 1, is 77th Confirmed Case of Bird Flu

              Health declares bird flu infection 77 ..
              والحكومة تراجع إجراءات التحصين وفاعلية اللقاحات
              The Government is reviewing the effectiveness of vaccines and immunization

              كتب متولى سالم ٣١/ ٥/ ٢٠٠٩
              Salem wrote Metwaly 5-31-2009 <table style="border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; direction: ltr;" align="right" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td align="center" valign="top">
              أعلنت وزارة الصحة عن الإصابة البشرية رقم ٧٧ بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور لطفلة عمرها عام وشهران وتدعى سيدة محمود العدل من ?دموة دكرنس? بمحافظة الدقهلية.
              The Ministry of Health No. 77 of human infection from bird flu in a girl aged one year and two months and called the woman of Justice Mahmoud ?Dmop Dekerness? Dakahlia province.
              وقال الدكتور عبدالرحمن شاهين المتحدث الرسمى باسم وزارة الصحة، فى تصريح أمس إن الأعراض ظهرت على الطفلة يوم ٢٥ مايو الجارى دخلت على إثرها مستشفى صدر المنصورة وهى تعانى من حمى ورشح وارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة عقب مخالطتها طيوراً يشتبه فى إصابتها بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور.
              Said the spokesman, Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, official spokesman of the Ministry of Health, said in a statement yesterday that the symptoms appeared on the girl child on May 25 of this entered the hospital was suffering from Mansoura, a fever, running nose and fever after contact with birds suspected of being infected with bird flu.
              وأوضح أن الطفلة حالتها مستقرة وتم إعطاؤها عقار ?التاميفلو?.
              He pointed out that the girl was in stable condition, she received ?Tamiflu?.
              وعلمت ?المصرى اليوم? أن اللجنة القومية لمكافحة مرض أنفلونزا الطيور ستقوم، خلال اجتماعها الأسبوع المقبل، بمراجعة إجراءات تحصين الطيور فى التربية الريفية والبحث عن آلية جديدة لها، فضلاً عن مناقشة فاعلية اللقاحات المستوردة من الخارج.
              Al ?Egyptian today? The National Committee to combat bird flu will, during its meeting next week to review procedures for influenza immunization in rural education and the search for a new mechanism, as well as to discuss the effectiveness of vaccines imported from abroad.
              قال الدكتور حامد سماحة، رئيس الهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية، إن الحكومة تدرس استخدام استراتيجية جديدة فى مواجهة أنفلونزا الطيور تشمل وسائل أكثر فاعلية.
              Dr. Hamed Samaha, Chairman of the General Authority for Veterinary Services, said that the government is considering the use of a new strategy in the face of bird flu means more effective.
              فيما أعلن الدكتور صابر عبدالعزيز، مدير عام الطب الوقائى وأمراض الدواجن، أنه يجرى حالياً دراسة تنفيذ تحصين الدواجن فى أقصر مدة ممكنة، مشيراً إلى أن ذلك سيكون بـ?تكثيف? التحصين فى المناطق التى توجد فيها إصابات عالية.
              With Dr. Saber Abdel Aziz, director of preventive medicine, common diseases of poultry, it is currently examining the implementation of immunization of poultry in the shortest possible time, noting that it would be b ?intensification? vaccination in areas where there are high casualties.
              من جهة أخرى، كشف الدكتور يوسف ممدوح شلبى، رئيس الإدارة المركزية للحجر البيطرى، التابعة للهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية، عن إعدام ٢١٧ ألف دجاجة عمر ٢٥ يوماً بعد اكتشاف إصابتها بمرض ?السالمونيلا? من نوع ?انتراديدس?، لافتاً إلى أن هذا المرض يمكن أن ينتقل من الطيور المصابة إلى الإنسان فى حال تناولها وهى مريضة، بما يؤدى إلى الإصابة بالتسمم.
              The other hand, Dr. Yousef Al Chalabi, head of the Central Department of Veterinary Quarantine of the General Authority for Veterinary Services, the execution of 217 thousand chickens age 25 days after the discovery of her illness ?Salmonella? F ?Entradides?, pointing out that this disease can be transmitted from infected birds to humans in the case dealt with a patient, leading to alcohol poisoning.



              • #8
                Re: Egypt - Girl, 1, is 77th Confirmed Case of Bird Flu

                WHO update . . .

                Avian influenza - situation in Egypt - update 18

                1 June 2009 -- The Ministry of Health of Egypt has reported a new confirmed human case of avian influenza. The case is a 14-month old girl from Dekernes District, Dkhalia Governorate. Her symptoms began on 25 May 2009. She was admitted to Mansoura Chest Hospital on 29 May where she received oseltamivir and is in a stable condition.
                Investigations into the source of infection indicated that she had close contact with dead and sick poultry. The case was confirmed by the Egyptian Central Public Health Laboratories.
                Of the 77 cases confirmed to date in Egypt, 27 have been fatal.



                • #9
                  Re: Egypt - Girl, 1, is 77th Confirmed Case of Bird Flu

                  #77 سيدة محمود العدل من "Lady Justice Mahmound" from Dmoh, Dekernes District, Ad Daqahliyah Governorate. Dmoh, 31.085062, 31.542759.

